Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 274 Angel StatueSeeking Subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!This kid really cares too much about his own woman. This is his handle. If there is a handle, it is easy to do things.

As long as you give a little guidance, you don't have to worry about the two sides becoming enemies, Qian Renxue will be a twist between the two sides.

After all, anyway, Qian Renxue inherited his deity, and his angel god can also be regarded as Qian Renxue's elder, and Ye Zhiqiu and Qian Renxue are lovers again, so he can also be regarded as his angel god's junior.

In this case, the relationship between the two parties will only develop in a good direction.Of course, the premise of all this was based on the fact that Ye Zhiqiu had no threat to the God Realm.

"Although the assessment may encounter some dangers, if the god secretly plans, it is a certainty that the girl outside the temple passes all the tests. The god can help you take care of the girl in secret, but..."

Having said this, the angel god quietly glanced at Ye Zhiqiu's face, as if he was afraid that this unreasonable kid suddenly threw a black hole over after he made a request.

Ye Zhiqiu caught this scene from the corner of his eyes, glanced at him speechlessly, and said: "Senior, I am not an unreasonable person. If you help me let Xueer pass the test safely, I am naturally too embarrassed to keep you busy. What conditions do you have, just say that, if I can do it, I will do it."

The angel god was stunned. Are you still a reasonable person?Who secretly blacked out the Nine Paths Examination Streamer of the God?Who threatened the god to open the illusion of light with the law of black holes?Don't you feel bad when you say this?

However, this kid finally used honorifics to address himself. Although it was just the simplest sentence of predecessors, why did he suddenly feel a sense of accomplishment?

"Ahem... let's talk about the conditions later, just as if you owe me personal affection. Little guy, you seem to have no respect for our gods. Can you tell me why?" The angel god looked curious.

Of course, this is just his pretended attitude, and his tone is like a random question among friends.

In fact, his heart has already been raised, and Ye Zhiqiu's next words are likely to directly affect the positions of both parties.

If Ye Zhiqiu is really a threat to the God Realm, the angel god can only stabilize him first, and then go back and report it secretly.


Whoever loves to fight will fight, anyway, his angels and gods do not fight.

The angel god smiled on the surface, seemed very kind, and said that he would help Qian Renxue pass the test, but in fact he was testing Ye Zhiqiu's attitude every step of the way.

If Ye Zhiqiu is really a threat to the God Realm, he must think of a way to get rid of him in advance while he is still weak.Otherwise, when he grows up later, the black hole will appear.The gods will all face the disaster of destruction.

"Is this a problem..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the angel gods and muttered: "The gods of the gods are also cultivated by people. They only practiced for many years before me. Is it because the strength is stronger than me? To respect and fear him? What if it is a murderous evil god? Also respect? In my opinion, it belongs to the brain."

"But there is no evil god in the God Realm." The Angel God frowned.

Ye Zhiqiu curled his lips and said with a serious face: "How do you prove that there is no evil god in the God Realm? Do they secretly tell you that what they do behind their backs is not possible? In my opinion, there is only one person's character that is worthy of respect, not whoses. Big fists. As for fear, within a few years, I will certainly be able to ascend to the throne of God. Everyone is a god, so why should I be afraid? Speaking of which, they may not have beaten me in the future..."

Ye Zhiqiu’s words made the angel god’s eyes sharper as he listened to it, and finally he clapped his hands with a laugh, “A good sentence that is worthy of respect is the character of only one person. Careful consideration of these words will benefit the gods. It's the true God who has gotten the horns."

Ye Zhiqiu's words made the angel god's lifting heart relax, and he could see that these words were Ye Zhiqiu's words from the bottom of his heart, and he did not deliberately act on it.Lu Zhulin Novel www.lzlxiaoshu.com

Some aspects of a person's words and deeds also represent his character.

In the eyes of the angel god, although Ye Zhiqiu has an arrogant personality, he has a bit of out of thinking, and has his own set of principles.But acting in accordance with one's own mind and not being polluted by the world, is it not one of the steps in practice?

Those who can say "there is only one person's character worthy of respect" must have a deep understanding of this. How bad can such a person's character be?

From the perspective of the elders, he felt that Ye Zhiqiu might occasionally be naughty, but he would never do anything big and evil.

This makes the angel god very gratified, even some surprises.

After all, such an excellent seedling can be counted as half of his junior in the future.

Mastering the top-notch rules and magical skills of black holes, as long as he is given time, it will inevitably make an extra god king-level power in the gods.

There are already five great god kings in the God Realm. It may not be a big deal for the God Realm to have an extra God King level, but for his angelic gods, the significance is extraordinary.

As Ye Zhiqiu's elder, even if he meets other gods in the future, even if he can't sit on an equal footing, at least he doesn't need to bow his head to act. There is no doubt that there is a light on his face...

"This thing is for you." The angel god smiled and waved his hand. A white stream of light flew into Ye Zhiqiu's hands. After taking it, the stream faded. This is a small angel statue.

Ye Zhiqiu blinked, what's the use of this stuff?

The angel god smiled and said: "Hold this thing, as long as you are still in Douluo star, you can open the space door leading to this place at will after injecting soul power. Remember, don't bring others in at will."

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the statue in his hand with surprise on his face. Doesn't this mean that he can make time to accompany Qian Renxue from time to time?

This thing should be the biggest gain of this trip, right?

"Thank you senior." Ye Zhiqiu got up, smiled and bowed to the angel god.

The angel god nodded and chuckled: "Little guy, it's a pity that you are not an angel martial soul, otherwise I would like to give you the place of inheritor of the gods. I will leave first and look forward to waiting for you in the gods. That day of God..."

After the words, the figure of the angel god slowly faded, until finally disappeared.

"I will see..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled confidently, waved his hand at the place where the angel god disappeared.He suddenly discovered that the angel god was actually pretty good, and he was still good at talking.

The harvest of my trip is also quite fruitful.

The Nine Paths of Examination Streamer made the original appearance of the nine big-tailed beasts more solid. Although I don't know what it is, it is always a good thing.

It took a day to pass the test directly, and his spirit power was directly improved by one level.Regardless of the small number of this level, if he relies on his own cultivation, it will take more than half a year. This is still with the help of the tail beast's origin, and it will not be able to get down every year.

As the level gets higher, the cultivation becomes more difficult.

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