Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 286 Before the gameseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu was not in a hurry about his spirit power, although he guessed that after his level 70, the system would probably be upgraded again.

But things like cultivation can't be anxious.

Ye Zhiqiu's own cultivation relied on the origin of the nine big-tailed beasts and the help of the immortal human body. His own cultivation only absorbed a small part of it.

Therefore, even if he takes the initiative to meditate and cultivate, the speed is not much faster. In this case, he has a soy sauce mentality for cultivation, and when he thinks about it, he takes the initiative to practice, and everything is thinking about resignation.

On the day of Tang San’s arrival, everyone greeted him for a day’s rest, and then resumed his assiduous journey of climbing the steps. The difference is that the seven people who were originally resident on the steps became eight. Occasionally, Ye Zhiqiu was on a whim. Will also become nine people.

In addition to spending most of the time with Gu Yuena on Sea God Island, Ye Zhiqiu occasionally returns to the Martial Spirit Hall to spend some time with his little senior sister.

Or go to Bibi Dong, the pink and tender Loli teacher, although Bibi Dong always puts on a face every time he sees him, and his attitude is neither hot nor cold, but Ye Zhiqiu just likes that, but makes Bibi more happy. Dong has a headache.

Want to beat him, it doesn't hurt or itchy to beat him lightly, it looks like flirting between young lovers, Ye Zhiqiu might resist directly and push her down to take advantage.

Bibi Dong might not have thought of this level before, but now she is always guarding Ye Zhiqiu and reminding herself to keep a distance from him.

Bibi Dong with this mentality often makes Ye Zhiqiu feel ashamed...

Time flows slowly in Ye Zhiqiu's life at a few points.

In a flash, another six months passed.

On this day, everyone was not cultivating, but was relaxing in the sun on a beach on Poseidon Island.

Tomorrow, a group of nine of them will collectively return to Shrek Academy. The Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition will officially start in three days. They should go back and sign up.

So today is the last day on Poseidon Island.

For the upcoming competition, no one feels nervous, and they are completely different from before.

Half a year of cultivating under the light of the Seagod made their spirit power far surpass their peers, even those who are many years older than them, their spirit power may not be as high as they are now.

Dai Mubai: Soul Power Level 47

Oscar: Soul Power Level 45

Meng still: spirit power level 45

Tang San: Spirit Power Level 44

Xiao Wu: Soul Power Level 48

Ma Hongjun: Soul Power Level 43

Ning Rongrong: Soul Power 44

Zhu Zhuqing: Soul Power Level 43

This is the current level of the eight people. Even though Tang San has practiced under the pressure of Seagod’s Light for five months less than a group of people, his spirit power still catches up and crushes Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun by one level. If given time, he Maybe it can surpass Oscar and Meng still.

As for Ye Zhiqiu, in the past six months, he has also successfully reached level 69, and he is not even far away from level 70.Dream Island Book Library www.mdsku.com

With his help, Gu Yuena recovered from her injuries by almost two to three tenths. According to what she said, she was not afraid even if she came to a second-level god.

What excites Ye Zhiqiu most is that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, after these eleven months, were only a few months away from reaching the age of 14.

14 years old, emmm...that's not a kid anymore, it seems you can eat it...it's illegal...


On the soft sand, a group of people gathered in a big circle, chatting relaxedly.

Ma Hongjun smiled and looked at Ye Zhiqiu and asked: "Speaking of Boss Qiu, three days later, it will be the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. We must all play for Shrek Academy. What about you? Who do you play for? It's our history. Lake Academy, or Wuhun Hall? Not Wuhun Hall, right..."

"Nonsense, of course Zhiqiu is playing for our Shrek Academy." Ning Rongrong held Ye Zhiqiu's arm and said without hesitation.

"That's not necessarily..." Tang San frowned, and slowly said, "Brother Qiu is the holy son of the Spirit Hall. If he doesn't fight for the Spirit Hall, but instead fights for Shrek Academy, he will be laughed at by the people of the world. Traitor. But..."

Tang San seemed to have thought of something, and was silent for a while.

"But if Brother Qiu is playing for the Wuhun Palace, we won't have the chance to win the championship at all, so don't go to the competition at all and just give in. You want to say this, Xiao San," Oscar continued after Tang San's words.

Tang San nodded silently. It was undeniable that no matter which side Ye Zhiqiu played for, he would play a decisive role. In his opinion, these battles were similar to children's playing.

Everyone's eyes were on Ye Zhiqiu, wanting to hear his answer.

Ye Zhiqiu was somewhat silent about this question.

He hadn't thought about which side he would play for. For him, the Continent Senior Soul Master Elite Competition was undoubtedly a kid's fight.

Just like a group of kids playing Ultraman games there, will you join them, or will you look at it from a child's perspective?

"Besides, if nothing happens, I will act as a bystander and not participate in it." Ye Zhiqiu said.

The others were taken aback, and after a little thought, they all looked happy.

Ye Zhiqiu's words seem to be not helping each other, but they are actually more beneficial to them.

As long as Ye Zhiqiu didn't make a move, with Shrek Academy's lineup, he would be invincible and unstoppable.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the expressions on everyone’s faces and shook his head with a faint smile and reminded: “If you think that I can win the championship steadily if I don’t make a move, then you’re wrong. My senior sister Hu Liena, how many of you are also I have seen it, if I remember correctly, she seems to be level 56. Moreover, there are two Soul Kings in the early 50s in the Wuhun Temple Academy. It is not easy for you to win the competition easily."

"Three soul kings?" Everyone was stunned, and they all showed solemn expressions. They didn't expect the Spirit Hall to hide so deeply.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled, "Don't show this expression. Except for the three soul kings, everyone else is a rookie. It's nothing to worry about. If you cooperate well, the winning rate is still quite high."

"hope so..."

After a day of relaxation, everyone returned to Shrek Academy and began to recuperate.

They don't need to worry about registering for the contest. Yu Xiaogang has already helped with all the procedures. Tang San, Dai Mubai and the others only need to wait until the time is up to participate.

Shrek Academy is in Tiandou City, and Tiandou City happens to belong to the Tiandou competition area. The central field of the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena has been requisitioned. The first elimination match will also be held in the central site of the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena. .

As the capital of the Tiandou Empire, Tiandou City's Great Fighting Arena is somewhat different from those of other cities. The central venue here is decorated with a bird's nest building that resembles Ye Zhiqiu's previous life, enough to accommodate hundreds of thousands of people to watch the game. .

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