Walking Tall

Chapter 1690

Qin Murong shrugged her shoulders and reclined comfortably on the chair. She let the soft chair surround her whole body, which made her feel relaxed.

"Liu Zongyun has been quiet recently. Don't you worry?" Qin Murong asked lightly.

"It's false to say no, but what's the use of worrying? He is such a man that his calculation is too deep, even for me, it is difficult to guess. So it is. Since he invited ningchangsheng to come out of the mountain, he has never made any action... I don't know what he is planning. " Qi Kunlun narrowed his eyes and sneered.

Liu Zongyun can be said to be "special care" to him, set up countless killing Bureau, but fortunately, in the end, they all let him turn to good luck.

"What is the purpose of Liu Zongyun's subversion of this country? Is it power alone? " Qin Murong asked thoughtfully, "I have seen some of his life stories, but it seems that it is not so."

"It's not true that power can make a person insane. However, I don't feel like this either... There must be a deep reason. " Qi Kunlun said, "sooner or later, I will find out."

The death of Lin Tianxuan is a key.

Qi Kunlun and bading were very suspicious that Liu Zongyun was the culprit who killed Lin Tianxuan. However, until now, Lin Tianxuan's death is complicated and confusing. After checking for so long, there is no clue. It's really incredible.

Lao Chen knew Liu Zongyun very well. However, he kept silent and didn't seem to want to say anything more. He asked Qi Kunlun to save Liu Zongyun's life when necessary, saying that Liu Zongyun was also a poor man.

I'm afraid that only old Chen would have such an idea. Liu Zongyun, a man of great wisdom like a demon, who has controlled the country for so many years behind the scenes, will be a poor man? No one wants to believe it.

Qin Murong reached out and took Qi Kunlun's wrist, gently shook it twice, and said, "Qi Kunlun, no matter what happens, I will stand firmly with you."

"Thank you for your kindness, and I really need it. But I can't give you anything. " Qi Kunlun said.

"You've given me my life, isn't that enough? Ha ha... "Qin Murong joked.

Qi Kunlun said: "that's also your sacrifice to protect my family. Naturally, I should repay you."

Qin Murong said, "where are so many statements? Can't two words be simple? Like it

Qi Kunlun had no choice but to smile and said, "you are not young. I can't afford to delay you."

"I'm not afraid. What are you afraid of?" Qin Murong's attitude is very calm, "this time you come back from the white headed eagle country, if you don't give a clear answer, you won't want to see me again."

Qi Kunlun was stunned and then said, "OK."

Although the tacit understanding between the two people is full, but some things have not been broken, which is very ambiguous. Qin Murong did not want to go on like this. Although this feeling was good, it was not what she wanted most.

After a day and night's flight, we finally arrived in the capital of the white headed eagle kingdom.

"Here we are. It's been a long flight." After getting off the plane, Qin Murong stretched out and sighed.

"The kingdom of white headed eagle has not been here for many years." Qi Kunlun narrowed his eyes and laughed.

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