Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 367: Sound capacity forever

From the beginning, I was silent on the walkie-talkie. I couldn't help it anymore. I pressed the button and whispered: "Chen Ming..."

There were a few electric noises over there, and I suddenly realized that this sentence would be transmitted to different people's ears, not only Chen Ming would hear it, but many other team members who were ready to go shopping with the corpse would hear it.

After the world was silent for a few seconds, Chen Ming's voice over there was gentle: "Silent, where are you?"

"I'm..." I reported my position almost subconsciously, but stopped after only uttering two words. Chen Yang didn't know when he woke up. She pressed my wrist holding the walkie-talkie. The eyes looked at me for a moment, and I couldn't see the emotions, but I could feel that she didn't want me to continue speaking.

After hesitating for two seconds, I continued: "I am in a safe place."

"En." Chen Ming said: "Don't be afraid, I will pick you up this afternoon."

Since Chen Ming was taken away, he didn't know what happened. No one should tell him where I was. He basically didn't have time to come to me at this time. I could hear that this sentence was just comforting.

After being quiet, Chen Yang looked at me and said, "He Mo...I think you are a little too dependent on Chen Ming."

I didn't speak, waiting for Chen Yang to finish speaking.

"You have experienced so many things. I don't want to say a lot of things. You also understand that no matter how close you are and how deep your feelings are, you sometimes have to learn to support yourself as a person as necessary."

After hearing this, I tried to defend myself with two sentences: "I supported it. During the period when Chen Ming was absent, so many things happened, am I not supporting it?"

"I'm not referring to these." I don't seem to have a specific understanding of what Chen Yang said: "I mean, you have to be ready to spend the rest of your life on your own at all times, so that you can Understand? Only in this way, when you encounter something, can you be ready anytime, anywhere."

Chen Yang’s words were like stepping on a sensitive tail that I couldn’t see, and suddenly became a little irritable. I think she said too much in such a move and used too heavy words. I just said these two sentences with Chen Ming. Before she could see her face, she hurriedly threw these few words to me and gave me a basin of cold water, really disgusted in her heart.

Looking at Chen Yang, I spoke in a tone I had never had before: "I’m not as good as your head. I really can’t understand what you mean, but Chen Yang, we are such good friends, these days. You should also know how I came here. It’s not that there’s nothing I can do. I will not choose to believe that you don’t even know your real name. You haven’t experienced this, so now you can stand and talk without backache. If you find out Suotian is fake, it is faked by others, and every piece of news you know about him is speculation from others, and the results are not so optimistic. If you can speak out in grandeur at that time If this is the case... I will convince you. Also, what about you, prepare yourself to live your life, yourself... you are ready to live forever and never see the lock sky by yourself and spend the rest of your life alone. Up?"

Chen Yang has always had a bad temper. She thought she would feel that I didn't know good or bad after hearing these words. So she was furious, but she was silent for a while and then said again: "If I said, I would have done it a long time ago. Psychologically prepare, what would you think?"

I was stunned...I didn't expect to hear such an answer.

Chen Yang continued to speak: "I didn't mean to pour cold water on you when I told you this. To use a more tacky sentence, if I were someone else, I wouldn't talk too much about it today, He Mo, the world is different now. What you experience is ugly, but what you see is the remaining beauty after automatic filtering. This is your greatest strength and your greatest weakness, but you can’t just erase everything that may happen at any time, knowing Huh... Suotian, Chen Ming, the two of them are really strong, but every day is licked by the tip of the knife. Team C is an elite. How many people have been replaced in this round of rotation? They didn't even know that they would die before they died. When they realized that, the **** of death was in front of them. The accident happened suddenly. If you can't prepare for this, then you will become a burden, a great burden. Chen Ming is quite stubborn and introverted. I can’t tell him these things. Suotian and him are naturally less likely to talk about these topics between men, so I can only tell you. Maybe the time is not right, but I’ll tell you earlier. It’s definitely not harming you. Chen Ming’s love cannot be felt by you, but others can see it clearly. His love is too cautious and too stubborn. If you can’t be rational, you will let your mind and body be tied up. In his body, this is fatal to both of you."

"We have a good relationship, is it also wrong?"

