Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 300 The Unfriendly Worldseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Not only Fei Lei Shen Yin could not feel it at all, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't even feel his clone anymore.


what happened?

Ye Zhiqiu's brows wrung together in an instant.

Thousands of clones of himself all over the mainland are just gone?Isn't it right, whether the avatar is exhausted and disappeared or being beaten into smoke, the memory must at least return?Why doesn't even the memory of the clone come back now?

Well, even if the avatar is really gone for some reason that I don’t know, but the Flying Thunder God Seal is invisible and innocent, it can’t disappear immediately, but now it doesn’t even have the Flying Thunder God Seal. Now, this made Ye Zhiqiu have to think more.

"Fuck, I won't go to other life planets..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself in a daze.

"Boss, this world is very weird, you better not show your strength too much." The nine lama's words seemed a little languid, like a person who had been hungry for several days.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up. Why did he forget this stuff? Except when he was doing sex with a few women, he didn't shield the nine lamas from the outside world. He was in a coma before, what happened to the outside world, nine Lama should know all of them.

But when Ye Zhiqiu looked inwardly and saw what the Nine Lamas looked like at this time, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

Although the original nine lamas were not muscular and strong enough, they at least had a linear beauty. When the nine tails were swinging, they were even more imposing.

But at this moment, when he saw the Nine Lama lying next to the Qihai villain in his dantian, Ye Zhiqiu was a little suspicious of life. Is this really his Nine Lama?Wasn't it dropped?

His whole body was as thin as wood, and his whole body seemed to have no flesh or two. The hair had also changed from the healthy orange-red color to a sickly dark red color, and even the pupils had become dim and dull.

Compared with the previous nine lamas, this time it seems to be in old age...

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly conveyed his divine power to the nine lamas, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the matter with you."

The Nine Lama received a little divine help from Ye Zhiqiu, and seemed to regain a little energy, and directly cut off the divine power connection line that Ye Zhiqiu continued to send divine power to it.

The Nine Lama said, "Boss, I'm fine, don't waste my divine power for me. If I'm right, not only is I unable to absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to recover myself, you are probably in the same situation as me, this world. It seems to be repelling us."

Outside, Ye Zhiqiu frowned, trying to diffuse the purple-gold power out of his body. The process went smoothly.

But immediately afterwards, the world seemed to have discovered him, a special force suddenly squeezed from the heaven and earth in all directions. The space where Ye Zhiqiu was located was a bit distorted at this moment, as if On the verge of breaking.

In the dark, Ye Zhiqiu realized that this world seemed to treat himself as some kind of alien, and wanted to squeeze him out of this world.

"Is it an unfriendly new world? It's really bad news." Ye Zhiqiu whispered thoughtfully, then withdrew the purple-gold supernatural power that permeated his body.

The squeezing force from the heavens and the earth is also instantaneously reduced at this time, but this world seems to have remembered him, even if Ye Zhiqiu did not use the slightest divine power now, this squeezing force still exists, but it is weak. It has been a lot, but it has no effect on him.61 Pen Fun Pavilion www.61zd.com

This seems to be just a mark left on him by the world?

Ye Zhiqiu touched his chin, trying to absorb the energy of this heaven and earth. As the Nine Lama said, the surrounding energy seemed to be unmoved by him. Even if he could clearly feel the energy, the energy was not. Drill into him.

"Fortunately, the problem is not big..." Ye Zhiqiu curled his lips and raised his middle finger upright, not knowing who he was mocking.

Even if Ye Zhiqiu really can't use his divine power here, his physical power is not vegetarian, and it is enough to deal with most situations. How can a high-level fairy body wait?So he is not very panicked.


There was another violent collision in the distance.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes flashed, and he decided to first observe what the natives of this world looked like.

Not seeing how he moved, or even the slightest divine power spilled, Ye Zhiqiu had already risen into the air and rushed to the center of the battle in the distance.


In the center of the battlefield, three people and one beast were confronting each other, both of them were panting, and neither seemed to be in a good state.

Above the big tree not far away, a cute-looking girl of sixteen or seventeen was calmly hiding behind the sturdy branches, showing only a small head, looking at the battlefield not far away, secretly clenching her palms.

The four of them, because the leading young man and the girl broke through the 90th and 50th levels at the same time, they called on the other two Contras for help, and came together to hunt down the spirit ring in the Star Dou Great Forest.

The soul beast confronting them is a holy light split celestial phenomenon between 80,000 and 90,000 years old. Not to mention the huge size of this soul beast, but also its rough skin and infinite strength. The word “Tian” is a bit exaggerated, but to it, it’s as easy as eating and drinking water. Although its age is less than one hundred thousand years, its size is similar to that of the Titan giant known as the king of the forest. The ape is not much different.

Soul beasts can't braid their strength with their body size, but the big ones will definitely not be weak. No matter how you look at it, this Holy Light Splitting Sky Phenomenon is not easy to deal with.

Just as the three of them and one beast were facing each other silently, calming down the blood churning in the body in secret, and regaining their soul power to make a move.

Not far from the sky, a figure came slowly in the air at this time, and landed on the top of a big tree. The only thing that supported his body was a leaf less than a palm.

The white robe floating formula, the long purple hair that emits shining light naturally dances with the wind, floating behind him.In addition, after absorbing the high-level fairy human body, the extremely beautiful face is perfect. At this time, even if Ye Zhiqiu doesn't have any powerful energy to set off, he still carries an air of dust in every move, just like the sky The banished immortal is in the world.

The way of his appearance made the confrontational three people stunned. Intuition tells them that although this person is young, his strength may not be simple.

and many more...

Why is his clothes a bit familiar?

"Okay...so handsome..." At the waist of the big tree next to Ye Zhiqiu, the girl slightly raised her head and stared at Ye Zhiqiu's figure in a daze for a while.

These people looked at Ye Zhiqiu, either in a daze or in a daze. They didn't know that when Ye Zhiqiu saw them, they were calm on the surface, but in reality they were equally daunted.

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