Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 240: The Rebels Die!

The Dungeon Gang has everything of its own, and no one dares to challenge it easily.

That is the domain of the strongest, and there are countless heart-stirring things.

Ye Nantian said coldly: "You have to understand, we have only just begun.

The battle has not yet begun, and there are many things to come.

When we deal with these things, we will inevitably be disturbed by everyone in our hearts.

Yang Qi shook his finger and said: "Perhaps you should really think about what kind of attitude you have towards me. Otherwise, the future is in danger."

The world is constantly changing.

Everyone is immersed in this place, so they can only be hit continuously.

Ye Nantian is under the No. 1 chief.

Moreover, it is the most powerful kind.

Yang Qi pointed to Ye Nantian and said: "This is your last choice, if you can't surrender. Then, just die."

The battle has not yet begun, and there are many things to come.

When we deal with these things, our minds are complicated and changeable.

Chief No. 1 said coldly: "You'd better think about how complicated this matter is.

Really doing things well will make a difference.

Those crises hidden in the world will eventually deal with everything in this world with a stronger posture.

Three people made the atmosphere awkward.

When you first start doing things, your mind will inevitably become more and more complicated.

In the first few things, everyone can still figure out the root cause a little bit.

But at this point now, everything is starting to turn around.

The crisis hidden in the world is full of helpless and confusing things at this moment.

Yang Qi said ferociously: "You must understand that the world is falling."

When the whole world keeps sinking.

The world we face is constantly changing here.

Chief No. 1 gritted his teeth and said, "I beg you, can you let them go?"

Everything in the matter is more or less subordinate.

Those leisurely things, in today's view, some are completely insurmountable crisis and cruelty.

Looking at many things, it is so serious that it makes people helpless.

Things that really bring people a deterrent have shown great danger to this day, and even give people unspeakable pressure.

Ye Nantian stretched out his hand and said, "I've heard it a long time ago that you are a famous master. Since you are like this, let's do two tricks."

Got the system from.

Yang Qi swept the audience, almost no opponents.

Fighting to this level has pushed everything to the top of the highest level.

Things went wrong for a while, and finally there was a new trend.

Anything that is essentially doing things, in today's view, is full of disturbing and painful taste.

Things in all kinds of things are getting more and more bleak today.

Yang Qi stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I only give you one chance."

Ye Nantian, let's do it.

The speed is fast and the explosive power is superb.

Even with the tit-for-tat confrontation in such a short period of time, things have become unmanageable. All kinds of dangerous things, such repeated crises.

The explosive battle started instantly.

Ye Nantian's body flew out suddenly, his muscles tensed.

Those crazy things, just keep changing back and forth. What is basic, shows something completely different today.

Yang Qi shot suddenly, and Ye Nantian was sent flying.

After the system is strengthened, the body is also constantly strengthened.

Those basic things have changed suddenly today. No matter how many achievements or achievements in the past, in today's view, it is a chilling thing.

Things will eventually take on a whole new color.

On this matter, the dreams that everyone carries are naturally exactly the same thing.

Yang Qi straightened his clothes and said, "Now, are you dressed?"

From the perspective of the world, there will always be some problems, and there are almost no surprises in this regard.

Before the battle, the group had already been sentenced.

Those dangerous things, from today's point of view, actually contain countless heart-stopping things. It is precisely this kind of relationship that brings people endless suffering. After the reorganization of countless things, there is a certain kind of sad crisis.

Ye Nantian said with embarrassment: "I didn't expect you to have reached this level."

Things that are dangerous and cruel have completely changed today.

Those gadgets and things that actually appear, from this moment on, will completely extinguish all flames.


Yang Qi said coldly: "You may not even imagine how many frightening things there are in this world to the level it is today."

From the beginning of the battle to the present.

All kinds of things, after experiencing a little hardship, finally brought a new color. Things are getting more and more interesting, and even some things are completely turbulent at this moment.

Chief No. 1 lamented: "I have known for a long time that this guy is by no means someone who can easily be compared with you, but what I didn't expect is that you can be so powerful."

before it's really clear.

Everyone was fighting to an uncontrollable level, killing each other endlessly.

Once everything reaches this level, there will be no control at all in the future.


Fighting and frantic fighting always engulf everyone to move forward.

Everyone in it is sad and helpless deep in their hearts. So when doing things, there is always some unspeakable pain.

In the long wait and crisis, every time things continue and develop.

In fact, the internal changes are almost completely pushed to the top. Even every time things continued, there was some kind of cruelty that could not be described.

The battle has reached the level it is today, and many worlds have changed.

At such a juncture, there were also huge mistakes, and things were pushed to the limit every time.

Combat or rhythmic issues.

When everyone looks at it, they always feel a little uncomfortable in their hearts.

After really going through those many disasters, when you look back again, you will see the real things.

Even every time I pay a little attention and observe the world again.

The sadness in the hearts of everyone also quietly increased a lot at such a moment.

For the first time, the cruelty of fighting and killing was shown before people's eyes.

Yang Qi nodded and said: "This matter, in fact, has come to this day in essence. We should straighten our minds a little bit, the next thing is the most important thing."

Any battle of authenticity.

After really going through that period of crisis or cruelty, it will eventually show a different color six. .

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