Wandering Knight Start: I have a simple data panel

Chapter 81 Heavy Armor! Heavy Armor!

It was dusk at this time, and the defeated soldiers of Rockman were in a panic and were driven together by the Holy Cross army from all directions.

The blood-red sunset was actually a bit dazzling.

The spring breeze still brought a hint of coolness.

The armor collided, making a rustling sound.

The noble officer rode on a warhorse and found a high ground to observe the battlefield.

At least one or two thousand defeated soldiers of Rockman were also a great military achievement.

The flags of Rockman, with a few triangular flags, were tossed in the spring breeze.

The defeated soldiers from several different sources were also mixed together in a mess, and they were inferior to the serfs.

The only pity was that this credit could not be enjoyed alone.

The number of the Holy Cross army attracted by the defeated soldiers was twice that of Rockman.

Not far away, colleagues couldn't wait to beat the war drums.

The sound of dong dong dong made people feel irritated.

Several knights rode on war horses and began to scold and drive the soldiers forward.

The soldiers were a little tired after running for half a day, but the upcoming victory and the extra meal promised by the officers still boosted their morale.

"We have to attack too. We can't let them take all our heads."

The noble officer ordered his knights to beat the war drums.

In an instant, the commanders of several armies were all eager to command their troops to move forward.

In the woods behind the fleeing soldiers, under the cover of the dusk, a few cavalrymen were doing the final inspection.

Under the tight blockade of the Holy Cross Kingdom, a large-scale military ambush was impossible.

Archduke Fernandez was not a fool and could easily capture the army's dispatch.

However, an elite knight group of hundreds of people was able to quietly cross the blockade and avoid the eyes of the scouts.

A layer of light underwear, a layer of inner armor, and a layer of dark heavy armor.

The elite knights, with the help of their attendants, put on the armor.

Even the war horses were covered with a thick layer of vests.

Then the attendants and knights also arranged their half-body armor.

The red light through the gaps in the leaves shone on the armor and formed a series of reflections.

The elite knights pulled down their armor and climbed onto the backs of their horses one by one.

With the elite heavy-armored knights as the spearhead, the knights and knight attendants fell behind.

"Virut, don't be nervous, follow me later, don't be afraid." The barbarian bull comforted Virut in a muffled voice.

The latter was experiencing this kind of cavalry charge for the first time.

The knight attendants did not come to the Knights to gild themselves.

The purpose of training is to go to the battlefield.

Life and death are determined by fate, and there will be no regrets if you really die.

Even if you are a genius, you will soon disappear from everyone's memory.

Survive and bring back victory, this is the kingly way.

Virut was indeed nervous. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous when facing the battle for the first time.

The last time the barbarians invaded, although he got the opportunity to go into battle, he was under the protection of the family knights and played the role of commander from a distance.

How can a knight who has never experienced a cavalry charge develop the courage to break everything?

In thirty years, the lives of the knights in the north have become valuable, and their combat effectiveness has naturally declined.

He took a deep breath, and was so nervous that he could not remember the key points of the training.

He just nodded desperately, as if the Bull Knight could see it.

The latter did not get a response, and did not continue to comfort Virut.

Because the entire cavalry regiment has begun to speed up slowly.

The warhorse speeds up in small steps, gradually stretching its muscles and bones.

The muscle memory of daily training makes everyone instinctively follow the collective action.

All the tension and anxiety were covered up by the rapid charge.

The iron hooves of the heavily armored warhorses hit the ground, making a dull sound.

It was duller than the sound of war drums and more rapid than raindrops.

And as the speed got faster and faster, it became more and more rapid.

The advancing Holy Cross Kingdom army heard the roar of the horses' hooves, and at first thought it was the sound of dense war drums.

Or the noble officers have experienced the feeling of the knights' charge, and this sound is very similar.

Then, they faced the dazzling sunset and saw a reflection.

After being stunned for seven or eight seconds, the noble officer, who was already pale, finally realized the fact that was colder than the spring breeze.

"Knights... Knights... Charge."

The roaring voice had broken, and the fear in the roarer's heart had exceeded the threshold.

In fact, it was more terrifying than they imagined.

This is the ultimate force of this era, the heavy armored knight.

It is not that there is no way to deal with the heavy armored knight, nor is it a guarantee of victory, and even its use is greatly restricted.

However, once the heavy armored knights start to charge, it means that nothing can stop them, except... human lives.

Unfortunately, the lives of the people present are not enough to fill the holes under the hooves of the heavy armored knights.

The rumbling heavy armored knights rushed into the army formation, and all the knights clenched the all-cast iron spears in their hands.

Just like a string of gourds, even three or five people can be picked up in one string.

That is, the physical strength of the elite knights is enough for them to operate such heavy weapons.

By the time the heavily armored knights had penetrated the formation, the army of the Holy Cross Kingdom had already collapsed.

The path left by the horses' hooves was blood red, as if it had been crushed.

There were not many soldiers still standing, and most of them were the lucky ones who witnessed the tragedy.

Virut followed the charge, wielding his weapon mechanically.

Then, at the urging of the heavy-armored knight, he assisted in clearing the surrounding soldiers.

When the heavy-armored knight adjusted his posture, there was no need for a second charge.

The army of the Holy Cross Kingdom completely collapsed.

"No prisoners, no prisoners, no nobles or soldiers, all beheaded."

The heavy-armored knight announced the order coldly, even if it would provoke some resistance.

What he wanted was the heads and blood of these Holy Cross people to arouse the murderous spirit of his own people.

Blood debts must be paid with blood, not just talk.

A calm army needs some bloody stimulation and venting.

For the first time, Virut participated in the war completely, so close, with such a strong impact.

Then, his eyes became brighter, although his waist and back were not so straight, but his momentum was completely different.

The previous uprightness seemed a bit stiff, but now it has returned to its original nature and has a bit of master's demeanor.

The same is true for other knight attendants. Only by experiencing it personally can you know the difference.

Even if some unlucky colleagues died in battle, the survivors were different.

Northern Knights, Northern Knights, what are the Northern Knights on the training ground called?

Blood, military exploits, and even the fear of the enemy have forged the reputation of the Northern Knights.

Regaining the glory of the Northern Knights begins from now on.

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