Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 418: Sudden Disappearance

I was afraid that the girl would suddenly disappear.

Yang Qi said: "As for the witch herself, do you like to stay in the club or want to come out to the world.

The point is not what Lao Wang thinks, but the witch.

Lin Hao said: "Witches probably have no idea, like the existing witches probably just want to survive and don't want to be used."

The existence of witches on the planet is rare, and they have become hot cakes, and everyone wants to use them in their hands.

Turn them into a weapon.

But most of the witches are introverted and indifferent to the world, so how can they bear to be someone else's blade.

So as long as you can live alone in an uncontrolled environment, you will be content.

Li Qing said: "In this case, it is very difficult for us to cooperate with the witch."

If you don't want to be mastered and used, you just don't want to help others use your own witchcraft.

In this way, Yang Qi's calculation will fail.

Yang Qi didn't care too much: "Let's talk about it first. We mainly follow the witch's own wishes and ideas. We don't need to force her to do anything, but we can negotiate. It would be best if she agrees to cooperate."

Lin Hao asked: "Since it is cooperation, you must give her benefits. The benefits of this witch are more difficult to find."

The first thing to cooperate is to throw out an olive branch, and this olive branch must be liked by the maiden very much.

When she saw this olive branch, she wished she could pounce on it directly, and she simply agreed without Yang Qi saying the second condition.

Fade Chen said: "This is not easy."

The patriarch nodded: "Yes, what I understood at the beginning of the Wu clan is that they resist any cooperation, don't need any assistance, and don't look down on any olive branch in their eyes.

To be precise, the Wu people are a very conceited existence, they disdain the help others give them.

In their own words, I can get what I want by myself, so why should you give it.

That kind of straightforward character is really not something we can talk about.

Yang Qi curled her lips: "So she stayed in the club now, isn't it too long?"

He said that he would not accept any olive branches, but it was just that the olive branches did not meet their requirements.

Now the club is doing a good job. On the surface, it only takes care of women and does not put too much pressure on miko, but when it is needed, it says that it may need help.

Naturally, the witch was too embarrassed to refuse.

On the surface, this is just mutual help, but if you really see the actual content, you can still understand that this is actually within the scope of cooperation.

It just seems a little tactful.

Lin Hao said: "But as far as our club's virtue Yang Qi is concerned, you can see it more or less. The reason why witches are willing to stay is because they don't compete with the world.

Because of this, Miko felt that she belonged and wanted to stay.

Yang Qi said: "But is it true that the club is not prepared to participate at all?"

Just don't care about anything, don't fight, just be the leader of your own club with peace of mind?

This is just a joke, if you really don't want anything, then this club will not appear.

The purpose of the club's appearance is to obtain the highest happiness, and then to unite their own people. When the war starts later, they can at least have a battle of their own.

Isn't this still up for grabs?

Lin Hao chuckled: "It's impossible not to fight. Our old Wang used to be the one who fought for everything."

At the beginning, Lao Wang was the kind of strong man who turned the whole street into himself.

To be honest, if Old Wang really wanted to fight for something, nothing would be under his command, and it would be directly in his hands.

Unless he doesn't like it.

It's the same now, Lao Wang doesn't like this planet, what he wants is that the club can be built with peace of mind, and the few of them stay in the club carefree, wanting to eat and play.

However, the premise must be that the planet is still intact, which is also doomed in the dark that they must compete for the right to speak about the safety of this planet.

Help Yang Qi get settled on the planet.

Yang Qi said: "People who don't fight are destined to be a minority, especially in this kind of scene, whoever wants not to fight is tantamount to committing suicide.

If you don't fight, someone forces you to fight.

In the end, you still have to obey the overall situation.

Lin Hao said: "But in the eyes of the witch, we are really not that kind. She didn't see through our essence and thought we were really perfect, so she didn't do anything that would hinder you at all."

In Miko's eyes, this proved everything.

They don't target the Yang Qi of the planet, which means they're happy as long as they have the club and don't move on.

But what they did in secret was just not showing.

Yang Qi said: ""|But do you really think that Miko came to this planet from other places and would not be able to see through your little thoughts. "

Just to save my face, I didn't say anything.

The patriarch said: "That's right, the girls of the Witch Clan have always been creatures with high IQs, and their thoughts can always be at the highest level to predict everything first, so she must have guessed clearly what the club thinks."

After all, she made a choice for her own living environment.

Lin Hao scratched his head: "Oh, that means the witch has long known that we are a kind of trading activity."

Yang Qi said: "Not only does she know, but she also thinks that it is only right for her to help you. Otherwise, she would make out all these masks without any feeling of rejection, which is impossible."

When everyone is tired, she will do it so seriously unless she has really traded something.

(Wang Zhao's) Isn't that enough to prove something?

Lin Hao felt a little funny: "That's right, it seems that I'm a little naive again.

Maybe my old brother Wang had already guessed it, so he used it on the girl like this.

It is to let other girls do so many things non-stop.

At the beginning, I was still thinking that Pharaoh treated his girls very seriously. When they said they wanted to make something by themselves, Pharaoh gave it.

Yang Qi said: "But the old Wang gave her the right things to work with, otherwise the witch would feel superfluous if she stayed there, and the sadness of being taken care of all the time is reflected here

So in order not to make the girl feel worthless, the usefulness of this mask also appeared.

Li Qing said: "Old Wang can be regarded as having exhausted all the tricks, and the arrangement of this step by step is really ingenious.

He used Miko invisibly and gave her a reason to stay. .

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