Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 268 An Extra Test [seeking Subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Qian Daoliu looked at the closeness of the two and sighed lightly. It seemed that his granddaughter had a deep affection for this kid.

No matter what, although the potential is only one test, fortunately, his strength is not bad, barely worthy of his granddaughter, I only hope that he will become a god in the future, and Xueer can support each other and go on.

"Next, I will open the real angelic deity inheritance ground. For you, everything there is unknown. The assessment must be careful and stick to the heart." Qian Daoliu solemnly patted the shoulders of the two men and said. .

Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue smiled at each other and nodded calmly.

As far as Ye Zhiqiu is concerned, God is not afraid, will he be afraid of the test given by God?His purpose is very simple, that is, to gather the wool of the angel god.

As for Qian Renxue, she was originally the first successor of the Angel God, and there may be some twists and turns in the assessment, but she will never endanger her life. All she needs to consume is time.

Moreover, Ye Zhiqiu would still go with her, and be with her beloved, what is there to be afraid of?

There was a slight relaxed look on their faces.

The palm of Qian Daoliu once again filled with holy white light. When the light bloomed to its peak, he slowly pushed the light into the statue of angel god with a pious expression. In the stone sword.

Above the stone sword, a long line of light thick with a thumb lit up at this moment, as if a door to an unknown space had opened a gap, except for the white light at the entrance, everything inside was not real.

The linear light suddenly brightened in Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue's expectant eyes, slowly spreading towards both sides.

Is this really a door?It should be a world similar to a small world, right?Ye Zhiqiu looked a little curiously. What is the principle of this thing?Space law or what other law?

"Go in, remember, keep your heart." Qian Daoliu reminded him again.

Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue were both attentive. Qian Daoliu had explained the four words of keeping the original mind. At this moment, they repeatedly mentioned the exhortation, and they had to let them both think about it.

Could it be that the angel gods assess things that are inclined to the mood?

Amidst the doubts and thoughts in his heart, Ye Zhiqiu took Qian Renxue and stepped into this land of angelic god heritage.

After the two of them entered, the portal radiating white light was quietly hidden, and the secret room was restored to its former simple and simple appearance.

Qian Daoliu looked at the disappearing figures of the two, with hope, relief, pride, and regret in his eyes.


Inside the Angel God Heritage Site, Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue’s fingers clasped together, surrounded by endless whiteness. It seems that there is nothing in this world except for the two of them. It seems that only white is the only color in this world. eternal.

Monotonous colors can easily be distracting after a long time.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned slightly and looked around.After thinking about it for a while, there was a hint of sarcasm in his expression. The world seemed boundless and magnificent.

If you change into someone else, you might feel that God's Mansion is as powerful as before, and it can actually build such a small world with no boundaries.

They may worship and awe.Changsha Novel Network www.csxsrc.com

But Ye Zhiqiu will not.

In Ye Zhiqiu's view, this world is definitely just an illusion, or an illusion is more appropriate.

Because he doesn't believe that angel gods have the ability to create such a small world, such a magnificent and endless divine residence evaluation site, I am afraid that the god king will have to catch the blind when the god king comes. He has a first-level god to build it?

The angel god would never think of it, just because he wanted to make the stage bigger, he would be seen through his tricks by a human being.

Qian Renxue looked around, she was still a little excited at first. After a short while, she didn't see any buildings, she seemed a little lack of interest, and said depressed: "Zhiqiu, there is nothing here, then how should we evaluate... ."

After a long while, Ye Zhiqiu did not respond. Qian Renxue couldn't help but looked at the figure beside him in doubt, but saw Ye Zhiqiu frowning, eyes out of focus, as if thinking about something.

"What's the matter?" Qian Renxue's voice was much lowered for fear of affecting his thoughts.

Ye Zhiqiu let out a sigh of relief and frowned, "Xue'er, have you forgotten what your grandfather told you to keep your heart? Everything around is just an illusion. This is just a small trick played by the angels and gods, don't care."

"Illusory Realm?" Qian Renxue showed a sudden look, no wonder there was no building around.

"Haha~" A light laugh suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.Empty, far away, yet clear and audible.

"You can see through the illusion created by this god at a glance. Anomaly, you are very good. Can you tell the original god how you discovered it?" The gentle tone of male and female continued to sound, and there was a sense of spring breeze in the ear.

Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue were surprised at the same time, did the angel god come out?

Regarding his question, Ye Zhiqiu just curled his lips, "The scene is so big, do you have the strength to build a world of this size? Don't be funny, I guess your boss will not be able to build it."

Ye Zhiqiu's unceremonious words seemed to stop the angel god, and he didn't reply for a long time.

Qian Renxue's palm was tight, and there was a hint of anxiety in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes. Even if you have no fear of the Angel God, don't talk like that. What if this is a careful god, what should I do with you?

"My lord Angel God, Zhiqiu speaks more straightforwardly, don't mind. Is this illusion the first test?" Qian Renxue didn't know where the angel god was, so she looked up at the sky and asked.

After a short while, the voice of the angel god continued to sound, with a hint of playful tone.

"Anomaly, since you said that the illusion of the original god is a small means, it is better to break the illusion of the original god and let the original god see your big means."

The angel god did not pay attention to Qian Renxue, he was obviously speaking to Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the angel god imprint on the back of his hand, raised his hand and shook his mouth, and said, "It's okay to break your illusion, but the imprint doesn't respond. I guess this is not one of the tests, right? The first-level divine residence is secretly added to the assessment, so you want to give me this mortal a prestige?"

After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, the angel god who was in the palace of the God Realm suddenly turned dark.

You don’t know how to tarnish the Nine Paths of the God’s Examination Streamer, and you still say that the God is too careless?I have never seen such a brazen person. If it weren't for the gods' regulations to not be able to descend, the god would definitely slap you in the past and slap you in half.

"How are you doing? Is it possible that you still want this god to set you a reward?" The angel god said in a playful tone.

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