Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 273 The Origin of the God Examination System [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu's neither humble nor arrogant words made the Angel God squint his eyes slightly. After thinking about the means by which Ye Zhiqiu could condense the black hole, the Angel God returned to his former indifferent and soft appearance.

"Anomaly, you don't have the slightest sense of honor in your tone." Angel God said calmly.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the person sitting on the throne for a few moments, and had to say that this angel god was really handsome, or beautiful.

It’s so beautiful that he didn’t tell whether this product was a male or female...

While he was looking at the angel god, the angel imprint on the back of his right hand flickered slightly, shattered with a "bang", and turned into small white and golden light spots in the sky, drilling towards his Dantian Qihai location.

This time, the Origin of the Nine Big-Tailed Beasts only glanced at these small light spots, and ignored them. In these small light spots, they didn't notice anything threatening Ye Zhiqiu.

The nine big-tailed beasts didn't absorb it from the original source, and all the energy of these small white golden light spots was naturally absorbed and consumed by Ye Zhiqiu.

The level 66 spirit power reserve was instantly filled, and after a slight muffled sound in his body, Ye Zhiqiu's spirit power reached level 67.

Is this a reward for passing the assessment?Only one level of soul power has been improved, so I can barely make do with it.

Ye Zhiqiu was just stunned for a while, then sat down casually on a palace chair next to him, yawned, and raised one leg, his face was somewhat casual, and he couldn't see the tension in front of a divine residence. It’s just a casual polite, why? You won’t take it seriously, will you? Also, don’t call me the odd number? My name is Ye Zhiqiu, the one who knows the autumn of the world when a leaf falls!"

The angel god twitched, then twitched again.

As soon as I took my reward, I turned my head and didn't show any respect for me. Is it that every individual will feel a little grateful?This person is really shameless.

The angel god secretly warned himself that he must hold back. This kid is so confident that he is not afraid that he is a mansion, he must have something to deal with himself, hold back and not get angry, the destructive celestial body of the black hole is not fun...

If the angel god knew that Ye Zhiqiu thought he was just a clone to be so confident, I don't know how he would feel.

The angel god hung a gentle smile, "Well, Ye Zhiqiu, you shouldn't be from Douluo Star?"

"Huh?" Ye Zhiqiu's brows suddenly wrinkled, his eyes staring sharply at the eyes of the Angel God, the back of the Angel God who was staring at him was cold, thinking that he was going to throw a black hole to kill himself.

After a long while, Ye Zhiqiu's expression returned to calm, and he said lightly: "I was born in the Holy Soul Village of Notting City, the province of Fasino, Douluo Continent, Heaven Dou Empire. All backgrounds can be checked. I wonder why the angel god said that? "

"Cough cough, just kidding." The angel god smiled, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead without leaving a trace, and said that others might not believe him, he almost scared away just now.

The black hole thing is not a joke, even if it is a god king-level powerhouse, once it enters a certain range of the black hole, it will not fly out, only waiting for death.

Not to mention that he was only a mere first-level divine residence, at such a close distance, as long as Ye Zhiqiu released a black hole, he would definitely die or not.

Although the little movements of the angel gods were cryptic, Ye Zhiqiu, who had been staring at him, discovered it. This guy seemed a little afraid of himself?No, what he is afraid of should be his own black hole, or should he call the earth exploding star?

Looking at the appearance and nature, the two are indeed very similar. People who don't know will definitely think that this is a black hole the first time.

You are afraid of this!So can I let you lower the difficulty of Cher's assessment?

Ye Zhiqiu watched the angel god's eyes gradually light up, and lowered the difficulty of the assessment. For this guy, it should be a simple task, right?Baihui Novel www.baihuixiaoshuo.com

The cold before, the joy now, Ye Zhiqiu's fast-changing eyes made the angel god unable to guess his thoughts at all, and he began to doubt life in a daze.

"Um... big brother, how do you think we can discuss something?" Ye Zhiqiu said with a harmless smile.

"What are you discussing?" The angel god was a little confused, why did this kid suddenly become so good?

Ye Zhiqiu pointed to the entrance of the main hall, "The one who is being assessed outside, she is my wife. You can see if we can discuss and reduce the difficulty of the assessment a little bit."

"It's not impossible to drop a little bit, but how much do you mean by a little bit?" the angel god asked.

Ye Zhiqiu stretched out a finger.

"One level? This is fine. Lowering the assessment level by one level has little effect, but..."

"I'm talking half..."

Ye Zhiqiu's words almost caused the angel god to fall off the chair, staring at Ye Zhiqiu in amazement.

Damn it, you said that it was reduced by half the difficulty, and it was a fart. I simply handed over the god position.

Seeing the angel gods showing this expression, Ye Zhiqiu wondered: "Can't you? The gods in your gods don't want to change jobs, don't you? Xueer inherits your god position earlier, so you can take the burden and go out early, right? "

The corner of the angel god’s mouth twitched. That’s right, but haven’t you considered other aspects?

"Do you know why I stipulate that I must be level 65 or higher to enter my heritage?"

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head, "Why?"

The Angel God reluctantly explained: "The God Realm has done a survey, the nine God tests, and all the predictions passed, plus the rewards for passing the test, can almost just push his heir to the level 98 or 99. This way It’s easy for us to be a god, and our inheritors can still get enough experience. At this time, no matter how logically they inherit the position of god, their combat power will not be weak after becoming a god. If you say, I will lower her five levels of difficulty. After the assessment, she may not even be able to break the level 95 obstacle avoidance, but she will have to practice in the future to waste time..."

"That's it..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself with a daze.

It's no wonder that those who participated in the test of God in the original work had almost reached level 60 or above in spirit power, and this level of factors was included.

The angel gods can actually spend a lot of energy on their own, directly condense things like the assessment and rewards of improving the soul power of the first level, and constantly improve the soul power of Qian Renxue, but the strength that is increased in this way, the real combat power may be a batch of dishes. .

If the inheritor of one's own god position can't be beaten by anyone in the god realm by that time, how can there be light on the face of the angel god as the old mansion?

Only by being down-to-earth and advancing step by step can the real hard power be tempered.As for the assessment rewards, they should be used to motivate the assessors, leave them a thought, and only if they want to, will they work hard to win.

Ye Zhiqiu really understood these principles at this moment. It turned out that the God Realm already had a complete system for these things.

Ye Zhiqiu asked, "Then if the assessment is not adjusted, will Xueer encounter danger in the assessment?"

"There must be danger..." The angel god smiled, and the old god was leaning on the back of the chair, and he felt that he had found this kid's handle.

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