Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 366: The night before meeting

About two hours later, Chen Yang and I retreated back to the top floor. Both arms were almost numb due to the recoil caused by the constant shooting.

When he got to the top floor, he saw the fat man sitting in the corner resting. He kept bluffing and seemed to be exhausted.

Sun Miao was still commanding the soldiers who had just been replaced and had no time to pay attention to the others.

Chen Yang and I walked to the wall where the fat man was and sat down. Sometimes we were really unconvinced. No matter how tough our mouths were, the physical disparity between men and women is really hard to admit.

Noting that I was approaching Chen Yang, the fat man looked back and swallowed his mouth and said, "The two elder sisters should rest well, what's the matter with your women?!"

I just admired that men have better physical strength, and I will immediately become displeased by the fat man’s sexist sentence: "What's wrong with women? Are women less helpful?"

The fat man was inexplicably choked by my sentence, and he didn't even know that his sentence would make people angry.

Scratching his head and looking at Chen Yang, he changed the subject to me again: "Why, eldest girl, you ran out, where are so many patients before? No one came out."

The topic became serious. I took the face that was about to quarrel with the fat man before closing, and said seriously: "The corridor inside is blocked, and the cabinet is sealed up. We are so loud outside, even if we leave a bit or two in it, It is impossible to open that cabinet within a day or two."

The fat man didn’t know the general environment in the hospital lobby. He didn’t quite understand what was going on in the clouds. I didn’t bother to explain it carefully. He didn’t bother to listen. The two of them looked at each other in a tacit understanding. Nodded without pretending to understand: "It turns out that it is."

I felt very embarrassed on the side...Who are we both deceiving ourselves and showing to others?

The three were silent for a while, and Chen Yang got up and went downstairs to find a place where he could go to the toilet. Only Oh and Fatty were left in place.

He seemed to be guarding against Chen Yang before. As soon as she left, the fat man immediately swept away the appearance of being scornful, and said solemnly to me: "Sister, on the intercom just now, I heard Xiao Sun say that the commander spoke from the inside??? Did he hear it wrong? The voices are all the same, is that person a conductor?!"

I nodded: "It's him, I can tell."

Hearing this, the fat man immediately expressed his suspicion: "Didn't you find this fake before?"

Being blocked by him, I instantly became angry: "Then what do you ask me to do?"

The fat man scratched his head and his face was temporarily not true to you. He spoke again: "What did the commander just say? Did you say where the other person is?"

"How is it possible to say? So many people are listening, and his voice sounds like he has no strength. In fact, those words are not directly spoken to the walkie-talkie but are sent out through a sound transmission device such as a telephone, so I It is estimated that if you were right to speculate before, Chen Ming is still in Beijing all the time, but I just thought about it, if he is not out of danger, the first time he should call for help, not help. Stabilize the emotions of his subordinates. So... maybe he is safe now."

The fat man seemed to have made up his mind to choke me today. He turned his head and muttered: "Nonsense, so obvious, pigs know."

I ignored him. Instead, I leaned against the wall behind me, closed my eyes and wanted to rest for a while. The gunshots around me were too harsh to fall asleep, so I just sat like this.

Gradually, it may be that the number of walking corpses has decreased, and the time between gunshots has gradually become longer. Chen Yang fell asleep next to me, but he was also very restless. During the interval between gunshots, his consciousness had just been blurred and he would be suddenly abrupt. I wake up after a few shots, don’t mention the troubles, I absolutely can’t fall asleep in this state, but Chen Yang slept in the dark. After waking up, he closed his eyes and wrinkled his brows to endure those few seconds. Then I could sleep for a few more minutes, and I admired her for her tenacity.

At night, perhaps because the walking corpses cannot see our specific location, and the scurrying corpses are selectively eliminated during the day, we have a few hours of free time to rest after dark.

Everyone slept in their respective positions, and the surroundings finally calmed down. I learned that Chen Yang, who had already fallen asleep, was lying on the concrete floor on the roof of the building, almost unconscious. He was sleepy and was going to die, but this would really be true. After I had to lie down, I couldn't fall asleep again. I closed my eyes and couldn't control the crazy thoughts in my head. In the end, I could only stare at the gloomy sky with wide eyes.

The weather always seems to be in the mood of people. Even though it is dark, the clouds can be seen to be thick. The moonlight can only vaguely reveal from behind those clouds, just like I am confused and confused now.

Downstairs because the soldiers have rested, and a lot of walking corpses have gathered, but the number can be processed the next day, so there is no need to worry, but their cry makes it even more impossible for me to sleep because I have some insomnia. Finished.

Sun Miao’s walkie-talkie hadn’t been talking for a long time, and it seemed that everyone was resting in the dead of night.

I want to ask what Suo Tian said when he contacted Chen Ming today, but I don't know where he is now. The walkie-talkie is a public channel and it is inconvenient to ask such questions. The reason why I can't sleep is also because I am worried about it.

The more I thought about it, the more upset I became, staring at the sky for a long time and felt terribly upset, so I simply got up from the place and stood up to move around where there was no one.

According to past experience, once you feel upset, the more you lie down, the more annoying you will get up.

Standing on the edge of the building, there is no light below and you can't see the walking corpses, but you can clearly hear their roar.

The opposite building that hides countless patients sits quietly in the dark, emitting a quiet light.

The whole world seemed very quiet under the roar of the walking corpse.

I don't know how the patients hiding in the opposite building will survive tonight, but I know I may have a sleepless night tonight.

There was a faint sound of footsteps behind me. Looking back, Sun Miao stood behind me without sleep, "No rest?"

"Well, not sleepy."

He walked up to me and stretched out his arms: "The conductor is not used to it, is it?"

I turned my head and looked at him: "It should be you who are not used to it..."

Sun Miao was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed: "To be honest, after following the command for so long, he has suddenly disappeared, so he is really not used to it."

I also laughed and didn't speak.

After Sun Miao thought for a while, he turned his head to look at me: "This time the commander has fallen so heavily, and he was even pretended to be. There must be something wrong with it that we don't know, otherwise, the commander will be against the scene. It’s absolutely impossible to be taken away so quietly, waiting for him to come back..."

Sun Miao's words stopped here.

I paused for a while and took his words: "You wish I could ask about this incident?"

"Yes." Sun Miao nodded, admitting generously: "The commander is not a person who is used to reporting his whereabouts and situations. Most of the time, what he encounters when he is alone will be silently hidden by him, but this is different. Since those people All threatened his safety, and I must not sit back and watch."

I was very pleased to hear what Sun Miao said. Although I knew that I might not be able to ask anything, I still agreed.

After Sun Miao left, I stood there for a long time. Just about to turn back and rest my legs before dawn, the walkie-talkie in my hand rang, and Chen Ming’s still weak voice came out: "Fifth and sixth. Team, clean up the area you are responsible for before 8 o'clock."

Five seconds later, the other side responded: "Yes! Command!" I want to know that the moment a group of sleeping people wake up from their sleep is when they receive that the work that was originally scheduled to be completed at noon has been advanced to the morning, and it must be compelled. . It is very good to have such a fast response speed.

"The ninth and tenth squads led by the captain are now going to the d6 area and clean up all the walking corpses over there before eight o'clock! I will take someone to rest and plug the gap at eight o'clock."

For the same five seconds, an unfamiliar response came from there: "How are we going to d6 area? There are a lot of walking corpses below."

Here Chen Ming was silent for a while: "Do I need to teach you how to drink milk."

He used declarative sentences.

The people over there immediately apologized: "Sorry for the command, the task must be completed before eight o'clock!"

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