Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 374: Stay, swim

Chen Ming has never made any mistakes in his work. This time when such a problem suddenly appeared, he was actually furious if he didn't talk about it. What's more, it was a group of people who were lost this time! A group of family members!

There is nothing more stupid than this.

Chen Ming got angry with the group of people. The fire was very serious. In fact, these people are not to blame, because my parents have never been to Hefei. Although they don't know where they are, they are at least not here. It would be wrong to be scared like that.

I couldn’t rest assured, I kept asking Chen Ming’s parents again and again whether they were safe. When I was most worried, I even wanted to go back to Wuhan to see if they were left there.

While Chen Ming was angry at other people and urged them to investigate quickly, he still had to comfort me.

In fact, Chen Ming is quite unreasonable sometimes, just like me.

Chen Yang also went to his family. Only I and Chen Ming were left. We were sitting together. He took my hand and I whispered to him: "Chen Ming... I just had a special Bad idea."

"What?" he asked.

"I was worried when I just learned that my parents were not here, but Chen Yang's family appeared here unscathed. I was a little jealous and even hated Chen Yang at that moment."

Chen Ming rubbed my palm: "Wrong idea, you can't have it."

I nodded: "I know it was wrong, too. Is there such a dark person in my bones? How could such a perverted jealousy come up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone rushed over to Chen Ming in a hurry and said: "Command! Found it!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Ming and I stood up from positions at the same time. Chen Ming asked, "Where?"

"Beijing..." The man should be running over, gasping a little while speaking, "Maybe Wuhan is too chaotic. I took your family as someone who moved there, and now I need to contact and give the person. Send it here?"

Chen Ming thought for a moment: "No, I will pick them up personally, and arrange for someone to settle them there."

"Definitely." The man nodded, "Then Command Chen, do you arrange it for you now?"

"En." Chen Ming nodded: "Leave immediately."

"Okay, I will make arrangements for you now." After that person left, I took a heavy breath. Looking at their way of speaking, the family should be safe, but I remembered that Chen Ming was there before in Beijing. It's awkward, this will require him to go over again, I feel a little sorry and a little worried.

I took Chen Ming's hand, knowing that it was impossible for him to let me go alone: ​​"Chen Ming, can I go with you?"

"No." Chen Ming refused very simply: "He Mo, you are here waiting for me. My parents and I will be back soon. You only need to go back to sleep peacefully, open your eyes, and you will be able to See us."

Staring at Chen Ming for a while, I hugged him and pressed my face to his chest. The sound of my heartbeat made me feel happy and steady: "You must be careful not to get hurt anymore. Yes, I want you to hold me to bed tonight, and you have to tell me bedtime stories."

Chen Ming laughed: "Okay, I will hold you to bed, and I will tell you a bedtime story."

After Chen Ming left with a few members of Team C, the remaining people urged the people in Hefei to quickly arrange a house for me, which was smaller than the one in Wuhan. The shelter here was not as good as that in Wuhan. The side is big, and there are so many people suddenly rushing to live in such a two-story separate small building is already quite extravagant.

The space in the house is about the same size as before, but the yard is a bit smaller, but it is not actually a yard anymore, because a slightly larger car can hardly get in.

But it is also very warm, probably because we know that we have children, we have made two small cradles in the yard very deliberately, the kind that adults and children can make, and there are parasols on them.

The C team checked the house and retreated to the outside of the small courtyard. I stood in the courtyard quietly looking at the petty bourgeois sunshade fan and the two woven bamboo chairs in the corner. A few years ago, I was in the courtyard. At that time, a snowy New Year, I saw sitting quietly under the umbrella in the heavy snow, beautiful like a painting of Chen Ming, and then my whole heart was not beating at the frequency that I should have.

Remembering the past is always something that can calm people down.

I couldn’t fall asleep. I sat on the cradle for a while, found a box of tea in the room, made a few cups of tea in disposable cups, and called the people from Team C to come in. After drinking the tea, I got up and prepared to let them. Take me to see where Xiaoyou is.

Xiaoyou is still living in the hospital for the time being. There is a special person taking care of her. A shy big boy. If it weren't for the clothes with the logo of the core team member of the C team, I really thought he was just a certain person in this hospital. A gentle caregiver.

When I brought people into the ward, I ran into Xiaoyou, who was supposed to be weak and lying on the bed, shouting at the boy with a not loud voice: "Lin Yinuo, are you here to take care of me or to kill me? I'll give you a little bit to show you, you actually fell asleep?! Look at it yourself! How much blood is coming out of this! You are happy that you got another shot for nothing!"

Lin Yinuo just smiled with embarrassment on the side, and persuaded her to talk less, so that the wound should not turn back and open.

Seeing that he didn't quarrel with him, Xiaoyou lost interest. He sighed boredly and said, "The chicken soup you got back last time was delicious. Where did it come from? Go and give me the whole point. "

"The hospital canteen is waiting in line."

"Go to the row again."

"There are so many people."

"Take your gun out, whoever is in front of you will you crash."

I heard it at the door and wanted to laugh, and hurriedly pushed the door to rescue the innocent boy: "I heard Chen Ming said that you were injured. It scared me and almost cried. The tone of what you said didn’t seem like a serious illness. People."

As soon as I finished speaking, I couldn't laugh at the sight of Xiaoyou lying on the bed.

Because Xiaoyou's pale face really couldn't connect with her silly voice.

She even had a little blue lips, and the whole face made people feel very unhealthy.

Seeing me coming in, Lin Yinuo said hello to me, and said to Xiaoyou: "I'll show you, if you don't have it, do you want to eat something else?"

"No, I won't eat if I don't have it." Xiaoyou shook his head, his tone no longer called five and six.

Lin Yinuo ran out, and everyone from Team C was also waiting outside.

I walked to Xiaoyou's side, sat on the side of the bed, and asked her, "Do you want to raise the bed?"

Xiaoyou shook his head: "No, this is good."

"En." I nodded and glanced at the wound on her body: "This time...thank you, thanks to you, otherwise I really don't know what to do."

Xiaoyou laughed: "How many times have you thanked me? It's a good thing. I can't stand people like this. When I say thank you, I get embarrassed. I don't know how to talk to you for a while." Without giving me a chance to answer the call, Xiaoyou asked, "Chen Ming sent you here, right?"


"I know... the situation in Wuhan, he will definitely not rest assured that you will stay in that broken wall."

Without answering the conversation, I pondered for a while: "What did your wounding doctor say? Will there be any sequelae?"

Xiaoyou heard the words and looked down at the bandage on her body: "The doctor didn't say whether it was serious or not. My own body knows that it still feels... a bit wrong, hehe, don't think I'm hypocritical, we are For those of you who are straightforward, I feel that I have suffered a lot of qi deficiency from this injury. The sequelae doctor didn't mention it, and it is estimated that there will be no sequelae.

I nodded and said, "I will ask the doctor about the specific situation in a while. It is unlikely that I will know the specific situation from your mouth."

"Just leave me alone. If Chen Ming is here for a while, you'd better pull him to check his body."

"Chen Ming? What happened to him?" I asked nervously.

"Of course!" Xiaoyou glanced at the door as he spoke, and then lowered his voice: "Those people drew a lot of blood from him...There are a few big pinholes in his arm, and you Looking at his face, it is obviously unnaturally pale due to excessive ischemia. How can a normal man look like him in vain."

Xiaoyou is not the first person to say this. I have taken this question seriously: "Chen Ming didn't mention these problems when he came back, but I want to know...what did they use Chen Ming's blood for?"

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