Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 292: Ying Jieseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After Bai Xiaosheng's clone left, Ye Zhiqiu silently looked at the blue sky, with a look of doubt in his eyes, "An inexplicable sense of crisis? Does it come from the Sun Moon Continent?"

"Didn't you go to watch the competition? Why are you back?" Gu Yuena came to her side at some unknown time, just like Ye Zhiqiu, lazily looking for a chair and lying down.

When she turned her head to look at Ye Zhiqiu next to her, Gu Yuena's eyes flashed and she said with some doubts, "Your breath seems to be very unstable, is it going to break through?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded silently. When he returned from Seagod Island, he was already on the verge of breaking through at level 69, and it seemed that he could reach level 70 with just one chance.

Three days later, the spirit power in his body has become more and more unstable now, like the torrent of the Yangtze River surging endlessly, as the nine big-tailed beasts continue to swallow the energy between heaven and earth, the total amount of spirit power is still a little bit A trace of continuous rise seems to be able to break through the 70 threshold at any time.

Ye Zhiqiu groaned, "Nana, when I was told about the Sun and Moon Continent by the clone just now. For some reason, I suddenly felt a little uneasy. Logically speaking, I succeeded in finding the Sun and Moon Continent, and I also faced breaking the boundaries. Good thing, but my mood at the moment is inexplicably irritable, and it seems that there is something in this world...the wind and rain are coming..."

Gu Yuena was silent for a while, and softly comforted: "You always say that women's instincts are very accurate, but I don't have the feeling you said. Maybe it's a breakthrough, and there have been too many things recently, and you are upset. Still don’t think too much, breaking through the boundaries as soon as possible to improve strength is the business."

"Break through... the limit soon..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the sky, his eyes getting deeper and deeper.

As the tail beast origin kept helping him to practice, he himself was getting closer and closer to level 70, and his feeling became stronger and stronger, as if the world was ringing the alarm for him.

This strange feeling had to make Ye Zhiqiu vigilant in his heart.

But after thinking about it carefully, Ye Zhiqiu discovered that there seemed to be nothing in this world that could threaten him. The only thing that could threaten him was probably only the gods of the God Realm. Could the God Realm make an exception to come to Douluo Continent? Can't do it yourself?

Regardless of whether this feeling is true or false, Ye Zhiqiu felt that he could no longer sit and wait for death. Only improving his own strength was the kingly way.

Because this short meeting passed, the Nine Big-Tailed Beast's original source swallowed the energy of heaven and earth twice. Ye Zhiqiu discovered that this premonition did not seem to come from the Sun Moon Continent in the clone mouth, but from himself.

Every time the Nine Big-Tailed Beast's original source vomits the energy of the heavens and the earth, his soul power is strengthened by a trace, and it is this trace, but it makes his premonition also strong.

Since the hunch increases as his level rises, he will break through level 70 as soon as possible and rely on his own strength to uncover the mystery of this hunch.

"Nana, I'm going to the Seagod Island to break through. It may take a few days. When I'm away, the academy will hand it over to you." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly got up, with a solemn expression on his face, he just left with Flying Thunder God in a hurry. .

Only a thoughtful Gu Yuena was left in place.

What Gu Yuena didn’t know was that there was a saying called the Son of Qi Luck. If Ye Zhiqiu were not present in this continent, the child of Qi Luck would naturally be Tang San, but when Ye Zhiqiu arrived, everything had changed. He changed too much. thing.

The world is ringing the alarm for Ye Zhiqiu, and Ye Zhiqiu has to doubt that he will go to this level. He needs to break through the 70th threshold as soon as possible, so that he has the strength to deal with the changes in the world.


Seagod Island, under the 600-story seagod's light, Ye Zhiqiu sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation. It was the first time that he was so eager to improve his strength as soon as possible.

The 600 steps can only slightly increase his cultivation speed.Ye Zhiqiu didn’t want to go to a higher level to practice. Starting from the 601st floor, he would face the energy attack of the Seagod’s Light. Without the fairy fox mode, Ye Zhiqiu could not hold it, but the fairy fox mode, the seagod’s light The suppression will be infinitely reduced, almost useless.Huomiexsw.com www.huomiexsw.com

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't, so he could only stay on the 600-story steps.

Time flickered, and three days passed.

The energy in Ye Zhiqiu's body almost reached a saturated state at this time, but the anxiety in his heart also became stronger at this time.

It seems that as long as he takes this step, the world will be on the verge of destruction.

But even if Ye Zhiqiu wanted to stop practicing at the critical moment when this kind of arrow was on the string, it was impossible.

At a certain moment, the nine big-tailed beasts in his body once again swallowed the energy of heaven and earth and transformed it into the soul power in his body. This trace of soul power finally became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

[The host reaches level 70, and Hokage's negative emotions becoming god system begins to upgrade, which takes three days.During the upgrade, the store is closed, and the rest of the functions can be used normally. Friendly reminder: Please prepare a lot of negative emotions for the host...]

The reminder in his mind made Ye Zhiqiu curse secretly in his heart, but he could no longer control so much at this time. The surging soul power gushed out of his body uncontrollably, and a purple beam of light burst out from the sky, connecting Seagod Island with The sky is linked together, and the rippling energy ripples disperse the clouds, making the sky cloudless.

This scene shocked the soul masters of the entire Seagod Island to a stunned horror. They thought that the Seagod they believed in had come to earth.

At the center of the purple light beam, Ye Zhiqiu didn't rush to joy for his successful breakthrough of level 70, but was a little irritable in his heart.

The moment he successfully broke through just now, the sense of power seemed to disappear. To be precise, it was delayed...

That's right, he can clearly notice that this sense of crisis from himself has been delayed.

Originally, although he could also feel the imminent sense of crisis, it is still possible that that feeling can be changed and reversed. It seems that there is a chance to stop it, it depends on how he does it.

But now, with his successful breakthrough, this sense of crisis has weakened, but the sense of crisis that seems to have locked him in gives people a sense of inescapability, which seems to be something that will definitely happen to him in the future. general.

This made Ye Zhiqiu think of a word from a previous life.

This word is called: Ying Jie.

Ye Zhiqiu now has no doubt that he is the son of luck in this world. If he thinks that he is not the son of luck, then other people are even less worthy.

Under such an identity, Ye Zhiqiu felt that he was okay.

But when the robbery was probably made by himself without knowing it, Ye Zhiqiu was a little bored.

The only thing that can pose a threat to him now is the gods of the gods in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes.

The rest are not a disaster at all for him.

Are those gods really going to deal with him in Douluo Continent?Why?Is it because the angel god initially thought he was an anomaly?Not from this world?

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