Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 183: The Son Of The Han Family

In the dust of history, there is always something new.

The extreme demeanor that he once showed has an endless sense of oppression, bringing more impact to people.

Looking at the world in front of me, Yang Qi said: "I used to think that I should use the best way to deal with my own world. But now, I feel extremely uncomfortable."

Really passed those years.

Everyone's heart is filled with uneasiness and pain, and the whole person is engulfed by the world to move forward.

In every corner of the world, various voices were heard.

Xia Weilan hugged Yang Qi from behind and said, "I know you have problems with those bastards, but I really hope that you can be patient. We still have a lot of things to do on this matter."

From the beginning to the present.

Everyone is full of extreme anxiety factors deep in their hearts.

All the things in the past have been recorded by everyone. What the whole world has seen and heard has become clearer now.

Yang Qi said a little aggrieved: "I never worry about my own affairs, but judging from the current situation, we should have entered a rather embarrassing situation, so we should be a little more careful."

Things are complicated.

anyone in this situation.

Everyone was full of uneasiness deep in their hearts.

Yang Qi holds Jarvis's top technological civilization, so he doesn't care much about the current threat.

It's just that the people in the dungeon are chilling.

These guys are uncooked wolf cubs.

Xia Weilan shook her head helplessly: "You can only blame this matter, the other party is an ignorant person. We have just come to the current situation, so we should take it easy.

Things are uneasy.

Everyone walking on this road naturally has great anxiety.

When things keep going wrong.

Deep inside everyone is filled with emotions that make people more and more angry.

The things in the matter are becoming more and more obvious today.

Yang Qi hugged Xia Weilan and said, "I've thought about all kinds of things, but I've never felt such pain before." f

stuff in the real world.

There is a huge gap in essence, and it is even more so now.

From the moment of drifting from the metal planet, the essential contradictions of many things have been completely irresolvable.

Therefore, the danger is difficult to solve after all.

Xia Weilan said indifferently: "In this world, everything is clear and clear. But in the end, things still had huge twists and turns.

For the Dungeon Gang.

No one will have a good face.

Even a woman like Xia Weilan would still feel disgusted.

Among the things that the Dungeon Gang has done over the years, there has never been anything that can be truly achieved.

There's a lot of bullshit going on.

But there are more and more things that bring real benefits to people.

Yang Qi nodded: "After this incident, many things can be handled more normally.

After going through thousands of things.

Everyone was full of uneasiness and pain deep in their hearts, and they couldn't really do things well after many twists and turns.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "I observe that the reason why this matter is so. The most important reason is that the things that everyone bears have become more and more serious."

things in the world.

In any case, the ax is useless.

But when things really come to an end, what everyone can do becomes more and more clear here.

A world of danger.

Above this level, the things brought to people are actually getting more and more complicated.

Xia Weilan said painfully: "The world you see is the original world after all. The rest is actually the most complicated."

It's harder to say something real.

Countless crazy and chaotic things are becoming more and more precious at this time.

Everyone is walking on the same road, and the meeting of the two planets has set off a huge Poland between the Dungeon Gang and Hope City.

Xia Weilan stretched out her hand to gently stroke Yang Qi's face and said, "As long as we grab what we deserve, the rest is actually not important at all."

Own the ecosystem.

High tech with Jarvis.

The whole world is so clear and bright, and in all things, there are always things that are calm.

When everyone does this, it can be regarded as an absolute effort.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "This matter, to put it bluntly, above the bottom layer, there are countless things that make people uncomfortable. The source of this error is the danger that no one can get rid of."

After going through all kinds of hardships.

After the crisis of all kinds of things, what everyone can do is constantly improving.

Xia Weilan pointed to the front and said: "See our way clearly, because you are the greatest helmsman and navigator."

After really going through things.

Everyone's minds are constantly changing, and the things that are carried deep in everyone's hearts become clearer at this time.

Yang Qi patted his forehead and said: "..." You are right, the things we have experienced are actually just the beginning. What's left is the real horror. This wandering golden planet is getting closer and closer to us. "

The world is constantly moving forward.

Everyone's heart is full of sadness.

The things carried deep in everyone's heart are now even crazier. So it had a huge impact.

Once every time things continued.

The things that everyone can carry also seem to be getting more and more crazy at this time.

Yang Qi looked at the world indifferently: "When I look at this matter, I have never really been in a hurry. You have to understand that the complexity of the world we live in now will be even more chaotic in the future."

Things seem a little strange.

Everyone in this world feels helpless and desolate deep in his heart. (Money) In such a long world, what everyone can do is actually relatively small.

Xia Weilan nodded and said: "Since the situation is already like this, then we should adjust the direction in time. Otherwise, the real danger will be at that time."

That wandering planet.

All things are the same until they meet or collide.

It was precisely at this level that Xia Weilan became even more irritable deep in her heart.

Yang Qi shook his head and said: "I observe this world and find that everything may be abnormal. This fundamental change is actually very difficult to solve.

From thousands of things to see.

There are actually very few things that everyone can do, which is why this kind of error and pain is caused.

That's exactly why it looks like this.

What the world presents to people is naturally a completely different thing, so there are so many painful and disturbing things. .

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