Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 184: Venus Has Faith

That's exactly why it looks like this.

What the world presents to people is naturally a completely different thing, so there are so many painful and disturbing things.

Xia Weilan said with some pain: "I have observed this world for a long time, but every time it makes me feel a little bad."

After the appearance of the metal planet.

The elements of heaven and earth are constantly changing, and the things that everyone carries are almost exactly the same thing.

The things we are in have never been so simple to solve.

Authenticity is always powerful. No matter who encounters the current situation like this, it is impossible to have much stability in the heart.

Yang Qi took Xia Weilan's hand and walked in front of the public.

Now, these two people are the sky here.

In a place like the ecological circle, if anything happens, it should be dealt with seriously.

Xia Weilan shook her head in pain and said: "We are about to face the most serious problem in the world.

The first confrontation of cosmic civilizations.

Earth civilization has formed the first camp in this accident, and has done a good job in the most important part of the matter.

It is precisely this kind of situation that 413 has caused everything in more crises.

"We are willing to go to war."

"Donate your entire fortune."

The crowd was furious.

Thousands of people are constantly clamoring.

When everyone faced this matter, their hearts were full of anger and unwillingness. So at this time, he became even more mad.

The whole world appears clearer here.

Yang Qi looked at the people in the crowd, his eyes full of hope.

Before the matter is fully resolved, it is normal for everyone to be angry and unwilling in their hearts.

No matter how many things are mixed in this kind of thing.

When dealing with the essential things of these things, everyone needs to do their best to really do a good job.

After a long cosmic drift.

The way we deal with these things is constantly changing, and the most essential thing is the fear and anxiety deep in our hearts.

Yang Qi pointed to the front: "I observe the world, the reason why it has become like this. The most important reason is that the environment we all live in is almost exactly the same

Look at all kinds of things.

Those (ciai) things that are chaotic inside and out will eventually have a greater impact, causing unspeakable lethality.

This wandering planet.

The huge impact caused in a short period of time has actually sounded the basic alarm for everyone.

the whole world.

Anything is a catastrophe.

Yang Qi looked around indifferently and said: "For so many years, when I do anything, I feel sad deep in my heart.

real fight.

After experiencing it, you can understand the mistakes of things.

When the energy really gathers continuously, it will give people the feeling that it is more and more difficult to continue the deterrent force.

Yang Qi reached out to stop everyone present and said: "I know that you are very excited in your heart, and even want to inflict violence on these guys. But what we have to do now is really to work together."

Things are getting more and more embarrassing.

We are walking on such a road, and there are actually very few things we can do.

Every time things are pushed to the most brutal level, all we can do is compromise with reality.

After going through thousands of things and things.

Deep in everyone's heart, the negative energy carried by them is constantly developing in an explosion. Even gradually, it reached the highest point.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "But no matter what kind of thing it is, we have to pay attention to the beginning and the end. So now, we should set our minds on the matter at hand."

Among the different opinions.

Everyone is full of uneasy and dark things deep inside.

In the whole matter, we are filled with extremely painful anxiety and uncomfortable feelings deep in our hearts.

Look at these issues from experiencing countless things.

Everyone is full of dissatisfaction deep in their hearts, which is why things are getting more and more crazy today.

"We must work together to resist oppression, otherwise the world will have constant attacks and claims."

After going through several things.

The pain and unwillingness deep in everyone's hearts have already been involved in the whole thing at this time, and they are unable to act.

Really went wrong a few times.

The best things in everyone's hearts have been continuously consumed in this place. The things that have been really explored by everyone are constantly being pushed to the top here.

Yang Qi coldly pointed to the direction of the sky: "Over there, there is a planet called HZZ, and there are many chaotic things on it. The biggest danger we need to face is to deal with these guys."

In the cold space of the universe.

That shining metal planet is constantly in motion.

As things continued to emerge and develop, many things also changed slightly at this time.

stuff in all sorts of things.

Everyone is full of uneasy and painful thoughts deep in their hearts, so when doing these things. Everyone's heart is filled with uneasy and uncomfortable feelings.

Yang Qi stretched out his hand and said: "The things in front are what you dreamed of. The things on that planet are currently in operation. Our enemies are those who are constantly invading."

The battle is on.

Many things are constantly developing, and deep down in everyone's heart, they are full of uneasiness and painful feelings.

"Those who are fighting and fighting, we have to go all out to get rid of them.

real danger.

After seeing it clearly, it seemed even more cruel.

There is always an unstoppable crazy pressure in the things in the cold universe.

So making mistakes like this will always give people a different feeling.

Xia Weilan said with righteous indignation: "Our world will always be cruel and dangerous like this. Therefore, it has caused such evil results. I hope that "everyone can be a little bit

Make some effort to solve the sky. "

stuff in the real world.

Those things that last forever in the world appear more and more cruel and cold at this time. Even gradually, there was an indescribable feeling of madness.

Walking through trauma like this.

There was an illusion of unease and excitement deep inside everyone.

Only after we have truly gone through that world can we understand what kind of accidents Chongqing tends to do in the end.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "From my observations, this world should have been controlled by everyone. Therefore, this kind of evil result is caused. The ultimate reason is that we are too kind."

The counterattack of the Dungeon Gang.

This matter made Yang Qi feel very angry, and he had an indescribable resistance to these things.

Suddenly, a dazzling star appeared in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a golden villain appeared there.

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