Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 293 Borrowersseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Forget it, something will happen later, let's talk about it later.Now, he has more important things to do.

This thing is: brush negative sentiment value.

The system before the upgrade, the most expensive thing is only 50,000 negative sentiment points. After an upgrade, the cheapest 50,000, and the most expensive reached 500,000...

This is a tenfold increase. Ye Zhiqiu has reason to suspect that after the second system upgrade, the cheapest thing is likely to be 500,000, and the expensive one may even reach 5 million?

He still has more than five million negative emotions, all of which have been accidentally saved during this time.

It looks like a lot, but it is very likely that you will only buy one thing at that time?Other things can only stare at me?

Ye Zhiqiu, who is used to being a local tyrant and accustomed to sweeping away valuable things in the system, will naturally not let himself face such an awkward situation.

It happened that it took three days for the system to upgrade, and during these three days, he decided to let the clone to brush his negative emotions desperately.


Shrek Academy's backyard bamboo house.

"This deity has already completed preliminary investigations on the Sun and Moon Continent. The cultivation system there is not much different from ours. The difference is that our Douluo Continent focuses on fighting with its own strength, and they focus on using the Soul Guidance Device to fight on the Sun Moon Continent. "

"Soul Guidance Device?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned by the situation reported by Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng's clone nodded, "Sun Moon Continent's soul guidance technology is very advanced, and the soul masters there are good at using various soul guidance devices. They can fly with them, and they can use them to assist themselves as a battle. Weapons, the very scarce storage Soul Guidance device on our Douluo Continent is even more abundant. Sikong Picking the Stars has gained a lot this time. If we compare our Douluo Continent with their Sun-Moon Continent, we are like a master. They are the continents of the main technology and minor cultivation."

"That's right..." Bai Xiaosheng's clone suddenly smiled mysteriously and said: "My deity, we have also detected a very important news, I believe you will be interested."

"Let's talk about it." Ye Zhiqiu showed interest in his eyes, so that the most stable chief among all his clones could also show this expression. It seems that this news should be very interesting.

Bai Xiaosheng cloned and said: "Sun Moon Continent seems to be studying artificial spirit rings, and it seems that the research has been successful. You may not understand what artificial spirit rings are in this deity. The so-called artificial spirit rings do not need to hunt down spirit beasts. Then you can use the soul guidance equipment to automatically condense the spirit ring for the soul master. This is an artificial spirit ring, and there is not much difference between the artificial spirit ring and the spirit ring obtained by the killing beast."

The news that Bai Xiaosheng brought made Ye Zhiqiu's heart suddenly ecstatic.

This technique, if they could also master this technique on the Douluo Continent, would undoubtedly be the first step for humans and spirit beasts to truly achieve peaceful coexistence.

Ye Zhiqiu calmed his mind and said in deep thought, "Can this artificial spirit ring technology be copied and learned?"

"I'm afraid not." Bai Xiaosheng avatar shook his head, and said: "Not only the artificial spirit ring technology, I am afraid that even the ordinary spirit guide manufacturing technology, without years of invasion, it is difficult for us to grasp it."

"So..." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flickered, leaning on the recliner, his fingers tapping on the armrest rhythmically.Starting Point Novel Network www.qidiantxt.com

Bai Xiaosheng's clone did not bother Ye Zhiqiu's thinking, just stood aside quietly and waited for instructions.

After a long time, Ye Zhiqiu paused with his fingers, his expression solemn, as if he had made some kind of decision.

"According to my order, all those clones who are idle in the Douluo Continent are dispatched to the Sun and Moon Continent. Go to kidnap them from the Sun and Moon Continent to study the soul guides. Don't let anyone with a good knowledge pass. Bring here and settle down well."

Bai Xiaosheng's clone was startled, this deity's operation was too ruthless, right?We don't have talents in this area, so you go to borrow it next door?

I have to say, this is a good idea...

But since they have already planned to do this, let's just be harder...

The corner of Bai Xiaosheng’s avatar lifted his lips, revealing a treacherous meaning, "My deity, even if we tie up the most educated people in the Sun and Moon Continent, these people do not have sophisticated soul guidance equipment, and it is difficult for clever women to cook without rice. ...Let’s borrow their soul-guided equipment from Sun Moon Continent for use? And the soul-guided equipment sometimes gets damaged. We need to borrow a lot from them for maintenance personnel, as well as our Douluo Continent’s soul-guided technology. It's time for development. The knowledgeable old professors of Sun Moon Continental Soul Guidance Academy, or something, seem to be able to invite over and teach our local children..."

As soon as Bai Xiaosheng talked about it, he kept chattering. Ye Zhiqiu himself was obsessed with a face. He meant to tie dozens of people from the opposite side, and there were probably only a hundred people in their family. As a result, Bai Xiaosheng was a clone. After analyzing it, how do you feel that it is not enough to tie a thousand people?

Ye Zhiqiu waved his hand and said with a headache: "You are solely responsible for this matter. Those who have been tied up and the soul guidance equipment will be sent to the Wuhun Hall and handed over to my teacher for her to arrange. I will say hello later. In addition, I have also left it to you to brush up negative emotions. Be sure to give me 50 million negative emotions within three days."

"Fifty million?" Bai Xiaosheng's avatar twitched, and you really caused a problem for me.

You know, even a titled Douluo can provide about 1,000 negative sentiment values ​​at a time.

50 million, in three days, how will he brush...

"Is there a problem?" Ye Zhiqiu frowned.

"No, within three days, the task must be completed. Time is running out, so I will leave first." Bai Xiaosheng's clone replied blankly, and then just slipped away. He was really afraid that Ye Zhiqiu would give him something difficult to accomplish. Now his time is very tight, and there are too many things to be told.

It is undoubtedly difficult to get a negative emotion value of 50 million in three days. Even if you send a clone to the major battlefields to do things crazy, you can't get so many...

Ye Zhiqiu's five million left now, but his own deity and so many clones have been involved for several years before they survived. It is enough to see that earning this stuff is not easy.

But since Bai Xiaosheng's clone can be qualified for the position of chief executive in Ye Zhiqiu's clone, he naturally has his own ideas.

After all, after Ye Zhiqiu put forward the first kidnapping suggestion, would he be someone who can conceive a lot of action plans directly in his mind?

In the ancient times of Ye Zhiqiu's previous life, Bai Xiaosheng's clone was equivalent to Ye Zhiqiu's military adviser and a think tank like Zhuge Liang.

Each clone has a different personality and IQ. This clone is undoubtedly the type with super high IQ.

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