Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 299 Awakeningseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The platform outside the bamboo house was already full of storage soul guides at this time. At a glance, there were hundreds of them. If all the contents were shaken out, I was afraid that just taking gold soul coins could fill the small lake.

Gu Yuena frowned her eyebrows, her figure flashed, and she appeared before a clone that hadn't dissipated, her eyes solemn, "What's the matter with you, and what's wrong with him? Is something wrong?"

"I don't know, but I shouldn't die, otherwise we won't come back to send it..."


Before this avatar had finished speaking, it turned into a white mist.

Gu Yuena stared blankly as more and more members of the Xiao organization turned into white mist and disappeared. With her strength, she naturally discovered long ago that the people who were called by Ye Zhiqiu were all clones of Ye Zhiqiu.

At this time, the collectiveness of his clone began to disappear, something that had never happened before.

This had to make Gu Yuena think more, and at the same time, a faint worry lingered in her heart.

Those two girls, don't you know about it?How should I talk to them?


God Realm Committee.

"The latest news, the new god who just broke through has completely disappeared in Douluo Star, what do you think?"

"The laws of life I have mastered have no response..."

"Could it be that he just broke through and became a god, so he moved out of Douluo Star to visit Hengyu?"

"It's just a god who just broke through. Have you been talking about making a big fuss?"

"The law of space, in the development of our God Realm until now, there has only been one god who has ever controlled, and there is no law of time. Do you think this is a fuss?"

"Why, do you look down on my law of life? Doesn't my law of life deserve to be raised?"

"Don't make a noise, there is a large space crack in Douluo Star, and it is very likely that the coordinates of the galaxy will be exposed. You'd better pay attention to the movements of the Black Abyss and the Dark Demon Realm during this period..."


An unknown interface, in a palace with slightly dim light.

On the dark golden throne, closing his eyes, his face turned sickly pale, the handsome young man suddenly opened his pupils.

In his pupils, there seemed to be no eyeballs, only a faint black mist lingering around, without the cover of the eyelids, the black mist drifted slowly along the corners of his eyes, looking a little strange.

The young man's slender fingers tapped rhythmically on the armrest of the throne, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"There is a new world that has opened up a lot of space cracks, exposing coordinates. This space crack should last long enough to find the coordinates from our dark demon world."

Under the throne, there are four figures of three men and one woman.

At this time, the four of them stood quietly waiting for instructions, and did not disturb the youth.

The young man pondered for a while, then looked at the figure of the four people below, one whose whole body was covered in a black cloak.

"Blood Demon, it is up to you to investigate first. Be careful not to expose the aura and provoke those hypocritical gods in the God Realm. We are not their opponents yet."



After Ye Zhiqiu was swallowed by the nine-color aperture, he came to a very strange place.

It looks like a strange river here, some like the Milky Way in the sky.61 Wenku www.61wenku.com

What flows in the river is not water, but tiny dots of various colors.

The moment Ye Zhiqiu came here, the clothes on his body were turned into cloth strips by the invisible energy around him, as if there were invisible blade-like objects around him, constantly attacking him.

Ye Zhiqiu fainted, but the nine lamas in his body were not fainted. They immediately released their supernatural powers, permeating Ye Zhiqiu's body surface, and protecting Ye Zhiqiu's body.

This process was very short, and it didn't take a breath, but Ye Zhiqiu's body was already covered with dense and small wounds, skin and flesh spattered everywhere, and his clothes were instantly stained with blood red.

The law of life doesn't need Ye Zhiqiu to take the initiative to operate, it spontaneously reveals, repairing those small wounds on his body, just a few breaths, his body is once again white and tender.

If it weren't for the blood stains on Ye Zhiqiu's clothes, it wouldn't be obvious that he had ever been injured.

The state seems to be temporarily stable, but the nine lamas are secretly surprised. It finds that its divine power is consumed very quickly here. The invisible attacks seem endless, and it is always attacking the energy coat that it has condensed with its divine power. After only a few breaths, the nine lama found that the divine power in his body was almost reduced by one-tenth.

You know, it has more than ten times the divine power reserves of the strong of the same level. Then, if you change to another god, wouldn't it be necessary to consume all the divine power and die in this ghost place with one or two breaths?

Damn it, if you don't wake up, master, I will be unable to stand it!You are going to be cut into pieces!If you die, I will finish the calf!

Unfortunately, no matter how the nine lamas called in his heart, Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to wake up.

After all, he just fainted, and his brain needs a little time to adapt. Has anyone you ever seen who can wake up immediately after fainting?

As time passed by, the nine lama's suffocated teeth suffocated. It was digging out every divine power in its body, just to support one more breath.

For the first time, the Nine Lama discovered that he had the day when all his energy in his body was consumed...

No, it will definitely die if this continues. The nine lama's eyes turned to think about countermeasures. When it saw the Milky Way below, the demon eyes lit up. There was something special and there might be a ray of life.

Now in this dangerous situation, it can't help but pick it up. It will undoubtedly die if you stay on it. There may be a chance of survival when you enter the strange river under your feet. Just ask which one you choose?

Inspiring the last divine power in the body, the nine lamas supported Ye Zhiqiu's body with divine power and plunged into the strange Milky Way below...

The Milky Way fluctuated for a moment, and then calmed down again.

Ye Zhiqiu's figure just disappeared.


On Douluo Continent, it seemed to be winter at this time, the weather was a bit cold, and the vegetation was covered with luminous white frost.

Star Dou Forest, inner circle.

On the trunk of a large branch that was more than 20 meters high, Ye Zhiqiu opened his eyes faintly, a little blank in his eyes, as if he had just woke up.

The little warm sun sprinkled through the leaves in the sky made Ye Zhiqiu gradually return to his senses. He straightened up and stood up.

Ye Zhiqiu's face was blushed by the cloth strips on his body that couldn't even hide his shame. Through the cracks in his clothes, he saw his little brother.

Ye Zhiqiu didn’t have any exhibitionism, so he hurriedly changed his clothes on the tree. In the Moyu bracelet, there were a few spare robes, but there were no underwear and trousers inside. The special gown of the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall, as for the tie, just wear it without hair, and it's quite comfortable.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu put on his clothes and was about to look around, there was a loud bang in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, a ripple of transparent energy visible to the naked eye swept across the sky with a "swish".

Someone fighting?

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were calm. The scenery here was either the Star Dou Great Forest or the Sunset Forest. It seemed normal for someone to fight.

Judging by the power of this battle, it was probably just a high-level Contra or a low-level Titled Douluo. A spirit master of this level, in the eyes of Ye Zhiqiu, was a rookie.

The kind that can do a group of people with one look.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu wanted to teleport away, he suddenly realized that he couldn't feel any of his flying Thunder God Seals all over the mainland at this time...

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