Walking Tall

Chapter 1691

"What are we going to do next?" Qin Murong looked at Qi Kunlun and asked.

"I'll arrange it." Qi Kunlun light road.

The two are now in the eastern part of the country, Washington D.C., the administrative region, the capital of the country.

But the Bolshevik consortium is in the western region, in California's angel city.

Qin Murong did not understand what Qi Kunlun wanted to do when he came to Washington D.C. after all, the main purpose was to introduce the assets of the Bolshevik consortium.

Qi Kunlun contacted Qin Murong first, then put down his mobile phone and said to Qin Murong: "let's go. Let's find a place to have a rest and get enough energy. We'll meet with the Donglian consortium in the evening."

"Donglian consortium? Isn't it going to the Bolshevik consortium? " Qin Murong looks puzzled, some do not understand Qi Kunlun this is what Sao operation.

Qi Kunlun laughed and said, "you can't put eggs in one basket? The Bolshevik consortium is an important partner of mine. Yes, it's a big deal. It's impossible to just let them come in for meat and soup. We have to find a balance. "

"You have something to do with the consortium?" Qin Murong questioned.

"At the beginning, we had contact with the leaders of the East China Federation of finance." Qi Kunlun said with a smile.

In the white headed eagle country, there are many big consortia. Even in the presidential election, they can not be bypassed. Even some political policies serve them.

Consortia are also a big headache for the white headed eagle government. However, the development of the whole country can not be separated from them.

"It is said that the president who was assassinated in the white headed eagle country came from the support of the eastern alliance consortium. However, after he took office, he seemed a little disobedient, so he was finally killed by the eastern alliance consortium. When the FBI finally found out about that matter, it didn't dare to go on. Is that right? " Qin Murong couldn't help asking.

"Yes, but these are hidden rules, and no one can put them on the surface. Moreover, there is no direct evidence that the president's assassination is related to the consortium. " Qikunlun light tunnel.

After that, they came to the hotel to pay the deposit and the five-star room information.

The hotel gave two people a ten dollar consumption voucher, which must be paid for, and can buy some goods in the hotel.

This is a kind of compulsory consumption. If you don't spend the ten dollar consumption voucher, it will be a waste.

"Didn't the white headed eagle always boast of democracy? This is compulsory consumption. " Qin Murong asked jokingly with the consumption voucher.

"Ah..." Qi Kunlun just laughed and didn't go into this issue too much.

The room is well-equipped. It's a medium-sized suite.

Qin Murong was so rich that she put ten dollars in cash as a tip for the waiter, and then asked the waiter to bring a bottle of red wine from Bordeaux manor.

Bordeaux manor is located in the flower and sword country, is one of the most famous red wine wineries, its total value has exceeded 10 billion.

Qin Murong has always been a person who pursues exquisite life and is not stingy in spending money.

"The tipping culture here is really uncomfortable." Qin Murong said, "whatever you do, tip the waiter."

"Every country has its own customs. It can't be done. If you don't want to eat the waiter's saliva, you'd better tip it. " Qi Kunlun shook his head and said with a smile.

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