Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 372: life and death

Chen Ming paused for a while: "Where is your training camp?"

Hearing the fakes, his face was stunned: "Have you not been there?"

Looking at Chen Ming’s instantly clear expression, I wondered if the training base he said was actually the underground base in the deep mountains where I was hijacked last time.

Chen Ming didn't continue to ask this topic anymore, it seemed that he almost had a bottom in his heart in almost all cases.

After the air was still for a few seconds, the fake said: "You already know what you should ask, can you let me go now?"

"Yes." Chen Ming said: "The last question."

"you said."

"This kind of person who is almost cloned in appearance is just you, or are there many other people who can be changed artificially?"

"I don't know, I told you just now. I just received such a task and executed it. If you ask me about the others, I really don't know, but..., if you believe it, follow my guess Such an identical artificial face should be more than just myself. When I was undergoing this experiment, I saw many of the same containers."

"Container? Experiment?" Chen Ming asked.

"The last question you said, you have finished asking it."

Chen Ming stood there for a meeting and then said: "Go out of the broken wall behind you, keep walking, and put my wife there safe and sound one kilometer away. It's better not to have any other thoughts...I will survive. Your skin."

The fake behind him was startled: "Can you guarantee that the sniper will not shoot?"

"I can." Chen Ming nodded, his tone affirmative.

"Well, everyone has a bargaining chip. Don't play tricks."


Then, the fake dragged me back slowly.

Chen Ming spread out his hands in the darkness, saying that he was absolutely not threatening.

Soon, we left the house.

From the moment I saw Chen Ming, I was no longer so scared and perturbed. I was very much in line with the counterfeit and moved slowly. It can be seen that he is still very cautious. Indeed... if I were to change it. His position must also be terribly nervous. What does a sniper mean? A sniper with a good marksmanship can even hold a small group of soldiers during a war, basically killing him with one shot.

As he walked farther and farther, he gradually relaxed, at least not looking around in a panic.

Walking out of the house was a not-so-wide road. Later, he almost dragged me to flee quickly. When he was almost a kilometer away, he hesitated for a while, as if he was considering whether or not to put me down. In about a few seconds, he made a choice, let go of his grip on me, and said to me: "This is what I promised. You stand here and don't move, he will come to pick you up in a while."

Although I knew this was an exchange agreement between him and Chen Ming, I still seemed to have accepted the favor of others, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

He probably thought I was ridiculous, he didn't pay attention, turned his head and ran quickly into the darkness.

I stood there and didn't move, watching his fading back, waiting for Chen Ming to come and pick me up.

But before the figure of that person completely melted into the darkness, I only heard a harsh gunshot from the air...it was accompanied by the running figure and fell down before it even screamed. On the ground.

I was stunned...I always seemed to be stunned, and I would be stunned for a few seconds when encountering anything slightly unexpected.

Within a minute after the gunfire, the surroundings fell into a sub-normal silence, and there was no more sound.

But I know that someone must be lurking somewhere in the dark, with unsentimental pupils looking at me through the sight.

Suddenly, I became scared... I recalled those people who had worked so hard to save in the hospital lobby a few days ago... The same is human life, everyone is exactly the same, advanced primates ...Mammals...As the same species, but because of the thoughts that we have evolved, it has evolved into what we are now...just the position is different, and it can be so unscrupulous when facing life.

A fake is a bad person in our eyes, and it is more than guilty, but in his eyes, how can we be good people?

At least from the beginning to the present, the team that I'm in at the heart of my heart that I think are good people hasn't really cared about his life.

Whether he is alive or dead is just a matter of interest for us.

My **** sympathy began to mess up untimely again. This stinking problem may not be corrected until I die. No matter how many times I secretly resolve in my heart, I always face those who communicate with me. They couldn't watch their vivid lives disappear into their hands like Chen Ming and the others.

It's too pretentious to say that...

He Mo, haven't you killed anyone? I asked myself this way.

I have killed more than one...

Chen Ming and the others quickly followed. As he said, it was true that many of his confidants were following him. I knew the marksmanship of those people. He was really not scaring the fake just now.

Chen Ming came to me and comforted me for a while, and the rest of the people went to confirm whether the fake was dead.

When the fat man came back to report the death of the man, behind him was a neat and handsome little boy who looked seventeen or eighteen.

The little boy's eyes had a brutal force that a child shouldn't have, but now he was full of fear and despair.

He saw me watching her.

