Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 419: Starting A Club

Yang Qi said: "It's no wonder that Lao Wang is the old man who founded the club. The arrangement is comprehensive and capable.

To be honest, if this is a person without a snack machine, it is impossible to occupy such a large place on the planet without being beaten.

Just look at the many children around me, although most of them are unwilling to accommodate me.

But there are some powerful characters who can understand their own details, so they will naturally do things for themselves.

For example, to eliminate the club.

But so many embarrassments and finding faults did not make this club disappear completely, which proved that Lao Wang is a person with both wisdom and courage.

At least I have never heard of the words that my own people have a war with that side.

The No. 1 elder said: "Well, Lao Wang is a smooth person, and you won't feel uncomfortable when chatting with him."

Once some bosses take the highest position, they will inevitably change their personalities and become particularly arrogant.

Then it was difficult to get in touch with others, and even a few words had to be ridiculed all the time.

But when this old Wang was communicating, he was always humble and smiling, and what he said made people feel comfortable.

Yang Qi said: "Well, it would be a good home for the witch to stay with Old Wang."

It is also a good thing to have Lao Wang who knows how to take care of everyone's thoughts and minds as the boss.

Li Qing said: "Then why don't I also hang out in the club for a few days?"

This way you can experience the feeling of being cared for yourself.

Yang Qi glanced at him and said with a smile: "Tomorrow you might as well just stay with him.

Li Qing also joked with himself, he knew very well that it was much better to be on his side than to be with Lao Wang.

Lin Hao said: "Since you think witches are more suitable for clubs, then don't force other girls to follow you."

How bad this is, people finally settled down in one place and lived a good life, and Yang Qi deprived them of their good life.

I can't bear it myself.

Yang Qi said: "It depends on what the witches want, the stability obtained in the general environment is definitely better than the stability of a single clan.

Lin Hao is still too young.

He hadn't realized what kind of stability they wanted.

The patriarch said: "It is definitely better to be sheltered by the lord of this planet than to be sheltered in a small club.

Never underestimate the power of this power.

It is impossible for a witch to have a deep mind and to think about every detail carefully.

Lin Hao said: "That's right. The club is only a small area after all. If it is really powerful, it must be the whole planet."

Yang Qi said: "Well, so if the witch is willing to stay and do things for us, I can give her a residence exclusively for herself, where she wants to practice, or she can recall her own witch clan."

As members of a whole clan, of course what they hope most is that their world can finally be restored one day.

Sometimes this is no longer an ambition, but a feeling.

I want to go back to the feelings of the past, so that I can behave the same as before again.

Lin Hao said: "Oh ho, so your plan is here."

The olive branch given by Yang Qi is now clear after listening to it. He didn't exchange the house, but the entire Wu clan.

Yang Qi said: "But I am the only one who can give Miko all these things."

So he can't let go of what he can use easily, right?

Lin Hao said: "Then I believe that you don't even need to discuss this olive branch with the witch, we old Wang should give you the right to choose."

A person as smart as Lao Wang must know that he is definitely no match for Yang Qi.

The patriarch asked: "That must be good, the witch will not be wronged if she follows Yang Qi, and Yang Qi has given everything she wants, so there is nothing to refuse.

As long as it is beneficial to oneself, there is no harm (cjfa), and it is only a small contribution, which is what I am willing to agree to.

Li Qing said: "I don't know if this witch is loyal or not, Lao Wang treats her so well, she probably can't bear to abandon Lao Wang like this."

Lao Wang should have kept this witch for a long time, and gave her such a beautiful life.

She is now easily turning her back on Lao Wang and defecting to Yang Qi's arms, this style of behavior seems a bit disloyal and unrighteous.

Lin Hao said: "What are you afraid of? Didn't you say it just now? This old king and the witch belong to the transaction between each other. At most, the transaction is in a state of completion, and there is absolutely no distinction between betrayal."

If you pay a high price, I will do things for you.

Then if you can't compare with Yang Qi, it is reasonable for me to follow Yang Qi.

In this kind of realistic society, it is not a problem to see different things and think differently.

Yang Qi said: "Aren't you afraid that the old king will feel uncomfortable when he betrayed the witch?"

Lin Hao said this as if Lao Wang had accepted that the witch had left.

I don't think that the witch will bring harm to the old king after leaving.

Lin Hao said: "Old Wang is such a generous person, and he really thinks that the witch is just a girl. Wherever she wants to go, as long as she can live happily."

This is a protection as a man.

For the rest, there are no extra thoughts.

Li Qing said: "Didn't expect that, you guys are kind and righteous people."

Such a comparison can easily make the witch look bad.

The patriarch said: "But what kind of work did the witches do in that club of yours?"

Is it just for making masks?

I can't believe this, it would be too easy to just make a mask.

Yang Qi said: "Isn't it enough to make a mask?"

The patriarch has said many times before that if this mask is to be exquisite and perfect, he must put in a lot of effort.

This witch made this human leather mask come alive, isn't it perfect?

There must have been a lot behind it.

The patriarch said: "But the witch just used the mask in exchange, and she didn't use much of her own witch's power."

Now she just puts the mask on her face.

As long as there is a potion for this kind of thing, anyone can do it.

Then it is really easy to say a few spells casually.

So what I wonder is that Lao Wang really didn't use the power of the witch itself?

Lin Hao said: "Do witches have any witchcraft power?"

He really hadn't heard about it from Old Wang, nor had he seen the witch use it by herself. .

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