Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 288 This girl is no longer what she used to be [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!All the backgrounds of this big arena are decorated with silver and black tones. The ordinary seats on the first floor are constructed in a way of stepping up one by one. The three sides of the south and northwest except for the giant pillars and small walkways supporting the second floor. Outside, they were crowded with dense figures, crowded, even if there were no figures in the center ring at this time, there were cheers one after another, cheering for the team they supported, hoping they could hear them in the second floor lounge.

The auditorium on the east side is somewhat different from the other three sides. The auditorium on this side seems to have been specially modified, mainly in gold and silver tones. The solid high platform is even higher than the aisle on the second floor, leading directly to the big fighting spirit. The top of the field.

At the top, there are three large chairs with carved dragons and phoenixes made of pure gold, and a row down there are ten large chairs in sterling silver that look slightly inferior.

Needless to say, these positions are exclusively made by the top of the empire. Only these a dozen chairs occupy almost the entire east side of the auditorium. It is simply too extravagant. You must know that even if it is a ticket for the first floor, it is not cheap.

As for the second floor of the Great Fighting Arena, apart from some VIP rooms, it is a lounge for players to rest.

A small circular skylight was opened on the top of the Arena, a beam of direct sunlight, and the densely packed honeycomb-like searchlights hanging beside it, so the entire Arena did not appear dark.

The Great Arena of Souls in Soto City and here is simply the kindergarten is not much different from the university, the difference is not half a bit.

On the aisle on the second floor, Ye Zhiqiu looked down below, slowly taking a small step.

As he passed by the door of a rest area, one of the shadows in the room, who was sitting on the sofa and was resting in a red skirt, caught a glimpse of his passing figure, and his burgundy pupils suddenly flashed.

"Brother, let me go out."

After all, the girl in the red short skirt didn't care about the rest of her teammates, got up in a hurry and chased after the figure she had just seen.

She looked familiar to that person.

The rapid footsteps of "Da Da Da" high heels stomping on the tiled floor sounded behind him, Ye Zhiqiu didn't care much at first.

"Stop, what about you...stop."

When the footsteps stopped behind him and accompanied by a soft drink, Ye Zhiqiu also knew that the opponent's target seemed to be himself.

And this sounds a bit sassy, ​​and he seemed to be listening from nowhere.

Ye Zhiqiu turned his head calmly and was taken aback when he saw the faces of the people behind him clearly.

"Why are you? Also, you seem to be participating in this competition too." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes showed a sudden look.

This girl in a red short skirt is exactly the Huo Wu that Ye Zhiqiu had seen in the Soto Arena, a little hot girl.

Huo Wu stepped forward and curled her lips and said, "It's like you didn't participate. Last time this girl lost to you. This time the mainland Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, this girl will definitely win it back."

"It's you?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled, his eyes looked a little contemptuous, and he leaned on the railing on the second floor with a look of disdain.

Right now, he really couldn't afford Huo Wu's provocation, and it was a waste of time to fight with her.

Ye Zhiqiu's look of looking down on people caused the anger in Huo Wu's temperament to get up. The well-developed, round and crisp chest fluctuated violently, which made Ye Zhiqiu pay more attention.Ikan Novel Network www.ikxsw.com

This made Huo Wu's face even darker.

After holding back for a long time, Huo Wu gritted her teeth and pointed to Ye Zhiqiu’s head in hate. "Don’t be proud of you. This lady is no longer what she used to be. Sooner or later, we will meet in the arena. This girl will not only beat you up" Looking for teeth, but also to buckle out your random eyeballs."

Ye Zhiqiu didn't care about Huo Wu's threat. This girl's temper was just like that, she said cruelly, but her heart was not bad.He turned his head back with a smile, his eyes looked at the venue below, and he said casually: "Then you may be disappointed. I won't participate in this Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, so you probably won't be able to wait. This opportunity."

"What?" Huo Wu was startled, and then she looked at him with a face of disbelief. How many soul masters wanted to be famous all over the world through this Continent Senior Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, and competition in each academy was fierce. Almost broke his head for the spot.

He is so strong that he actually said he would not participate?

"Do you think that if you say you don't participate, I will believe it? If you are a man, you will have a showdown with this girl. Don't shrink from it."

Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his temples, and said helplessly: "Huo Wu is right, I really don't participate. I don't have time to play this kind of house-to-house game with you, go and find someone to play."

"You..." Huo Wu's fingers started to tremble when she pointed at him. She was really angry this time. What is a house game, you look down on people too much, right?It was a stark insult.

However, looking at this person's expression, it seems that he really does not intend to participate in the Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition?How does that work?How can you avenge this girl if you don't participate?

"Okay, don't you participate? Then let's decide the outcome here." The fiery red soul power on Huo Wu's body began to boil, and he rushed towards Ye Zhiqiu as soon as he moved.

This place obviously couldn't use spirit abilities. This passage couldn't stand the destruction. Even fisting was not allowed. Once it was discovered, it might be directly disqualified from the competition.

But Huo Wu couldn't hold it anymore.

If I don't fight this time, I might not meet this person in the future, and I won't have a chance to take revenge.

Huo Wu's fiery red spirit power just exploded and filled the whole body, it was sensed by many people, and they started to rush here.

Even on the first floor of the auditorium, there were many ordinary audiences excitedly watching Huo Wu, who was full of fiery red spirit power fluctuations on the second floor, and the plain-faced man opposite her.

Could it be that the opening ceremony hasn't even started, can you see the soul masters fight?This trip is worthwhile!

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the Huo Wu rushing towards him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and the spirit ring rose silently. It was just an instant that it closed again.

Almost none of those present saw what he did.

But Huo Wu felt cold under her skirt, and her movements stopped immediately. At the same time, her face was flushed, a little confused, but more shameful.

Huo Wu discovered that her little Nei Nei was missing?Is it just gone?what's the situation?Why is it not necessarily?She couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her short skirt, at this moment where there is still the mind to fight again.

Ye Zhiqiu walked with his hands on his back, smiling, and stopped when he was about to pass Huo Wu.

"I said before, let you wear safety pants, look, something happened this time, right?"

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