Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 269 Black Hole? Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Regarding the words of the angel god, Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands, put on an expression that he should have, and smiled lightly: "Is it abnormal to set the reward? You add one more level to the assessment, then pass the assessment and send out more rewards. Isn't it God's rule? I'm not very demanding. As long as I pass the illusion assessment, I just want to upgrade my spirit ring by 100,000 years."

100,000 years?I mention you so stinky...

The angel gods were all smiled by Ye Zhiqiu's words.

Even Qian Renxue next to Ye Zhiqiu looked at Ye Zhiqiu with weird eyes. She understood it well, and co-authored the unnecessarily illusion assessment of this level. It was specially set by the angel god for Ye Zhiqiu. The purpose was to give him power. Was affected by the pond fish, and suffered a disaster.

I don’t know where this guy has offended the angel god, isn’t it the first time everyone has seen me...

"If there is no reward, you can't break the illusion, and you will not be eligible for the formal assessment."

After speaking, the angel god seemed to have disappeared and stopped speaking.

Qian Renxue looked around and looked at Ye Zhiqiu helplessly, "How do we break this illusion now? It feels like there is nowhere to start. This illusion is too real. It is really impossible to tell that it is an illusion..."

"Little belly chicken intestine angel god..." After Ye Zhiqiu raised his middle finger to the sky, he patted Qian Renxue's head comfortingly: "Don't panic, it's just a illusion, and I can't be troubled."

Before, Ye Zhiqiu was meditating for a while, thinking about how to crack this illusion.

The illusion created by the angel god is very different from his illusion.His illusion can only affect people's consciousness, and if Ye Zhiqiu's guess is right in this illusion, it should affect people's senses, such as eyes or divine consciousness.

After all, when he used his divine sense to check the surroundings, everything was as usual and he found nothing, as if the place was real.

What is the best of angel gods?It is undoubtedly the power of the law of light.

There are many ways to use it. Ye Zhiqiu guessed that what he encountered now was one of them.

This is the refraction of light, just like the mirage that occasionally appeared in his previous life.It's just that the use of light by the angel god is more high-end, he refracted this seemingly boundless pure white fantasy world with light.

This can be said to be an illusion or not.Fictitious is real, fictitious is real, real is fictitious, true and false are mixed.

There are two ways to crack.

The first is to rely on strong perception to leave this area covered by light.The seemingly boundless world must have boundaries.

The second type is to directly break the Angel God’s law of light by relying on hard power. As long as there is a flaw in the refraction of light, there will naturally be holes visible to the naked eye, and the outside scene can directly appear in front of you. This is the so-called one-force break. Wanfa.

The facts were similar to what Ye Zhiqiu had guessed. This fantasy world was indeed formed by the angel god using the refraction of light, but he also added many other things to it.

The first method is undoubtedly the simplest. Even if the consciousness is restricted, as long as you walk straight, you will be able to go out sooner or later.But is it really that easy?Ye Zhiqiu thought it was impossible.

Therefore, he was too lazy to even try, and decisively chose the second one.

If you don’t give any rewards, then don’t blame me for being so messy...

Ye Zhiqiu grinned, and the reincarnation eye martial spirit opened instantly. When he explored with his left hand, he took Qian Renxue into his arms and hugged him tightly.62 Novel www.62xs.com

The right hand was in the shape of a claw, and in the palm of the palm, a small black dot condensed silently, and the black was deep.

This small dot is the size of a fingernail, it seems silent and has no power, but it makes the surrounding light faintly distorted, as if it is about to be sucked into it.

The perfect light refracted the illusion, and the moment the black dots condensed together, flaws were revealed, and the real scenery of the outside world nearby was faintly visible.

This is still Ye Zhiqiu suppressing its power. If it is completely released from the palm of his hand, the illusion here is bound to be riddled with holes, but the illusion may be broken, but this small world may also experience a huge blow.

"Black hole!" The angel god's unsteady voice sounded, and there was even a hint of fear.

Black hole?Ye Zhiqiu smiled slightly. His earth-explosive star and black hole are incomparable. Black holes can swallow and dissolve everything. A black hole with the size of a fist can swallow a sun, which is simply a disaster in a disaster.

As for the earth-explosive star, although it seems that its characteristics are not much different from that of a black hole, its power is completely incomparable. It can only be said to be a simplified version of a black hole, because the earth-explosive star itself does not swallow objects, and its gravity has a limit. Yes, once the rocks and other objects attached to its surface reach a certain number, the gravitational pull of the earth-explosive star will be completely isolated.

Of course, if Ye Zhiqiu’s condensed earth-blasting star singularity is large enough, it is still possible to destroy a planet directly, but the singularity of the size of this fingernail obviously does not reach that level, and even directly destroys this small piece The world is difficult.

The angel god thought the earth-explosive star in Ye Zhiqiu's hand was a black hole. Ye Zhiqiu would naturally not stupidly explain it. Since you think it is a black hole, then treat it as a black hole...

Ye Zhiqiu shook the black spot in his hand to the sky and said with a smile: "Since you know it, you should know its power. Once I throw it out, your little world will be gone, and the illusion is a joke. How? Should we pass it?"


After a cold snort, the white world disappeared, and this piece of angelic god heritage finally fully appeared in front of Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue.


In the God Realm, the angel god stared at the light curtain, looked at the six spirit rings surrounding Ye Zhiqiu, and squinted his eyes slightly.

This anomalous number actually got the god ring at the time of the sixth ring. Where did it come from?Does Douluo Xing have a spirit beast of this level?

The most frightening thing is that he can actually condense the destructive celestial body like a black hole, which is so terrible that he almost scared him out of a heart attack. You know, even if it is a strong god, there is no way to use a black hole.

If this black hole were thrown into the God Realm, the God Realm would be gone.

No, this matter must be reported, this anomaly is too dangerous.The angel god's eyes flickered, and he got up and walked quickly outside the palace.


In the assessment space, Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly and withdrew the Earth-Booming Sky Star in his hand, covering the surroundings with divine consciousness and began to check the situation.

At this look, he was shocked.

They stepped on it, and it turned out to be a floating island. This island was huge, at least equivalent to the area of ​​several Tiandou City.

Outside the island, there is a round white chaos that guards the island like a barrier. The barriers of the barrier are filled with holy and soft light. These lights are the light source of this floating island.

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