Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 267 Ten Exams Are Black And Nine Exams

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu narrowed his eyes and didn't mean to stop him, just standing in place.

Haha, if you don't know the sea, you can drill Dantian?I really know how to pick a place. This angel god seems to want to do something to himself. In short, he definitely didn't hold his fart, otherwise, why don't these ten streamers pick other places to drill, they just pick the key drill of the soul master?

Regardless of whether it is the sea of ​​consciousness or the sea of ​​dantian Qi, it is undoubtedly the top priority for a soul master, and damage to two places at will is fatal.

If these ten streams of light were really left in the two key points of Ye Zhiqiu, in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, it would be equivalent to the angel god burying ten remote control bombs in his body, and the remote control button was still in the hands of the angel god.

Ye Zhiqiu would never let this kind of unfavorable situation.

Drill my Dantian Qihai?Want to keep means in my body?Haha, you are afraid that you don't know what is hidden in the dantian.

A sneer hung over Ye Zhiqiu's mouth.

Since the angel god wants to play tricks with him, he will follow.

Although he still couldn't beat the first-level divine residence of the Angel God, there were rules in the divine realm, and the divine divine residence was not allowed to go to the lower realm.

A clone, facing Ye Zhiqiu's nine million-year-old Lama, Ye Zhiqiu didn't think he would lose, so he had a tough attitude.

The ten streamers had just entered his Qihai Dantian position, and the nine-tailed beasts had already opened their mouths and posed there waiting for the rabbits. These streamers were too late to brake.

With mental arithmetic and unintentional, the ten streamers disappeared from the nine in an instant, and they were swallowed by the origin of the nine-tailed beast.

The last streamer seemed to be conscious, trembling slightly, turned around and ran out of Ye Zhiqiu's dantian, hovering around him and flying, and he was reluctant to find a place to drill.


God Realm, inside a palace.


A young man with a good-looking, handsome appearance and indistinguishable gender, staring at the light curtain with gloomy expression.

The figure in the light curtain is exactly Ye Zhiqiu with a faint smile on his face.

Although the young people didn't know what happened, the ten assessment streamers entered the person's body, but nine assessment streamers instantly lost contact, which is equivalent to Ye Zhiqiu's nine trials of blackening his angel and god.

You must know that each stream of assessment is a gathering of angel gods in a week, and a first-level god can gather together in a week. It can be seen how terrifying the divine power contained in it is actually not the most important divine power. What is difficult to condense should belong to the force of rules, and this is the time-consuming point.

This is exclusively for the inheritors of the lower realms to participate in the assessment of the god position, and each stream of light contains a huge light system rule supernatural power.

If someone passes the assessment, this streamer will turn into a reward, such as increasing the age of the spirit ring or directly increasing the soul power of the tester, which is the magical power of the streamer's rules.

If those who participate in the assessment of the gods cannot pass, then these assessment streamers will be taken back and will not be wasted.

As a result, this kid hadn't started the test yet, so he swallowed his angelic spirit to complete nine tests, which is equivalent to passing the nine tests before starting the test?

It’s as if the teacher just issued the test paper. I think today’s question will definitely be difficult for you. As a result, you haven’t written yet. The teacher suddenly finds that your test paper has been answered 90%, so I don’t know how you answered Yes, the more terrifying thing is that none of the questions is wrong.The House of Novels www.itxtbook.cc

Under this circumstance, it is only strange that the person who expends so much energy to produce the test paper is not suffocated.

In fact, the angel god did not leave any destructive means in the streamer of assessment, but just a mark of his own divine power.

This is what every divine residence will leave for their own examiners. They need to know what their inheritors are doing, and what their potential dispositions are.

After leaving the imprint of the divine power, even if the inheritors of their gods are out of the inheritance of the gods, they can track their imprints and spy.

That is the energy light curtain he is watching now.

The mark is not left, once the examiner has left their own deity inheritance, they will not be able to spy on some battle scenes, and the mark is only to better know whether their inheritor is good enough.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know this.He thought that the angel god would shame himself.

Therefore, he directly controlled the origin of the tail beast and swallowed his Nine Paths of Angel God Examination Streamer.It may seem like a big fuss, but if Ye Zhiqiu is asked to choose again, it is estimated that he will still do it.

Who would want to be spied on by others every day?Ye Zhiqiu, a person who often soaks in his wives, is of course even more reluctant. Is it possible to give the Angel God a live broadcast?


The last white-gold test streamer flew around Ye Zhiqiu a few times, and finally stopped on the back of his hand, turning into a small angel brand.

This time, nothing weird happened, it finally stayed on Ye Zhiqiu smoothly...

Ye Zhiqiu just raised the back of his hand and looked at it, and didn't care much.

It doesn't matter if he stays in his hands. With his vitality, Xiao Wu's mother's body can be reunited, and rebirth from a severed limb is not a problem, even if it suddenly explodes.

On the contrary, the nine streamers swallowed by the original source of the nine-tailed beasts made Ye Zhiqiu show an expression of interest.

These nine streamers, after being swallowed by the origin of the tail beast, turned into nine huge white-gold divine powers in their respective bodies, and the origin of the nine tail beasts was undergoing crazily refining.

Every time they refine one point, their appearance becomes solidified. Originally, they only had a vague appearance, but now they have a tendency to become solid after absorbing these divine powers.

Although I don't know the specific benefits of their solidification, it's not a disadvantage anyway.

Ye Zhiqiu was actually quite regretful that he had missed the nine exams by Bai Bai. It seemed that he could only find the opportunity to participate in the assessment in other divine residences in the future and continue to gather his wool.

"White...one test?" Qian Daoliu looked at the mark on the back of Ye Zhiqiu's hand, a little confused.

There were ten streamers just now, right?Why suddenly there are nine ways?So, did the tenth test of the angel god above the nineth test suddenly become the first test of the white level?

The difference is too much. The pig test is better than you. Are you offending the angel god and being taken back for the nine tests?

My old man really can't help the shock of your ups and downs, it's so torture...

"Just take a test, I can only say that the angel god has no eyesight." Qian Renxue stepped forward and hugged Ye Zhiqiu's arm, grinning, not really caring about it.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Qian Daoliu and scratched his head embarrassedly, "Elder, I don't know why it suddenly changed from the tenth test to the first test, how will I get it next?"

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