Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 266 Ten Examsseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Seeing that Qian Daoliu was still there, Qian Renxue couldn't help but trot behind him and pinched his shoulders and started acting like a baby. "Oh, grandpa, Zhiqiu won't grab the position of God from me. Besides, his martial soul is not Angel, if you want to grab it, you can’t grab it, so let him participate in the assessment with me. Maybe we can support each other when the assessment is in danger..."

Ye Zhiqiu and Bibi Dong looked at Qian Daoliu silently, waiting for him to give an answer.

After thinking about it for a long time, Qian Daoliu let out a sigh of relief, and said helplessly: "You have developed this kind of relationship with him. If Grandpa doesn't let him participate in the assessment, you should blame Grandpa in your heart."

"Then Grandpa, do you agree?" Qian Renxue was surprised.

Qian Daoliu shook his head and slowly got up, "Hey, what else can be done if you disagree, I only hope that the appearance of this kid will not affect your assessment."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Great Elder, don't worry. If I participate in the God Examination and Xue'er inherits the throne of God, then I will take the initiative to withdraw."

"Well, that's the best." Qian Daoliu stroked his beard and turned his eyes to Bibi Dong, "Under the Pope's crown, the next scene is not suitable for outsiders to be present, and the Pope is asked to move down."

Bibi Dong didn't say much, turned around and left.

When passing by Ye Zhiqiu, he stood on his tiptoe and patted him on the shoulder, and said: "When you go inside, remember not to be presumptuous. The place of assessment may be inspected by the gods, and you must be in awe."

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Bibi Dong's tiptoes and nodded with a weird expression. This scene always made him feel weird.

Bibi Dong also seemed to find that his current body was a bit funny in this old-fashioned posture, his cheeks couldn't help but a light cough, and he walked away casually.

Until she got out of the Shimen of the secret room, Qian Renxue finally couldn't help but laughed out loud, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu curiously: "What's going on under the crown of the Pope? How come you look like this?"

"The immortal grass is too effective." Ye Zhiqiu's mouth also had a slight smile. Bibi Dong's action just now seemed too cute to him, it was so cute and cute.

"Okay, let's get started, Xiao Qiu comes over to accept the evaluation of the god test." Qian Daoliu stood solemnly at the foot of the huge statue of Angel God, and greeted the two of them.

Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue looked at each other, put away the smiles on their faces, their expressions were much more serious.

Qian Renxue is the only heir to the angelic god position, so she doesn't need to perform the god test evaluation, just Qian Daoliu opens the space channel of the angel god test site to enter the test.

Ye Zhiqiu was the only one to evaluate.

Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly to Qian Daoliu and stood still.

Qian Daoliu nodded at him, turned to look at the huge angel god statue, his face was full of piousness, his hands were slowly raised to his chest, his palms were spaced half a foot apart, and a faint white light slowly appeared on him. The center of the palms of both hands.

As the white light gradually strengthened, the noble and holy breath began to permeate, filling the entire secret room, making Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue in it feel that they were all warm. I have to say that the angel god may not be the most powerful god. , But the comfort of his energy law breath is definitely not comparable to other gods.

When the soft and holy white light filled the palm of Qian Daoliu's palm, the light suddenly bloomed, causing the entire secret room to be covered with this layer of non-glaring white soft light.

The angel god statue emits a strong halo at this time, seeming to echo Qian Daoliu.

I don't know if it was an illusion, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to blink the statue's eyes.The whole novel network www.qbxsw.com

When Ye Zhiqiu was stunned to guess, Qian Daoliu turned around solemnly and pointed at him leisurely.

Two white soft light beams suddenly shot out from the eyes of the angel god statue, merged into one, and fell from the sky like a searchlight, covering Ye Zhiqiu's body.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was in it, looked a little dazed, as if...not feeling anything?


I don't know if it was an illusion, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to hear a surprised whisper. The voice couldn't distinguish between men and women. It seemed close to his ears, and it seemed out of reach.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't think he had heard it wrong, and he thought to himself that he seemed to have attracted the attention of the Angel God?

At this time, the color of the white light beam suddenly changed, and the speed of this change was very fast.

The yellow faded into purple, and then from purple to black, almost without pause, black changed to red again, and red gradually deepened. This time the speed of change was a bit slower, but it continued to change. .

After a few breaths, the red color gradually returned to the original and turned into a rich white gold.

The color of the light beam should represent the level of the assessment, but what is the assessment of white gold?This scene made Ye Zhiqiu stunned, a little confused.

In the original work, it seems that the red color on the Seagod Island is the Nine Tests, and the Nine Tests should be the top test. After the test, they will directly inherit the gods and become gods.

So in your own situation, it should be considered as surpassing the red nine tests, right?What level of assessment is it?

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. Qian Daoliu also became dumbfounded by him. This is the first time the Angel God Test was opened to outsiders, why did something he didn't understand came to him?He didn't know how to speak to Ye Zhiqiu.

The white golden light surrounding Ye Zhiqiu quietly receded at this time, but the angel god statue became more and more dazzling, and the whole statue was filled with white golden light.

Immediately afterwards, a total of ten white-gold rays of light shot out, and they surrounded Ye Zhiqiu's side at the same time, turning into ten square light curtains, each of which was flashing with special golden text.

Among them, on the light curtain facing him, the golden words gleamed brightly, and the other nine pieces were slightly dim.

"Ten tests..." Qian Daoliu's eyes widened, staring at the ten light curtains surrounding Ye Zhiqiu's body and was directly shocked.

The ten light curtains converged and turned into ten white golden rays of light and then drilled towards Ye Zhiqiu's forehead, as if he wanted to dive directly into Ye Zhiqiu's sea of ​​consciousness.

However, as soon as they got in a little bit, they were blocked by something like a circular defensive cover in the sea of ​​knowledge of Ye Zhiqiu.

This is the passivity obtained when the fourth spirit ability Kagura's eyes are obtained, the imperial barrier.

My own imperial barrier is actually blocking the stream of light from these ten assessments from entering the sea of ​​knowledge?

This scene caused Ye Zhiqiu's brows to be slightly frowned. Could it be that the angel god used any means in these ten streams of light?Otherwise, the imperial god barrier shouldn't stop it.

Ten platinum streamers flew up and down around the energy shield of the imperial god barrier. Seeing that this thing seemed to have no flaws, it seemed to give up directly, turning around and drilling out the sea of ​​knowledge of Ye Zhiqiu, flying around Ye Zhiqiu, and then toward his belly The Dantian Qihai drilled away.

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