Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 371: True and false confrontation

I still don't have enough courage, and after such a second of effort, a layer of cold sweat has burst out of my forehead.

I didn't answer the call for a long time, and a trace of doubt flashed over the fake's face.

Clearing my throat, I said perfunctorily: "When did you and Suotian come back?" I expressed the doubts that a normal person should have, but I dared not to ask him how he was here.

"Just now." His answer was even more perfunctory.

"have you eaten?"


Really, this person's IQ is really incomparable to Chen Ming, and both the words and the outside are where they expose themselves.

Thinking of this, I suddenly became nervous again. He is like this... Is it really low IQ or is it just trying to test me? ?

He started to follow me to the outside of the corridor slowly, very, very slowly, obviously unnaturally slow.

damn it! I cursed secretly, why I only wanted to test him, but I didn't expect that the other party might also be testing myself?

In such a dark place, if you let him know that his identity has been seen by me, once I turn my face, I will definitely not be his opponent. After all, I am a fake Chen Ming, and without his leadership, he will not be able to send him over.

Then there is... since he is a fake, it is impossible for him to follow me back to the tent area, which is equivalent to entering the cage by himself.

After stopping, I hung my head, and quickly imagined in my mind all kinds of scenes that made me sad, and finally put on a deep sad tone: "Chen Ming... when is such a day? head?"

He also stopped, obviously in a daze...

It took a while before responding: "What's wrong with you?"

"When will the days of always facing blood and death come to an end? When will you have a stable life? When will you not be so busy?" I complained every word, and my attitude was very serious.

At the same time, he kept thinking in his mind that if he procrastinated and confused the other party’s judgment, it was not a way. If he couldn’t come up with a way to retreat quickly, he would quickly realize that something was wrong... it was impossible not to be afraid of death. Yes, I’m so afraid of death. What's more, the most likely thing is that since this person is here in the middle of the night, if I accidentally run into it, it’s good to say, in case it is deliberately following the thing that is going to catch me. It's really serious...

The fake patted me on the shoulder: "Don't think about it so much, just wait for this time to pass."

If it was Chen Ming...he just felt distressed and speechless.

"En." I nodded and stood there, hanging my head dry like an idiot, and couldn't make up anything else.

No way...After all, the person in front of him is not Chen Ming, but a stranger who knows the danger.

"Let's go." The air solidified for almost half a minute, and I turned around and walked out of the corridor first: "It's unsafe here for a while and it's so wrong to hit it."

The fake behind me has not moved. Just as I was about to walk out of the crooked gate in a cold sweat, a cold voice came from behind: "Stand there and don't move!"

The body immediately executed this sentence.

As soon as I stiffened, I realized that I was discovered. I lifted my leg and wanted to run, but the voice behind me was even colder: "You can take another step and try it. I don't mind if your man comes here tomorrow morning and sees you being gnawed by a rat. Corpse."

I turned my back to him, I didn't even dare to sweat...

The people behind saw me being honest, and sneered: "You know how to act, aren't you embarrassed? I feel embarrassed for you."

"I don't think... you did a good job, I take it seriously..." I didn't know where I had come from and actually responded to his words.

Listening carefully now, I found that this person's voice is actually not at all like Chen Ming. The breath and tone are all different. Chen Ming's voice is relatively weak. No matter what he says, it makes people feel indifferent.

And this person... may have deliberately imitated Chen Ming before, but now he heard an unconcealable arrogance in his tone.

I can hear that this person should also be a very arrogant person on weekdays. No wonder the eyes that looked at me before were full of disdain and impatience.

I guess it's me, as noble as he looks down on.

"You guys are a good method. They killed everyone around me silently..." He slowly approached me: "I'm curious, how did you notice something wrong?"

"It's as easy as you realized that I was just pretending to be a fake. A fake is a fake, and it's not natural to pretend to look like anymore."

"That is to say, you actually found out a long time ago?" He had already walked to the side, with a slight sullen tone in his tone.

An arrogant person like him, if he knew that the character he had painstakingly imitated had been discovered by everyone in the morning... would surely turn into anger.

Without thinking, I blurted out: "No, we all learned about it later, otherwise, why didn't so many people around you expose you?"

He kept staring at me, my heart was very vacant, and on the surface I pretended that what I just said was the truth.

"Is that you?" Just as the fake boy looked at my face repeatedly like scanning a QR code, my handsome husband's voice came from outside the door.

The fake's face became stiff, and he immediately turned his head and looked over. At the same time, he quickly retreated behind me, and a pistol hit my back waist.

Chen Ming walked in from the outside without any haste, holding a strong flashlight in his hand, and I couldn't open my eyes.

"It's really alike. What method did they use to make my face look so similar?"

The fake flashlight stabbed a little impatiently: "Did you choose to turn off the light or let your woman see blood?"

Chen Ming turned off the flashlight, and his surroundings suddenly plunged into darkness.

The fake was a little nervous, and the pistol was tight against my back: "Are there anyone else coming with you besides you?"

Chen Ming stood in place: "Use my face anyway, don't be so timid, at least be more atmospheric before you die."

As soon as the fake heard it, he stretched out his hand and strangled my neck: "It doesn't matter who is dead and who is alive! Isn't it too early to tell the big story?"

"Morning?" Chen Ming asked. Then he nodded again: "It's quite early, so you still haven't answered the question I just asked. How did they make your face look like me?"

This kind of questioning obviously made the fakes very shameless, and sure enough... his tone became frantic: "What are you doing? Your woman is still in my hands..."

Chen Ming interrupted his next words: "Do you think this is good? Let's make a deal. Even if you kill my wife today, your result is doomed. Instead of hurting both sides like this, it's better to sit down and have a conversation. You tell us what we want to know, and we let you go...Everyone takes what they need."

With this suggestion made by Chen Ming, the fake was obviously heart-stirring for a moment, but after a second thought, it seemed that there could not be such a good thing. He felt that Chen Ming framed him, and immediately became even more angry: "You want to play me? !"

"I didn't want to play with you. There was enough time for the snipers around you to punch a dozen holes in your head."

Hearing that, the fake pinched me back a few steps, and back into the complete darkness in the hallway: "Are there snipers around?"

"Of course, where I am, my sniper will follow, you dare to come here if you don't even know this?"

"Don't let them shoot indiscriminately!" There was timidity in the fake voice. If it weren't for the darkness around, I would really like to see what this person with the same face as Chen Ming looked like when he was scared.

After two minutes of silence, the fake asked Chen Ming: "How can I be sure that after you know what you want to know, I can leave safely?"

"You can totally trust me." Chen Ming said: "Because at present you have no other way to choose except this. If the lock of the sky comes... I don't want him to ignore my wife's safety and just throw a knife into it. In your head."

The fake thought for another two minutes: "Okay, yes. But your wife may not be able to return it to you for the time being. If you want to know what you want, I can tell you everything except the problem with my face."

"What did you look like before?" Chen Ming asked.


"Who sent you here?"

"I don't know. We are locked up for training, and the trainer is responsible for us. Whoever receives the task only needs to complete it. We have no right to ask too much."

"How many of them are there besides you?"

"There are many, including patients, doctors, and even other shelters. It's just that the people who can respond to me on the task list here have been killed by your wife and others."

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