Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 300: Meet The Patriarch

Yang Qi said: "Yes, it just so happens that you took me to meet your patriarch, and I myself also want to see the patriarch.

You can't just wait here in vain.

Da Zhang hesitated.

Li Qing said: "It doesn't matter, Yang Qi is a friend I brought here, and has nothing to do with you, but I believe that after the patriarch finds out that you have changed your view of Yang Qi, he will be able to respect Yang Qi more or less~"

This is for sure, what a domineering person Da Zhang is, now he has been calmed down by Yang Qi.

This means that Yang Qi really has extraordinary abilities, and it is enough to make people respect him very much.

Da Zhang sighed helplessly: "Okay then, I will take you to the inside of our base right now.

The place where the patriarch is located is their central position, the most critical power supply field.

Here, they spent a lot of effort to create all this.

I even wanted to give up in the middle, because it was too tortured.

Through this, we can understand how much they attach importance to this base that has been built with great difficulty.

So it's really not good to let such a dangerous person like Yang Qi enter into it.

Yang Qi said: "If Da Zhang thinks it's not good for me to go to the central government, you can ask the patriarch to come out alone."

We want the beauty of adults.

Don't let others be particularly entangled and hesitant at this time.

That's not my usual style, is it?

Li Qing also said in admiration: "It's all like this, you can still consider their feelings.

If someone gets sick, if it is an infectious disease, it is the person who has plagued the entire planet.

But Yang Qi is still so unhurried, people can catch their breath.

Yang Qi said: "We have not yet been able to determine what the right guardian's illness looks like. It is impossible to conclude that it is an infectious disease."

Since there is no conclusion yet, don't create a sense of terror.

That would just put them in an irrational state.

Dazhang was a little moved: "Then, I won't be polite, go ahead and invite the patriarch over here, please wait here for us for a while."

Sometimes meeting such a noble person is really an honor that he never thought of in his life.

Da Zhang left here.

Yang Qi carefully looked at the surrounding buildings, nodded and said: "Everything here is much better than the buildings outside.

The pure land has been researched, but buildings like cities have not been built yet.

This is a very slow progress, plus the war is not over.

They are creating new worlds on a large scale, and they may fall short in the end.

I didn't ask for that much, as long as they can relax and wait for the next war.

Li Qing said: "People of our race care about our lives very much, and it's the same in the forest, and it should be even more so in the new planet.

The days can be extremely gloomy, but their mood and the place they live must continue to be perfect.

Yang Qi said: "Well, this is very important."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Qing seriously, "But you used to be a patriarch, why are you living in a small house so wronged now, and don't come out to enjoy a good life."

According to him, people in most ethnic groups may pay attention to their own lives and the environment in which they live.

It is very likely that just a bad stay can make them collapse for a while.

But this feeling, I didn't find anything in Li Qing's body.

Li Qing chuckled: "How can I compare with them, I am a rough guy myself."

At the beginning, if my father had not been forcing me to become refined, I would have left that tribe long ago, and went to a certain place to be lazy.

Yang Qi said: "However, general precepts and deeds are still useful, just like your father has always done that, always paying attention to his own survival and treating symptoms, then you should almost have that kind of thinking."

Of course, this is all my own opinion.

Whether it is true or not depends on Li Qing's meaning.

Li Qing said: "My father's idea of ​​manipulation is serious, so the more he asks me to do something, the more I hate doing it, and finally I tend to live a free life."

What life is comfortable, is a joke.

Only when you are happy, is it called absolute comfort.

Yang Qi said: "Also, our current life is not the time to demand perfection, if you really bring so much pressure on yourself, it is better to do nothing.

…………… Ask for flowers…

The people in the tribe are perfect, but I don't agree with their life that wants to pursue perfection.

Life itself is an imperfect day, if you blindly want to pursue lofty dreams, in the end, besides failure, it is your heart tired and sad.

Li Qing grabbed his shoulders and smiled: "I feel like I have found a bosom friend, not bad."

I had told the patriarch and the others about his thoughts, but no one agreed.

Although I and the patriarch are good friends, sometimes they have different opinions and it makes me very sad.

After all, that kind of appearance always makes me feel that he is actually doing something wrong, or that everything he pursues, and the imperfection he pursues is sin.


But I have never told myself like Yang Qi that imperfection is a kind of perfection.

Very moved.

Yang Qi curled his lips: "It's not considered a bosom friend, it's just that I'm almost the same type as you, and I don't like that kind of fixed, absolute life."

If the future is flat and there is no experience at all, then what are you playing?

Similarly, if on such a bumpy road, I still hope that everything is perfect without any flaws, I guess I will be depressed in a short time.

Li Qing chuckled: "But don't say anything to the patriarch about our two thoughts, she won't understand it is one of the reasons, and the other is that she may have some opinions on you because of it

When two people have different opinions and ideas, discussing each other will only increase the disgust.

Yang Qi said: "This is a later story, and I am going to tell the patriarch all my thoughts frankly, which is a priority based on trust.

You hope that others can be sincere to you, so the most important thing is that you yourself are already very sincere.

Otherwise, it is useless to say more.

Li Qing nodded: "That's also a reason, I'm just worried that the patriarch won't agree with you."

In the end, the frankness became a burden instead.

Yang Qi said: "It all needs to communicate with each other. Whose opinion is more realistic and whose opinion is more successful, we should listen to whose opinion."

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