Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 301: A Virus Appears

Since it's a discussion, I don't care about differences of opinion.

It is best to combine the ideas of the two sides with each other.

Li Qing said: "I also admire that you can come up with such a method. If you are a little selfish, you will probably never want to change your opinion for others in your whole life.

He understood Yang Qi's thoughts.

That is, he can change his future schedule according to the patriarch's ideas.

If the same patriarch wants to, he can also neutralize his own opinion and favor him a little.

In this way, the ideas of two people can be perfectly integrated.

However, at that time, it represented a very serious concession on behalf of Yang Qi.

As a leader, perhaps the most difficult thing to do is this.

Letting oneself make concessions, isn't it equivalent to giving up half of the position of the leader of "four four three"?

Even if you are yourself, you may not be able to achieve this aggressively.

Yang Qi said: "I can't have everything, and I can't hold everything in my own hands. In this case, it's better to relax a little. It's best if we can benefit from each other."

If you selfishly want to control everything, then in the end, the moment when others want to buy off your side is the complete end.

Li Qing said: "Hey, but ordinary leaders probably wouldn't have thought of your step."

Even if you think about it, you need to think for a long time and make a long-term decision to bring about such a result.

Yang Qi said: "As for me, I was shocked for a moment when I first saw the tribe, but after thinking about it later, I also think that the tribe is a very good and excellent existence, and I hope to cooperate with such a tribe. "

It is cooperation rather than possession.

This is my own thoughts and ideas all the time, including becoming friends with Li Qing, Wei Ji and others.

All belong to cooperation, not with the attitude of being the leader.

Li Qing said: "Then you, the boss, did it, is it interesting?"

They have all become cooperation, in fact, there is not much feeling of a leader.

Yang Qi chuckled: "In fact, the leader or something is just a title. I really want to be great, and I want this planet to be great. In fact, I still need everyone's help."

If they sneered at themselves, or even wanted to betray, that was how they were talking about the leader, and it was the same.

As a result, it is impossible for all of them to work hard in their own direction.

Li Qing said: "Yes."

But this also depends on the status. When I was the patriarch, the group of people below wanted to die.

He just wants to be friends with the other party, but he has no chance.

They also look down on themselves if they want to be a fair family.

So if Yang Qi wants to achieve this kind of calculation in his own environment, it seems very difficult.

Yang Qi saw his thoughts and said with a slight smile: "The new official will have three fires when he takes office, but I don't think so. I just need to find out the leading role in the team and have a good conversation."

The person who can become the leader of the team must be a thoughtful and knowledgeable character.

As long as you are capable and thoughtful, just talking casually with the other party can make the other party understand you and know that you are qualified to be the boss.

Li Qing nodded after being silent for a moment: "That's the truth, but maybe I really didn't have that kind of talk back then."

If you are good, you can say anything and make friends in any way.

But if you are really ordinary, as the following people said, it will not be of much use.

That's when you try to show what you're capable of, and in the end it's just futile.

Yang Qi said: "No one is capable from the very beginning, the key is whether you have really worked hard for that."

Li Qing agrees: "So, I can actually do it too, but I don't like being a leader, so I end up with nothing to do.

Although I also want to learn a little bit in the later stage, but after reaching that level, it is a bit too difficult to want to learn.

Yang Qi said: "If you are allowed to be an official now, would you be willing?"

Li Qing was able to be such a familiar friend with the patriarch, which proves that a large part of his ability is worthy of the appreciation of the leader.

Maybe he is really suitable to be a leader.

Li Qing put his head on his hands: "Forget it then, we are really not that serious people anymore, if we really become some kind of leader, I think I will retreat in a short period of time..

It's quite free like it is now, at least when I'm resting, I can do what I want to do with peace of mind, instead of thinking about the troubles of this planet all the time.

Yang Qi nodded: "I respect all your choices, but as my brother, if you want to be free in the future, I will trouble you a lot."

Li Qing's ability is what he most agrees with.

Even Wei Ji couldn't compare to him alone.

The reason for this is that his weapons and weapons are used perfectly. If it can be passed down, it is estimated that the energy of the entire planet can be greatly increased in a short period of time.

As long as he is willing to educate, then the whole planet itself will not have to feel melancholy.

Even what kind of war, I will not be afraid.

Li Qing has no doubts about this: "Haha, well, I agree, as long as you want me to stay by your side, or even what kind of leader you want me to be, I can agree to you."

The repayment he said at the beginning was not for nothing, no matter how much he disliked this leading industry, if Yang Qi said it, he would not have any thoughts of resistance.

Yang Qi was moved immediately: "There's no need to do this anymore, in fact, I'm a lifesaver, and I'm just here to fight normally, I can't say that I'm here to save you.

Sometimes once a person is relied on or worshiped too much, a little bit of pressure and embarrassment will be invisible in his body and mind 1.6.

Of course, it is impossible to have pressure on oneself, the main thing is to feel embarrassed.

How can people respect him so much, even if he doesn't want to live, if he suggests it, he will agree without any objection.

Li Qing said: "Sometimes life is like this, what I owe you, I must return to you in full, repaying a favor is not a simple thing in itself, let alone to put it bluntly.

You gave me this life. "

Then, even if Yang Qi asked him to jump off the stairs at this time, he would definitely agree without saying a word.

Because it is lucky to be able to live until now.

Yang Qi patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I'm satisfied if you say this, brother, but I'm not the kind of person who is reluctant."

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