Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 265 I have no idea about God [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu, who saw the quarrel between the two of them with his spiritual sense, rubbed the temples on both sides of his head helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Qian Renxue asked concerned.

"Teacher and your grandfather quarreled in the Angel God Inheritance Secret Room, we'd better go there quickly..." Ye Zhiqiu took Qian Renxue's little hand and hurried over with Fei Lei Shen.

In the secret room of the Angel God Inheritance, Qiandao Liu sits coiled on the futon, his expression is always calm as usual.

"Bibi Dong, you said that I am selfish when it comes to God's test. I don't deny it. But you are not selfish and selfish. Do you really think that you secretly went to the Rakshasa god inheritance place to do it perfectly? You If you are not selfish, why not allow your apprentice to participate in the Rakshasa assessment."

Qian Daoliu stared at Bibi Dong, his words were sharp and pointed to his heart.

Bibi Dong also looked directly at Qian Daoliu without any retreat, with an indifferent expression in his eyes, and calmly said: "I have my own difficulties, and I will naturally take him when the time comes, but not now."

"It's just an excuse, it's nothing more than fear that he will steal your Raksha position."

After speaking, Qian Daoliu closed his eyes, not speaking, as if he was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Just when the two of them were a little silent, Ye Zhiqiu led Qian Renxue and appeared silently in the corner of the secret room.

"Ahem...Teacher, Grand Elder... I said I am not interested in the position of God, do you believe..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled bitterly and brought Qian Renxue forward.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu's expressions condensed at the same time, this kid unexpectedly appeared so silently that even the two of them didn't notice the slightest in advance, as if their breath was completely covered.

This kind of seemingly ordinary, but in fact unfathomable situation, can only appear when facing a spirit master who is stronger than himself.

Stronger?But I am a Level 99 Ultimate Douluo...

Qian Daoliu frowned and looked up and down Ye Zhiqiu's eyes. When he saw the hand he and Qian Renxue were holding together, his old face couldn't help but turn black.

Nima?What is this development?

The old man asked you to draw him in, not let you give him everything...

Bibi Dong looked at the two people holding hands together, and frowned slightly.She originally intended to match Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena. As long as the two of them are combined, they can basically cover the sky with one hand in the next generation of Wuhun Hall. Whether it is the Pope Hall or the Elder Hall, there will never be a second voice.

As a result, now, didn't expect Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue to get better?As far as Bibi Dong knows, Ye Zhiqiu still has at least two confidantes outside, plus Qian Renxue, they are...three...

This kid is too bothersome, do you want to match him and Nana...

Bibi Dong fell into contemplation.

If Ye Zhiqiu knows Bibi Dong's thoughts, he will definitely pat her shoulder to comfort him: Teacher, don't have a headache, children do multiple-choice questions, you and Sister Nana, I both.

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were both silently thinking about each other at this time. Qian Renxue beside Ye Zhiqiu also looked at Bibi Dong dumbfounded. Is this the Pope?How do you look so much younger than before, this age seems to be younger than himself... 31 Novel www.3yxiaoshuo.com

For a while, the court was surprisingly quiet.

Ye Zhiqiu scratched his head, a little confused about this strange atmosphere, thinking that they didn't believe what he said just now, so he could only explain again: "Teacher, elder, I really don't have any idea about the position of God. I don’t want to send it to me."

Qian Daoliu looked at Ye Zhiqiu, with a calm expression: "Since I don't want the position of God, why should I participate in the God Test?"

"Of course it's for the wool..." Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands.

"Wool?" Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu were startled.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said proudly: "Yes, every pass of the God Exam is rewarded. Whether it is to increase the life of the spirit ring or directly increase the spirit power level, it is a very good return. If you can get a god bestowed spirit ring, then It's even better."

"that's it?"

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu thought Ye Zhiqiu could tell the truth, but that was the end?Your vision is too short, right? These things seem good, but how can they be compared with the gods?

God, but can have eternal life.

Compared to the gods, these seemingly good little rewards are just dispensable for the two of them.

After all, whether it is a god bestowed spirit ring or spirit power level, it is just a matter of the mortal. The big deal will make you reach the top of the title Douluo, and its value is incomparable with the god status.

Facing Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu’s indisputable eyes, Ye Zhiqiu felt a little speechless. I want the position of God, and you don’t want to take me to the test. Now I have said what I want in my heart. I don’t want the position of God. , You really despise my short-sightedness, what can I say?I'm so hard...

Ye Zhiqiu had no choice but to explain: "Teacher, Grand Elder. Actually, you can think about it in another way. For example, if I have gathered the wool of the angel gods here today, I will be able to gather the wool of the Rakshasa god tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. Go to the sea god’s wool and go again the day after tomorrow..."

Bibi Dong scolded with a black face, "Shut up, how can there be so many gods inherited to you? It's really not a little motivated. Look at the big elder, what about the 99-level limit Douluo. One day you will not become a god. You will become like him..."

Qian Daoliu:???

What happened to me?I eat your rice like this?Doesn't the old man look a little older?But I'm at least kind-looking, isn't it?

Why do you still take me as a model?I really don't know how to respect the elderly.

Bibi Dong became angry, Ye Zhiqiu could only shrink his head and explain in a low voice: "Teacher, I am not short-sighted. You seem to be able to directly inherit the position of God, but after you inherit the position of God, your own potential will be reached and your strength reached. The level of this divine residence is very difficult to continue to improve. After I have enough wool, I will not be subject to this restriction on my own strength to become a god. I can always improve steadily. The final achievement is definitely more direct than yours. The one who inherits the position of God is higher..."

Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu looked at each other, with some doubts in their eyes. There is still such a saying about God's status?But Ye Zhiqiu's expression doesn't seem to be lying...

Bibi Dong pondered for a while, and said in deep thought, "Where did you hear this?"

"Occasionally, I read it in an ancient book." Ye Zhiqiu just pinched his face without changing his face. I can't tell you that this is the knowledge I have learned in the past...

Ancient book?It is difficult to tell the truth from the false, and it is impossible to believe it.

Qian Daoliu didn't care much about it. He only hoped that Qian Renxue could become a god. As for strength, it didn't matter.As for whether to let Ye Zhiqiu in to take part in the god test, Qian Daoliu was a little bit puzzled for a while.

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