Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 373: refugee?

We left Wuhan, which was only a messy shelter the next morning.

Suotian is not together, he and Chen Ming must have a mess in Wuhan to deal with the remaining mess.

We did not go directly to Hefei, but first went to Nanjing and Shanghai. The small shelters that existed in these two cities have been almost completed with the help of the Wuhan shelters and the large shelters in Beijing.

Shanghai was originally a splendid big city, but it is precisely because of this that once the intensive use of the virus breaks out, it is relatively harder for people here to survive.

However, one thing that is better than other places is that once the existing high-rise buildings are enclosed, the construction of later houses and public facilities can save a lot of trouble, and it is better than other places. To accommodate more people.

But speaking of public facilities, those subway passages were originally convenient for the entire city and relieved the traffic pressure, but there have been no dedicated maintenance personnel for a few days. After the power was completely cut off, those underground passages had already been leaked. The underground water and the accumulated rainwater are submerged. Not only we can’t use it, but we don’t even have any safe way to block the underground passages to prevent a large number of walking corpses from being washed into the shelter once the heavy rain is scared. .

It was like a natural passage for walking corpses in and out.

After Chen Ming came here, he was covered by layers of people and documents. He always had to deal with too many things. It seemed that the whole world needed him. Chen Yang and I were temporarily taken to a coffee shop. It's just that there is no waiter here yet. Some soldiers poured boiled water for the two of us and stood by the door. I probably hope that Chen Yang and I will be here quietly and wait for Chen Ming to return.

Chen Yang sighed and sighed that the surrounding walls interspersed among the tall buildings outside seemed extremely low, while wondering whether he would move here to settle after the shelter was built?

I said to Chen Yang: "Actually, I don't like a place like this. I like a place where there are not many people with beautiful scenery."

As soon as Chen Yang heard it, he said: "He Mo, why do you always live like a retired cadre? Still beautiful...Do you want me to raise two more birds for you? Are you okay to ask them to talk or talk? ?"

I laughed at Chen Yang: "You look at you, you really don't have any artistic accomplishments. You know what it means to be close to nature? You know what it means to wash your mind? Your consciousness is too low!"

"You go and wash yourself, I don't want to practice anyway, it will be troublesome when I become refined."

Chen Ming came back from outside when he sat down almost in the afternoon. Someone gave us a loose lunch at noon. It was very rich. When we had lunch, we both wanted to go out for a stroll and digest, but as soon as we left the restaurant, We were surrounded by a group of unknown people around and asked carefully where we were going, how long we were going, and so on. Chen Yang and I were so distracted by this battle, we had no choice but to shrug our shoulders. Sit back again.

After Chen Ming came back and simply ate something, we set off again for Hefei, but after coming back from the outside, I saw that Chen Ming’s face was much heavier than when he left, and he kept following along the way. The people around were discussing something and didn't say a word to Chen Yang and me, and didn't even cast their eyes once.

Although I know that he is busy with things, I still hope that even if his attention is not 100%, he can not think about me all the time.

Sitting on the plane and looking at Chen Ming's profile, I thought, if he knew what I was thinking about, he would be quite awkward.

The plane soon arrived on the tarmac in the Hefei shelter.

The whole area here is similar to that in Wuhan, except that the area circled in Hefei is larger, but the population is not that large. It is probably two-thirds of the former Wuhan shelter, although the total number of people It's not too small, but it's a lot more empty when separated to such a large place.

As soon as we got off the plane, I couldn't help but hold Chen Ming and ask my parents where they are. I haven't seen them for many days. Although I know they are very safe here, I can't rest assured if I don't see them in person.

Chen Ming didn’t have time to come back, and he could only ask the people next to him where his parents were arranged, and then the people below would ask the people below, and then ask the other people. Dahuan finally asked, my parents were still in the refugee area.

Before seeing the refugee area, I always thought about the kind of dilapidated houses, but at least there is a small place to shelter from the wind and rain.

When I saw with my own eyes what a real scene of the so-called refugee zone is. Thinking of my elderly parents and those two young babies who had survived for a few days in such a place, I couldn’t help but want to find out those who didn’t do things well and give them one by one. Broke!

A circle of iron fences is used to enclose a square the size of a square. Except for the temporary toilets covered by cloth, the rest of the places are all open-air. Everyone is sitting on the ground, with almost no exceptions.

The dense crowd almost filled the small square.

I'm not sure if all these people came from Wuhan, I hope it's better not...

Outside the fence, people in neat uniforms with modern guns turned their backs to the chaotic crowd behind them, looking numb.

The approach of Chen Yang and I originally caught the attention of these gatekeepers, and immediately asked us unhappy: "Where are you from? Get out, get out of the fence."

None of us spoke, and the person behind immediately said, "You are all deaf? Go away! This is not where you are staying."

Chen Ming didn't look at them or move, looking for familiar faces among those panicked and numb crowds as quickly as I did.

Agitated and terrified, they didn't know what they had gone through. They only knew that the surrounding wars caused them to spend their fears to their heads.

No matter how much you don’t want to admit the facts, tell me that these people are the group of people rescued from the Wuhan shelter...They escaped from the disaster and came here, but they didn’t get what they expected as expected. Those respect and guarantee.

When the guards rushed up aggressively, the people around showed their IDs. The soldiers who were still looking to ruin our family immediately laughed harmlessly. They nodded and bowed at us, which was almost unrecognizable. .

I never talked to anyone, and Chen Ming understood what I was thinking, and told me to quickly find where my parents and them are.

But after almost half an hour passed, all those soldiers said to Chen Ming with a sad face: "Command...it seems like there is no group of people you are looking for..."

"How is it possible?!" When I heard the result next to me, I called out directly: "They have all been sent here, they have come here long ago! You hurry up and look for them carefully."

The soldier was a little embarrassed: "I have checked back and forth several times, really no...This is not a joke, can we still dare to make a mistake?"

With a buzzing sound, my brain went blank in an instant, and it took a long time to realize the current situation...

In other words, from the very beginning...from when they told me that my family was safe to move away, actually my family was gone?

I clung to Chen Ming's sleeves tightly: "Didn't you say that they are all safe?! Didn't you say that they were all moved here? What about people? What about them?!"

At the same time, Chen Yang hurriedly asked the man to help find the place where Xiao Huotou and his family were.

In almost two minutes, the person respectfully gave a special place for a family to live in, not in this embarrassed refugee area.

Looking at Chen Yang with excitement, the dark side of my heart even drifted through a trace of wrong thoughts..........

Why can she find her relatives? But I always have to face such things?

Unfair...It's not fair at all.

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