Xiaoyou shook his head with the same puzzled expression. It is estimated that only those people know what the specific situation is. We can only guess, but based on all the information I know, it is very likely to be used for research, and ...The research stuff...it's fascinating. "

"Attractive?" I held my chin with my hand. "Gold is worthless these years. What else can attract people to do so many troublesome things?"

Xiaoyou laughed: "You don't know, this person... is greedy, sometimes the things that attract them may not be imagined by normal people."

"Oh, I said you can’t just speak directly? After saying so much, I still don’t understand what you are trying to express. Why are you all talking about God and God all day long, and only half of the words are spoken, and the rest is buried. The most important thing is to let people guess, who can guess what it means!"

"Because all I know is my own guess, it doesn't matter to you whether I say it or not, because those are not the truth at all."

I thought for a while: "Then I will ask you to answer it? It doesn't matter whether it is the truth or not, as long as it is what you say, I believe it, provided that you don't deliberately conceal what you know."

"Okay." Xiaoyou agreed without even thinking about it, which simply made people feel very surprised.

"Do you know a lot about Chen Ming and Suotian that Chen Yang and I don't know at all?"


"How did you know?"

"Checked it."

"Is it because of work?"

"Of course, otherwise, what should I do to spend that time, the two old men still have wives, is there anything worth checking out?"

Since Xiaoyou’s mouth, I heard her calling Chen Ming and Suotian old man, I digested it for a while before accepting this name.

"Then...according to your investigation, how old are Suotian and Chen Ming this year?"

"You mean physical age?" Xiaoyou asked.

I didn't understand the essence of her question, and nodded suspiciously: "Twenty goes up, and thirty goes down."

"Your limit is too wide, it's better not to say it! Then let's not talk about the age of the body, how old is the actual age?"

After hearing this, Xiaoyou was silent for a while before he looked at me and slowly said, "Bigger than your grandpa."

Seeing me stunned, Xiaoyou chuckled a few times: "Just kidding, keep asking, skip this question."

For some reason, I did not continue to ask: "This group of people...the ones who captured Chen Ming, do you know who they are?"

"Know a little." Xiaoyou said: "There is not much news, they are very hidden and very powerful, and they have mastered many shares of power. As for who the leader is, I definitely can't find out, but...this group You should be able to guess who one wants to deal with now."

There was an answer in his mind immediately, Xiaoyou answered without waiting for me to answer: "Team C, Suotian and Chen Ming."

"Why did they deal with Team C? Did Team C offend them?"

Xiaoyou rolled his eyes when he heard the words: "You are a kid playing house? There must be a cause and effect on both sides to be hostile? Let me tell you that, they actually have to deal with Suotian and Chen Ming, and Team C All of the players were trained privately by Suotian and Chen Ming. They are all the kind of minds and swearing allegiance, so the reason why those people dare not act boldly for the time being is that they are scrupulous about the large group of team C. The team members, Suotian and Chen Ming are no matter how powerful they are. After all, they are weak and really want to deal with it. It is not difficult. The difficulty lies with their heartfelt hands." After thinking about it for a while, Xiaoyou made up. The sentence: "In the past few years, Suotian and Chen Ming have expanded the formation of the C team. The staff can no longer be right! This team is a trump card wherever it goes, and no one can underestimate it."

After speaking, Xiaoyou swept to me: "Do you know how many people are in team C now?"

"I don't know." I shook my head seriously, I really don't know.

"1027, 170 at the core, and this number is still growing. My goodness, the number of living people in this world is still large, otherwise where can they find so many suitable players."

Regardless of these irrelevant words, all I think about is Chen Ming, who is going to pick up my parents now, and the lock day in Wuhan who is cleaning up the mess. Are they so indifferent whether they know these things and don’t care at all, or are they actually at all do not know?

Asking Xiaoyou about her guess, she said, “Don’t underestimate the intelligence network of Team C. It’s not an exaggeration to tell you that as long as they want to check, you go to the toilet several times a day and where they are. You can know it, so... I guess, they have seen a lot in the world and don’t put anything in my mind, but according to what I know about Suotian and Chen Ming, they have eaten so much this time. Unfortunately, Chen Ming has been recruited personally, and you have been victimized many times. They must have begun to prepare to deal with this in private."

After speaking, Xiaoyou rubbed his hands in excitement: "The good show will begin soon."

Hearing that, I slapped Xiaoyou's forehead with a slap: "Can you have a snack? That's my husband!!!"

Xiaoyou murmured after hearing this: "It's not my husband again."

I glanced at Xiaoyou's sling bottle that was almost finished dripping. The nurse's station was diagonally across from the ward. Without ringing the bell, I got up and went straight to call the nurse.

As a result, when I got up to go out, Xiaoyou asked me: "He Mo, do you know Suo Jun and Chen Sheng?"

