Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 239: Every Time Things Are Different

Things that are authentic will eventually face threats to a greater extent.

Everyone is walking on this path, doing things with all their strength every time. Even gradually, be confused by this world.

Looking at this issue from the highest point, everyone's heart is full of desolation and helplessness. Even gradually, being squeezed by this matter.

Yang Qi said coldly: "For so many years, I have never really opened my heart when I was doing things. Since you say it like this, I might as well tell you directly that the environment we are in now is far more difficult than imagined. more complex."

anything in the world.

After seeing it clearly, it becomes more rainy and dewy.

When you look at these things or things, you will inevitably be changed by these things deep in your heart.

There are so many complicated things in life.


City of Hope is in full swing.

The Dungeon Federation is constantly advancing its actions, even challenging them.

This continuous eruption of solar storms will continue until the big bang of the sun.

When the storm of stars flying all over the sky dimmed the sky. The whole world has become insecure.

Yang Qi: "Jarvis, the other party is making a move."

The underground city-state still can't stand it anymore.

When those strong storm magnetic fields instantly hit the earth.

The 360 ​​city-state curled up in the underground space has completely exceeded the limit of the world after constantly consuming basic things.

No matter what it looks like, it is necessary to figure out the basic situation.

Jarvis: "The system has been upgraded after the gold mine entered, and now it can manufacture Lingtian fighters.

Ling Tian Fighter.

Yang Qi longed for something for a long time, a top killer.

Before Jarvis upgraded, it was impossible to create something like this.

Now, it's done.

The unmanned Lingtian fighter is only three meters long.

But the attack weapons it carries are comparable to top-level long-range missiles. This synthetic fighter is very powerful.

In order to upgrade this system, Yang Qi spent a huge price.

Dozens of tons of gold, after burning, formed an energy frenzy.

When these energy fields converge.

The things that attract everyone in the whole world are completely beyond expectations at this time. The sky is full of wind and sand, constantly speculating, before things are clear, everything is constantly changing

Yang Qi said coldly: "Then dispatch a fighter."

The Dungeon Gang, after being appeased by the No. 1 chief.

It is still constantly attacking Hope City.

Everything in this city is constantly changing.

When everyone looks at this matter, it is inevitable that people will be aware of it.

After seeing all the dangers clearly, everyone has been changed by this thing, and they don't even know what to do.

Dangerous and cruel, more and more fierce today.

Jarvis nodded: "Kill the opponent, and then take everything."

The people who attacked Hope City are constantly launching the greatest degree of attack around this matter.

Those things that are hidden in danger and keep repeating something.

After really looking at these things, the mind is actually relatively complicated. Even every time there is a change, it makes people a little worried.

Yang Qi sneered and said: "I always want to let these guys be more capable. To meet my current lack. Now it seems that it is a bit difficult."

The whole world is falling.

Those real dangers still seem clear today.

As far as the essence of things is concerned, there are not so many things that can bring people a refreshing feeling.

But when he really came to the present, he was coerced by this matter.


The people who took the lead in attacking Hope City died in the sound of artillery fire.

Those guys who were in the crazy battle are now completely trapped here.

Everyone in the battle has been forgotten by everyone.

In the past countless times, all of them carried huge dreams and crises. Every time things reach a dangerous level, it will bring people endless sense of danger.

Chief No. 1 closed his eyes in pain and roared: "Ye Nantian, who gave your dog (cjfe) eggs."

When the Lingtian fighter appeared.

The moment of sweeping the audience has already made everyone instantly admire there.

No matter what kind of thing it is, it needs a real opportunity to meet something more real.

After the battle started, the ending was already doomed.

The Ling Tian fighter plane bombarded the audience, and the bloody smell of that scene seems to still linger in everyone's hearts.

Ye Nantian: "We have no choice, the solar storm has swept here. We have no way out, this is a dead end."

The underground city gang was so harmed that they couldn't escape.

The things in that scene are still vicious and inexplicable now.

In any case, during the period when the animal nature was constantly being magnified, everyone was sacrificed by these things.

Chief No. 1 stretched out his hand and slapped Ye Nantian away.

"Tie him up and bring me to Hope City."

At times of battle and breakup, everyone is sensitive.

Every time things come to this moment, everyone is shrouded in darkness by complicated and incomprehensible things.

The world is still full of crises.

Things are complicated, with a bit of coldness.

Yang Qi's Lingtian Fighter has already established a huge prestige.

By the time the people in Hope City reacted, the battle was over.

Yang Qi looked at the crowd: "I, Yang Qi, hereby declare that anyone who dares to resist will die.

The struggle is still there, everything is still there.

After dissecting those worlds in battle, what everyone feels is gradually becoming clearer. Anyone who walks in danger has to pay a huge price for it.

Ye Nantian: "What you see is just the beginning. In this world, when the word "love" exists, it's easy to talk about it. If it doesn't, everything is nonsense.

Even if you do something wrong, you will never repent.

Ye Nantian has a very high status with Chief No. 1.

Every time a so-called catastrophe occurs in the dungeon, the rest of the matter becomes a little clearer. Those real crises will never dissipate.

Yang Qi looked at the cold and arrogant Ye Nantian and said: "I give you two choices, die, or join my guard regiment.

Anything in the struggle will be annihilated.

The catastrophe that everyone has endured is relatively similar. When doing things, it is difficult to be perfect even if you keep a low profile.

Those relatively innocent things have completely gone wrong today.

Everyone was full of uneasiness about this matter.

So for a long time, I didn't know how to deal with it.

Ye Nantian shook his head: "Why do you decide my life or death? You are nothing more than a speculator."

The battle is still going on, and the smoke continues.

The essence of any struggle is to keep advancing. .

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