After looking at each other, he immediately begged me for mercy and said, "Sister! Please help me, don't let them kill me! I am not a bad person! I am just completing my task... I have never killed anyone. , I haven't done anything bad! I don't want to die..."

He spoke quickly and hurriedly, as if he was worried about whether he would still have a chance to finish the following words.

Hearing this, Chen Ming frowned, and seemed to be very disgusted with this person who asked me to beg for mercy.

Hearing this, the fat man smashed his thin back with a fierce punch: "Fuck you shit! Are you a good person?! Then Lao Tzu is Goddess of Mercy! Save the world peace!"

Hearing this, the boy looked frightened and anxious. He raised his hands on his head and was very embarrassed. He looked at me with pitiful eyes: "I have always admired Team C! Really! I adore Captain Lock, I adore Commander Chen! If I have I really won’t fight you if I get away! This kind of obscure struggle is really not our volition..." He glanced at the other people one by one, begging to skip, and finally looked at me again: " Sister...really! Give me a chance...I don't want to fight...I don't want to hurt anyone...Please give me a chance...Don't kill me... ."

I looked at him, I really didn’t want to talk more about the nostalgia in it, but now I see him begging so much, and my heart is really blocked. If this little boy died in front of me today...

Still not controlling myself, I said to Chen Ming: "Let him dig a grave for his companion. No matter what the dead, let him go into the soil for peace."

Hearing this, the fat man immediately interrupted me: "I'm talking about my sister! What are you kidding me? Get into the land for security? You let an enemy who should have been damned into the land for security. Have you ever thought about our countless brothers who have died in countless places indiscriminately? Do you know how many innocent residents haven’t entered the land for security? We don’t have time to put them in the land for security, but take the time to get an enemy into the land for security?"

The fat man might be stunned by his own words, and rubbed his head for a long time at the last shot: "What the **** am I talking about?"

Chen Ming took his words: "Just do what He Mo said, let him dig a hole and bury our glorious teammate who died in battle. As for that person..." He looked at the person who was not far away. The same-looking corpse: "Buy it too."

"Command!" The fat man wanted to say something, and was patted on the shoulder by the other soldiers next to him: "Alright, let's not say, there are not many dead people. Let him dig a few graves for our brothers. It's not too late. Are you still afraid of him running away?"

In the end, they didn't choose the cemetery deliberately, just next to the abandoned wasteland, they threw a shovel to the boy.

Seeing that the threat of death was postponed a lot, the boy was grateful and still worked hard with handcuffs on his hands.

A group of people were sitting next to the stone slab chatting. Their team absolutely does not allow smoking during the mission. The fat man and Chen Ming begged for a long time before Chen Ming nodded. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a group of people who did not know where they came from a box of cigarettes swallowing the clouds. Spit fog.

I sat next to Chen Ming, he curled his knees and looked at the distance silently.

I silently stared at the sweaty boy.

It didn't take long before the general shape of a pit appeared. At this time, the member of Team C who had spoken to the fat man took the remaining half pack of cigarettes and walked towards the boy while the people around him didn't care.

His approach obviously made the boy nervous, but he didn't care to put the gun on his back, sat on the edge of the grave, stretched out his hand and passed the cigarette in his hand to the boy.

The boy was stunned when he saw this, and looked back at the player holding the cigarette nervously, as if he didn't understand the meaning of his action.

The team shook the cigarette case: "Why? Can't smoke?"

"No..." The boy shook his head.

"If you can smoke, take it, are you still a man if you don't know how to smoke?"

After hesitating for a while, the boy slowly put down the shovel in his hand. He took the cigarette passed by the team member, and took a deep breath after the lighter was on fire. When he spit it out, his expression was obviously relaxed.

The team member hung one leg in the pit, one leg curled up, and squinted his eyes and asked him, "Boy, how old are you?"

"Seventeen." The boy responded quietly.

"Yeah, then you are not small, I thought you were at least eighteen or nineteen."

"En." The boy nodded, "My parents are quite tall."

The team members were silent for a while: "Are they still alive?"

"Yeah." The boy nodded: "Alive."

"Then you are really lucky, your loved ones are still there."

"No luck... They will support my parents when I join the training camp. If I die here today... My parents will immediately be used by them to do research." After the words, the boy drew heavily. Take a puff of smoke: "Say lucky...you guys are much luckier than me."

The team members laughed twice before hearing the words, and dropped the cigarette butts in their hands: "The roads are all chosen by themselves, life and death have fate and wealth in the sky."

