Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 287 Crowded Tiandouseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"The qualifiers will be conducted in the team battle method you are most familiar with. The single round robin system will select the teams with high winning points to enter the promotion competition. The promotion competition will be conducted in a special way. Although it is still every time A college sent seven students, but they competed one by one, and the winner continued to stay on the court against the next opponent until one of the seven was eliminated or surrendered."

"Until the final finals, whether it is our Tiandou or Xingluo, there are 15 payout quotas. Among them, the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy, the first team of Xingluo Royal Academy, and Wuhundian Academy The seeded teams will skip the first two rounds of qualifiers and knockouts and go directly to the final finals. In other words, in the final finals, there will be a total of thirty-three teams in a brutal knockout match, and the loser will leave the game directly. "

In the backyard of Shrek Academy, a large group of people were sitting on a bamboo floating platform outside Ye Zhiqiu's house. Yu Xiaogang was explaining the rules of the competition to Tang San and the others, and the rest of them listened carefully.

Tang San smiled confidently: "Don't worry, teacher, with our current strength, I believe it won't be too difficult to pass this qualifier and the promotion."

Yu Xiaogang shook his head, looking at Tang San frowning, his voice hoarse: "The qualifiers and the promotion match are not important. With your current strength, it is really easy to pass. But if you all play, your spirit power level Harmony spirit skills will undoubtedly be fully exposed, and the finals are likely to be targeted in advance. So I have found three substitutes for you so that you can enter the finals appropriately without revealing your full strength."

Ye Zhiqiu listened for a while, but he didn't bother to listen again, and went straight back to the room to sleep with Gu Yuena's head covered.


Three days have passed in a flash.

On this day, basically everyone has risen before the dawn. Today is the opening ceremony of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. Although there is only one exhibition match between the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy and their opponents, it is for ordinary people. It is still very attractive.

As contestants, Tang San still had to go to the rest area arranged by Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena.

A group of dozens of people, after breakfast, led by the golden iron triangle of Flanders Yu Xiaogang Liu Erlong, went out of the gate of the academy with great momentum.

In addition to Tang San and other veteran students in the student team, there were three new faces about eighteen or nineteen years old, and they were the substitutes arranged by Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang’s idea is that the qualifiers need to save strength. In addition to the extra three, Tang San and other eight players can play at most four. Among them, Meng is still going to play, and Ning Rongrong is Tibetan. In the final trump card, she was not allowed to play until the final, and her support position was temporarily replaced by a short-haired girl named Jiang Zhu.

Because there is an extra Meng still in the Eight Monsters, the four substitutes in the original work have also become three. In addition to Jiangzhu, the other two are Tyrone of the Strong Attack type and Jingling of the Mind Attack type, except for Tyrone’s spirit power at 36. Jingling and Jiangzhu are only 35th level. I have to say that their age and spirit power level is really far from Tang San Dai Mubai and others.

For these three days, all three of them were conducting running-in training with Tang San and others.

Originally, the short three-day training was bound to have no effect, but the presence of Tang San, a control system spirit master who can transform everyone into one body, made this impossible possible, even though they were Although the inter-cooperation hadn't reached the level of very tacit understanding in just three days, it didn't affect the battle much, at least there wouldn't be embarrassing situations that would affect oneself after using the spirit ability.

The Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, as the biggest soul master competition in the soul master world, attracts more than just the attention of the soul masters. From the royal family, nobles to the common people, everyone in Tiandou City regards this competition as The grandest festival.

As early as a month ago, hundreds of thousands of tickets in the central area of ​​the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena had been sold out. As the capital of the Tiandou Empire, it was also the main competition area of ​​Tiandou. During this time, the streets of Tiandou City The pedestrians above can only be described as crowded.360 Literature Network www.360wxwxs.com

When Yu Xiaogang and a dozen people just left the campus, they found that the academy and the academy were like two worlds. The walls were so quiet that there were not many people in sight. Outside the walls, there was a turbulent flow of people everywhere. Crowded forward in one direction.

This is just the sub-street of Tiandou City. The sub-street looks like this, so what kind of bird will the main street be crowded?

If someone looks at it from a high altitude, they will find that the four gates of Tiandou City are already open, and there are crowds of people crowding to the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena. On this day, the total number of people in Tiandou City is at least up than usual. double.

"This..." everyone in Shrek Academy watched this scene, frowning silently.

It’s okay for men, it doesn’t matter if you squeeze, what about girls?In this case, no one knows who ate the tofu.

Tang San thought for a while, and said in deep thought, "It is estimated that this is the case in Tiandou City, Xiao Ao, prepare mushroom sausages and take everyone to fly over."

When the rest of the people heard this, their eyes suddenly brightened. This is a good way...

In the bamboo house in the backyard, Ye Zhiqiu stayed asleep until eight o’clock before sitting up and stretching out. Seeing Gu Yuena next to him, who was still lying in bed with her eyes closed, her hands were itchy on her ass. After a moment, a flushed handprint was left on the snow-white little butt.

Gu Yuena took a vicious look at him, pulled the quilt next to it to cover the exposed spring light, and turned her body to sleep.

The goddess who used to be cold and cold is now completely subdued by Ye Zhi Qiuzhi. If he dared to do this before, a fat beating must be indispensable.

Ye Zhiqiu was very satisfied with this. As he got up and put on clothes, he smiled and asked, "The opening ceremony of the big competition and the first day of the exhibition will start in about an hour, won't you come and see it with me?"

"The kids fight, it's boring, don't go." Under the bed, Gu Yuena replied lazily, and then there was no sound.

"Then I will pass by myself." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, and after a brief wash, a Flying Thunder God teleported away.

In the center area of ​​the Tiandou Great Fighting Soul Arena, in a player rest area on the second floor, between Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing who were sitting on the sofa listening to Yu Xiaogang's instructions, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly emerged and hugged them. Female with a slender waist, Ye Zhiqiu leaned against the soft back of the sofa and raised Erlang's legs. In this posture, if he is holding a cigar and wearing sunglasses, he will be a big brother in society.

Yu Xiaogang paused and looked at Ye Zhiqiu speechlessly. The eyes of the others looked at the three with weird smiles.

Ning Rongrong’s ridicule in the face of everyone’s eyes didn’t matter. Zhu Zhuqing’s face had always been thin, but he couldn’t stand everyone staring at it. He blushed and leaned in Ye Zhiqiu’s ear and whispered, “Don’t make trouble, the only exhibition match today. The second team of Heaven Dou was drawn to us by a lottery, and the master is explaining to us their members' soul skills and coping methods."

"Okay, then you continue, I'll go out for a stroll." Ye Zhiqiu touched his nose, then walked out the door slowly, and watched the scenery below on the second-floor aisle.

Today's scene is definitely the most spectacular scene he has ever seen since he came to Douluo Continent, none of them.

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