"I don't know, who are they?"

Xiaoyou didn't answer immediately, but raised his chin to beckon me to fetch the medicine first.

After the nurse replaced her with a new and larger bottle of drips, I poured two glasses of water, one for Xiaoyou to cool off on the table, and one cup in my hand to warm my hands: "Suojun, Chen Sheng, also a The last name is Chen and the last name is Suo. What do they have to do with Suotian and Chen Ming?"

Xiaoyou thought for a while and said: "The two people who have been dead for a long time are Chen Ming and Suotian... how do you say? Teacher? In short, they are almost the same milestones for the two of them."

I have never heard Chen Ming mention any of these two names, so I immediately became interested when Xiaoyou mentioned this: "Quickly talk about it, what is going on??"

Xiaoyou shook his head: "I was not born when these two people died. I really don't know their situation. Their names are heard from others at a little bit. If you want to check things about them, I guess now. It's impossible."

"Then why do you suddenly remember and ask me if I know them?"

Xiaoyou helplessly: "When did you become so sensitive, I just just thought of it and asked like that. Don't make a fuss all the time?"

After Xiaoyou said this, a doctor came in from outside, asked her about her current situation, wrote a few strokes on her bedside notebook, and left.

After the doctor left, the room was quiet for a long time. Finally, I simply patted my thigh to the small wandering road: "You lie down for a while. I just forgot to ask the doctor how you can recover from this injury. I hurried to go before the doctor left. Ask, the water is on the table next to you, so you can drink it by yourself."


Leaving the ward, I went straight to the doctor’s office. The doctor who had just gone to check on Xiaoyou was sitting behind the desk and was flipping through a comic book. Hearing my footsteps in the door, he hurriedly stuffed the comic hands into the drawer. When I looked up at me, there was a hint of embarrassment on my face that I might have found reading comics: "What's the matter?"

I nodded and said hello to him: "The girl in ward 510, the one who suffered a gunshot wound, will she have any sequelae after her wound has recovered?"

The doctor thought for a while and probably knew Xiaoyou, so I knew who it was as soon as I said: "Her wound depends on the recovery. For the time being, I can't talk about it."

I nodded, knowing that the doctors would not arbitrarily tell the conclusions that they actually knew in this situation, and thanked me and left the office.

As soon as he returned to the door of the ward, he ran into Lin Yinuo who had come back carrying the insulation box.

I glanced at the insulation box but unexpectedly saw Lin Yinuo's hand calluses almost everywhere on his fingers.

This look is Lian Jiazi's hand, it is really difficult to connect with Lin Yinuo's delicate face.

He greeted me and went into the ward, listening to the conversation between him and Xiaoyou outside the door, I didn't go in again, turned my head and left with the C team members.

I don't want to go back to that strange house. There is no family in it. There is almost no anger in the house, and it is not as comfortable as being on the street.

With the team members behind me, I can walk on the wide road outside the hospital with peace of mind.

The location of this hospital is relatively remote. There are few people on the road outside and there are few cars. The greening on both sides of the road is very good. Walking on the road feels quiet and refreshing.

I walked very slowly. I haven't walked a kilometer in more than an hour. I picked up a heart-shaped stone from the road and prepared to wait for Chen Ming to return to him.

As soon as he sneaked it into his pocket, vaguely heard loud cheers and the sound of engines coming from a short distance away.

Suspiciously, I scanned the surrounding area. It was very empty and I couldn't tell where the sound came from.

The team members stepped forward and pointed to the place behind a bamboo forest on the side of the road diagonally ahead and said: "The sound came from there."

There was originally our only way, I said: "It's so lively, let's go and take a look."


We speeded up our steps and walked towards the other side. The closer we got to the crowd, the louder the noise. When I turned the bamboo forest and saw a large clearing on the roadside and the river beach, the cheers were already one after another.

I saw many people gathered around the river beach on the side of the road, raising their hands, cheering and screaming, and seemed to see something that made them very excited and happy.

Accompanied by those cheers, there was also the sound of engines.

I walked towards the group of people, and the members of Team C immediately started to observe the surrounding situation. After confirming that it was safe, the group of people still did not relax.

As I got closer and closer, I seemed to hear the faint roar of walking corpses in the sound.

Others had already noticed the noise, and someone immediately stopped me from moving forward: "Madam, don't go forward, something is wrong."

I stopped and looked forward: "Weird... so many people here, how come there are roaring corpses?"

As soon as I finished asking my question, the crowd in front of me suddenly and quickly dispersed to both sides, revealing the scene in the middle within ten seconds.

I couldn't help being stunned for a few seconds when I saw the picture in the middle.

It turns out...just made so many people cheer and scream... it turned out to be...