"No one says this is wrong. Of course it's not wrong. It's right. It's just that what Chen Ming is facing doesn't allow these to exist, do you understand? This is not for yourself, but more importantly for him."

I got stuck in thinking for a long time: "So... you make these preparations, in fact, just to try not to drag the sky down?"

"Yes." Chen Yang said: "I have strengthened myself and let Suotian feel relieved. Just like now, Suotian has become accustomed to trusting me, and Chen Mingming is ridden with Pepsi, and his weak tone must be hurt. Hearing your voice At the moment, I still care if you are afraid and safe, He Mo... Think about it, is this really good?"

The shock of Chen Yang’s words came from the deepest part of my heart. Until daybreak, we started shooting again at the walking corpses gathered below overnight. From time to time, Chen Ming’s clear command came from the walkie-talkie. He always It’s too close to me, and now I can’t get close suddenly, but it’s even more obvious how good he is.

From the very beginning, the gap between me and him has not been a little bit big. From the first point on, I was obsessed with him. In fact, Xu Qiqi hates me for a reason. I and her are both ordinary and ashamed. A mouse-like person, such a beautiful existence as Chen Ming, was coaxed to his side in advance by my dead skinny face, thinking that if I were her, I might be more hysterical than her.

Because our team wanted to know the progress of the next step, Sun Miao came back to get the walkie-talkie.

Seeing me in a daze, Chen Yang handed over a long dagger, his head tilted downstairs: "I will go down to the melee fight later, don't you?"

After receiving the heavy dagger in my hand, what Chen Yang said in the early morning appeared in his mind, echoing back and forth. Within a few seconds, my decisive speed surprised me. I took the dagger in my hand and nodded: " Go, why not go."

Let alone the theory that Chen Yang and I said, I agree or disagree in my heart, but at least she has a word that is correct, try not to drag them down because of themselves, they are just human...

Most of the dense walking corpses were shot to the ground. Because there were too many walking corpses in front of the iron fence, a lot of strength was wasted when it was opened. Our main task is to eliminate those who have not completely died on the ground. The walking corpse...

At this time, no one raised the great banner of humanism to stand up and fight for the human rights of these walking dead friends who could obviously be cured.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder and burnt flesh, and the densely packed bullet holes on the ground were almost intimidating.

Except for the snipers who were still guarding upstairs, all of us came down to solve it with our bare hands.

The gap has been blocked as many as possible, and the many walking corpses that have entered the shelter have all turned into turtles in the urn for a time. With enough weapons in hand, it is only a matter of time before they are killed.

After the situation stabilized, we went to the hospital lobby as soon as possible to see how the patients hiding behind the corridor were doing.

As guessed, the place is narrow, and there are too many people hiding here, and the fear all night makes them embarrassed.

When we removed the cabinets in the hallway, a strong smell came to our face, the kind of smell that was almost irresistible with rotten meat, feces, and urine.

The hall was quickly cleaned up, and everyone lay back in their place.

The toilet was used normally again, and the stains on the floor were quickly cleaned up by Chen Yang and I while retching.

Almost half an hour after the sanitation was cleaned up, the hall once again resumed the treatment that was in short supply but was still peaceful.

During the period, an old couple nestled in the corner. The grandfather suddenly started to twitch violently and sprayed a lot of filth. After the doctors went to check, their complexion changed drastically. One of the doctors quickly ran out, not many people outside. Sun Miao walked in quickly with him. Sun Miao squatted in front of the old grandfather. Just looking at him, he immediately ordered someone to wrap the quiet old grandfather with a bed sheet and quickly led away from the hall.

The grandmother was left alone, sitting quietly but looking desperate.

After cleaning up the inflamed wound for a patient next to her, I said when I passed her: "Don't worry, it's okay."

The old grandmother did not show anything that was out of ordinary, and she was relatively calm: "Girl...don't comfort me, are you busy...what the old man is like, I know in my heart, after so many years... if you don't even feel this moment. When I arrive, I'm so sorry to him."

The old grandmother spoke very slowly, she looked very educated, and even at this time she didn't lose her attitude.

I saw her hands trembling slightly.

The man lying at my feet is a young man, who just treated his wound.

Seeing this, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, closed his eyes and slowly said: "Tonight is the evening, and the voice is farewell."

After he said this, the old grandmother suddenly started to cry.

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