Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 289 Your Qualification to Participate Has Been Cancelled [Subscribe]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"How do you know..." Huo Wu immediately closed his mouth in shame as soon as he said the words of reflex.

Bastard, by saying this, doesn't it prove that you are really missing inside?


I just wanted to shoot this guy, and then I disappeared inside.Then this guy knew that my inner inner was missing...

What a coincidence?

Well, this guy did it, right?Must be this guy?

The facts are almost the same as Huo Wu guessed. Just now Ye Zhiqiu experimented with a substitute technique. His substitute technique has an effect that can replace people’s clothes, but if this effect is not for the difference in strength between the two sides, the success rate is very high. Low, so Ye Zhiqiu rarely used it before.

This time...

Huo Wu and his strength just happened to be one by one. Ye Zhiqiu had a try mentality, but he didn't expect to use it casually to succeed.

As for why it seems silent.

Ye Zhiqiu just used the replacement surgery, and immediately used Fei Lei Shen to return to the place to catch her Xiao Nei Nei.However, his movements were too fast. Before the first spirit ring hovered up, a series of movements had already been completed, so Huo Wu didn't notice at all. He didn't even know how he disappeared inside.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu was holding Huo Wu's red sexy inner inner with his hand behind him, but he was holding it in the palm of his hand, and no one could tell.

Huo Wu found that her Xiao Nei Nei suddenly disappeared, obviously related to the guy standing next to her and talking cool words. She was embarrassed and didn't talk nonsense. She slapped Ye Zhiqiu's face on the spot.

"Hey, the temper is so big, the girl is better to be gentle..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, with his left hand poking out like a claw, and holding Huo Wu's wrist with a relaxed expression.

Huo Wu pumped her hands several times, but Ye Zhiqiu's hand holding her wrist remained motionless. He just looked at her with a smile, as if he was saying: Push harder, push harder.

In this scene, Huo Wu almost crooked her nose with anger. Without even thinking about it, she called out with her other hand.

Now Ye Zhiqiu didn't have a hand to grasp it, his right hand behind him was still holding Huo Wu's Xiao Nei.

However, Ye Zhiqiu didn't panic about this, his head lowered slightly, and after avoiding Huo Wu's slap, he moved his feet and moved around from Huo Wu's side to his back.

At this time, Huo Wu's right wrist was still being held by Ye Zhiqiu. Her posture looked like she wanted to strangle herself with her arm, and her left shoulder was still held by Ye Zhiqiu with her chest. In this position It was difficult for her to turn around and get rid of her own predicament. She could only hold her back tightly in Ye Zhiqiu's arms in the future.

In fact, this posture is easy to understand. She can't move, but Huo Wu's left hand can still move, including her legs. As long as she has a trick to steal a peach from a monkey or stom on high heels, Ye Zhiqiu specifies to let go and back off.

But of these two moves, one is too shameless, Huo Wu can't use it at all, and the other is not allowed. Her skirt is too short, and when she lifts her legs, she will probably run out, and she does not dare to move her legs.The latest novel www.zuixinshu.com

You know, the two of them are now in the aisle on the second floor. The audiences on the opposite side of the first floor are all staring at this side. If one of them accidentally evades, it will be in front of tens of thousands of people. No such exhibitionism.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and leaned forward slightly, and his lips were close to her ears and chuckles softly, "I still want to trouble me because of this strength. I'll come back next time, but it's not a matter of internal affairs. Maybe you have all clothes Don't worry."

While talking, Ye Zhiqiu's right hand wrapped her slender waist, and the clenched palm was slightly loosened, revealing a touch of red.

The current posture of the two of them seemed to outsiders like a fight between lovers, as if the man gently encircled the woman from behind.In fact, only Huo Wu knew that Ye Zhiqiu was quietly returning Nei Nei to herself, leaving her a bit of face in the public.

"Huh~ you wretched man, wait for me. The girl remembers this matter, and it's definitely endless." Huo Wu also let out a ruthless remark, grabbing what was in Ye Zhiqiu's hand, and leaving Ye Zhiqiu's embrace. , And walked calmly towards the bathroom, as if nothing had happened.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes at her back, endless?Can you still recognize the gap?Where's the brain?

You are lucky enough to meet me like Ye Zhiqiu, a gentleman like Ye Zhiqiu, so I took you this little hot girl to see goldfish instead of someone else.

This process seems to take a long time, but in fact it only takes less than a minute. When the guards of the Great Fighting Arena and some spirit masters from the various colleges who are watching the excitement come by, Huo Wu is long gone, and only the place is left. A Ye Zhiqiu sitting on the second-story railing, holding his chin in his hands, looking down at the auditorium.

Ye Zhiqiu's sitting posture meant that he didn't put the rules of the Great Fighting Arena in his eyes, and it was a bit arrogant.


Salas is in a bad mood.

He is one of the four great platinum bishops of the Hall of Souls, but now because of the insufficient number of soul masters guarding the order of Tiandou City, after discussing with Emperor Dou, the Heaven Dou Empire decided to maintain the order of the entire Tiandou City outside. And his Spirit Temple in Tiandou City is solely responsible for the order protection within the Tiandou Great Fighting Arena this time.

Originally, in his capacity, he naturally didn't need to do such a thing, just let his subordinates do it.But when the troublemaker is not an ordinary person on the first floor, he can't do it without showing up.The people under him did not directly dismiss the second-tier spirit master from participating in the competition, and Salas had to come personally this time.

Dare to make trouble during the competition or during the competition where the bishop maintains order. Doesn't this increase my workload?Have you put me as a platinum bishop in your eyes?

So this time, Salas decided to directly disqualify the two troubled spirit masters from participating in the competition, in order to emulate you.

Until his bishop brought a group of spirit masters in the spirit hall with moon white robes to maintain the order of the competition, he couldn't help being even more angry when he saw the troubled young spirit master sitting in such an unruly posture.


Salas sullied his face, came behind Ye Zhiqiu, and said solemnly: "Boy, don't you know the rules during the competition? What about the girl who fought with you? Both of you have been disqualified for the competition. "

"We didn't fight..."

After putting on the Huo Wu who just came out of the bathroom, I saw so many people around here, I knew something bad as soon as I turned my mind. When I ran over in a hurry, I heard Salas' words and hurriedly lined up the crowd. Ex justified.

Salas sneered and said, "You are not the one who decides whether there is a fight..."

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