There were two heavy locomotives between them. The sound of the previous engines was from these two cars. Behind those two cars, about six or seven walking corpses were tied with a big rope at the same time. Those walking corpses were unified. Covered by iron holes, only his head was exposed.

Then in the countdown to the excitement of the crowd, the iron barrels covering the walking corpses were removed. Although the upper bodies and heads of the walking corpses were tied, their legs were free. When the legs were free, they immediately moved forward. The people in the two cars rushed over.

My heart is tight...walking corpse!

The two people on the locomotive immediately screwed on the accelerator when the walking dead rushed towards them, and rushed forward with a few sudden noises.

On the edge of the river beach is a gravel road, and further ahead is a cement ground leading to the side where I am.

The walking corpses could barely keep up with the speed of the locomotive at first, but when they reached the concrete ground, they were immediately dragged to the ground by the locomotive's apparently much faster force than them, and then... at the tip of a bigger round. During the cry, the walking corpses were dragged by two locomotives on the concrete floor and drove towards us.

The C team dragged me to hide away, avoiding the routes that locomotives must pass.

I watched the dragged walking corpses for a moment...the bottom was almost not far from being ground into piles of rotten flesh by the cement road, and then the body of the walking corpse immediately above was also It began to be broken down into pieces of black blood and pieces of disgusting rotten flesh under the rubbing of the concrete floor.

My scalp was numb. Amidst the deafening screams of the crowd, I looked back at the C team: "What are they...what are they doing?"

The players are a little bit strange: "Gambling is very common these days. Those shouting bets, which car to buy will win, and then the owner of the car drags the same number of walking corpses with the car, which car will come down in a circle. The walking corpse on the road leaves less meat, whichever car wins."

"This is too cruel!"

The team members nodded: "It's very abnormal."

I turned my face away, I really couldn't stand it. The roar of those walking corpses would sound like a scream to me.

The flesh on his body seemed to start to hurt.

After taking two deep breaths, I said: "Let's go, don't look at it, it's disgusting."

Back on the road, I was not in the mood to continue walking. The team members arranged for a car to come over, and I went straight back home.

It wasn't until I was sitting on the rocking chair in the yard that my heart felt a little more calm.

To be honest, before seeing it with my own eyes today, such a thing is almost unheard of, these people are really abnormal! Do everything.

There are many times when the human heart can be so cruel that people can't imagine it.

These people make me totally incomprehensible.

Just like before the end, the Internet often broke the news about where and where some people killed small animals alive.

I think these are the same kind of people.

Faced with such cruel things, he can take it for granted and even laugh out loud... Such a person must be distorted.

For the time being, I may not have done anything, but according to a reliable psychological statement, this kind of person is like a time bomb. They have a lot of abnormal and cruel thoughts in their bones and psychology that are higher than normal people. One day they are stimulated by something, and they are likely to do unimaginable things.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt scared. I simply called the team members who were guarding the door into the yard.

They are a little embarrassed and feel that they cannot always observe the outside situation in the yard.

I simply opened the door directly, anyway, there must be someone by my side at this meeting.

Before dark, Chen Yang came to me. She was also in the same community, a bit far from my home. She saw me sitting in the yard and asked with concern: "Where did you find the uncle and aunt?"

"En." I nodded in response, thinking of my selfish thoughts in my mind without hearing, and ashamed I could hardly face Chen Yang.


"I was sent to Beijing, maybe I got on the wrong plane too hastily."

"What then? Did you go to Beijing to find them, or let them come here?"

"Chen Ming has already picked it up."

"That's good." Chen Yang thought for a while: "No! Didn't Chen Ming get caught and go to Beijing before? Why did he ran away this time? Isn't that the sheep's mouth?"

I said, "Last time those people got him in Beijing because none of us knew where he was, and the whole C team knew that he went to Beijing this time. No matter how bold these people are, they won't be so brazen. "

Maybe I think there is some truth to what I said. Chen Yang nodded and asked me: "Then I don't expect to be back tonight, what do you do? Let's go to my house for dinner."

When I thought of the big family in Chen Yang’s family, I quickly declined: "Farewell, goodbye, Xiaoyou is pitiful in the hospital alone. I went there to dine with her. I just happened to accompany her at night. You don’t have to Worry about me, go back now."

Chen Ming heard me go to accompany Xiaoyou and thought about it for a while and said, "Well, I will also go over and see her tomorrow morning. By the way, you went to see her today? What's the matter with the injury?"

I roughly talked about the situation of the next Xiaoyou.

Chen Yang frowned after hearing this: "What the doctor said is so dispensable... it's better not to say, tomorrow I will take the doctor from Team C to see her in person."

"Well, you... don't bother people indiscriminately. Xiaoyou now takes some anti-inflammatories and waits for the wound to heal. She is young and has good metabolism. It should be almost done in a few days."

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