After he finished speaking, the other team members around were already close. The boy had not finished smoking a cigarette. When he looked up and saw the soldiers approaching, he immediately threw away the cigarette in his hand and continued to dig the pit. The team members at the edge of the grave also stood up without hurries.

I was a little nervous, turned my head to look at Chen Ming, and found that I don't know when he started, and he has been watching what happened there.

The fat man jumped into the grave, estimated that the depth was almost enough, and then grabbed the boy's non-stop shoveling hand: "Alright, almost, how deep can a dead man... be buried?"

The boy kept trying to shake off Fatty's hand: "Let me continue digging...I haven't digged yet..."

He was terrified.

The fat man was too lazy to pester him, jumped out of the pit, waved to the person next to him, and immediately someone raised his gun and aimed at the boy.

The fat man put his hands around his chest: "It is enough to bury your companion alone, our brother, we don't need you to bury ourselves. This pit should be about the same for the two of you to squeeze."

The boy's face suddenly changed when he heard it, he looked desperately at the muzzles of the black holes, and immediately turned his head and begged to look at the team member who was chatting with him: "You tell them...I don't want to die,...don't Kill me... I can bury your dead brothers and bury all the dead here! Don't kill me..."

The player's expression drifted away and he couldn't bear it. This person hadn't followed Suotian at first glance. It is absolutely impossible for his team members to show an expression of unbearable heart because of such pleading.

"I don't need him to say it! I understand." [Fatty looked at him condescendingly.

The team member really opened his mouth when he heard the words: "Fat brother...he can't run away anyway, digging is so tiring, so leave it to him, don't worry about jumping this shot sooner or later, right?"

Hearing this, the fat man stared at the team member immediately: "I said Xiao Wu! You're not a **** gangster, are you? Why do you get so close to this villain tonight?"

"When did I become a gangster again?" Xiao Wu smiled helplessly. He should have a good temper: "Speaking of ideas, our commander usually has no chance to speak up, right?"

After Xiao Wu finished speaking, Chen Ming, who was sitting next to me, suddenly got up and walked towards them, and I quickly followed.

Chen Ming walked to them and glanced at the little boy who was already desperate because of fear: "Just do what I just said." After speaking, he turned his head and looked at the fat man: "Are you easy to get angry if you eat too much? Are you so impatient to kill?"

As soon as the words came out, the rest of the team members immediately covered their mouths and chuckled secretly at the fat man's obviously bigger belly.

The fat man rubbed his stomach and yelled, ‘What’s the laugh? What are you laughing at? ! Don’t you guys eat? ! Don't you need to eat? "Turning back and complaining to Chen Ming immediately: "I said command, can you give me a little face when you speak next time?" How do you ask me to discipline these little bunnies in the future? "

Chen Ming nodded seriously: "I know the fat man."

Then amidst another burst of laughter, Chen Ming turned his head and pulled me to them and said, "I will leave it to you first. I will be in Hefei these days. I have something to contact Captain Lock."

"Yes!" They followed Chen Ming's words and began to laugh at the fat man.

I finally glanced at the young man who was almost collapsed in the grave and was embarrassed and turned his face away.

I can't save him, nor can Chen Ming.

No one can save him, he will definitely die in the end.

The rules of this world are like this. Since he has entered the rules, his fate can only follow the rules.

If you let your enemies go because of temporary sympathy, it is hard to guarantee that those who have been begging for a second will carry a machine gun to kill our brothers and relatives in the next second.

It's like that fake...Chen Ming doesn't need to explain, I understand.

He was sure to die from the beginning.

Chen Ming and I walked back in the direction where we came on foot, and from a distance we could see the conspicuous bright lights on the tent area.

I held Chen Ming's hand tightly, and after a while he asked me, "Do you think it is cruel?"

I shook my head: "Don’t ask me this question. It’s about war and contention. It’s not cruel. Although I don’t understand what you are fighting for with such blood and blood, as long as it’s something you think is right, I feel right." I hugged his arm and leaned my head up: "So, don't care about my thoughts, I don't want to influence your judgment because of my own thoughts, Chen Ming...you do That's right, all my sympathy is radiated from the position of an outsider, not credible."

Chen Ming said: "I also feel cruel..." After speaking, he raised his head: "I used to feel cruel..."

"What about now?" I asked him.

"Now? I'm numb now, and that kind of sympathy doesn't need to appear in my mind, it will be covered by the hideous faces of brothers, friends, and relatives who died tragically first. Then I You will understand...no one has ever sympathized with them in the past."

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