The defeated soldiers of Rockman, under the organization of the knights, have not completely lost their organization.

At this time, they just helped to clean up the battlefield. Virut and his knights once again acted as executioners to execute orders.

Rows of surviving Holy Cross soldiers were all pressed to the ground and then executed one by one.

Because there was still plenty of time, the soldiers even cut down a batch of tree trunks and made crosses.

When the captured nobles were pulled to the cross, they all screamed in fear.

"What are you going to do? I am a baron, I demand the treatment of a noble, I want to see your commander."

"Hey, nobles? I have killed many nobles. Hang them up."

"Madman, aren't you afraid of being captured? You will be hanged too."

"Captive? There are no cowards among the knights of the North. Either kill me on the battlefield or be hanged by me."

The knights of the Augusta family perfectly executed Derek's promise. All the nobles of the Holy Cross Kingdom were hanged on the cross.

Compared to the Jingguan under the cross, they have already enjoyed the treatment of nobles.

As for cruelty?

These serf soldiers may have been cruel when they were captured, but now they are not cruel at all.

Besides, there is no such thing as morality.

Only the victors are qualified to write history books, and morality has always been only on paper.

I am afraid that there are not many people who dare to retaliate against the Northland Knights.

At least before the Northland Knights can't lift their knives, any radical revenge behavior must consider the consequences.

After handling the battlefield, the Knights even took away the spoils.

At this point, the Holy Cross people should have reacted, and if they don't leave, they may be bitten by the tail.

When the people of Archduke Fernandez arrived, there was only blood on the scene.

In the dark night, the first soldier who found the execution scene with a torch was directly shocked.

Even the nobles who were responsible for finding the army vomited on the spot when they saw it.

"Locke, you wait."

When the body of the hanged noble was put down, he was even more angry and frightened.

How dare these guys?

After this battle, the outgoing army of the Holy Cross Kingdom suddenly slowed down.

Not to mention the pursuit, even the march had to be careful.

Defeat is easy to say, these nobles are really afraid of being hanged.

After all, the defeated will only kill a group of lowly people, but being hung will lose their noble lives.

How can the two be compared?

Therefore, the advancement of the Holy Cross Kingdom slowed down by half a beat.

"The idea of ​​the Rock people is actually very simple, which is to delay time.

When their domestic support troops arrive, the situation will be reversed, and then we will not have the advantage."

The counselor analyzed for Archduke Fernandez, and in fact, this idea is not difficult to guess.

The key is that it is difficult to crack, unless all the officers of the Holy Cross Kingdom are not afraid of death at once, otherwise there is no solution.

"The reinforcements of the Rock people will not come so soon, and the barbarians are not stupid without brains."

Archduke Fernandez saw very clearly that the barbarians took great pains to create this big scene, but they are not here to be good people.

Both the Holy Cross Kingdom and the Rockman are the other party's general targets.

It's just that now, the Rockman is too strong and needs to be weakened.

Only by maintaining the fragile balance between the two countries can the barbarians benefit, otherwise wouldn't they be making wedding clothes for others?

So, there is still plenty of time.

Archduke Fernandez suddenly stood up and looked at the sparse rain outside the window.

"Drag it on, the more powerful the Rockman is, the more I dare not let my guard down.

It's almost time for spring plowing, they are more anxious than me."

Archduke Fernandez doesn't care about some casualties, he just wants to win the final victory.


Time dragged on for a month, and the spring rain fell several times, delaying at least half of the spring plowing in the entire Saint Mile Province.

Even if it is a summer rush to plant, this year's big reduction in production is predictable.

Although the army of the Holy Cross Kingdom has been defeated in small-scale battles and lost thousands of people in a month, the speed of advancement is very stable.

Even half of Augusta Territory has been occupied, and Augusta City is in sight.

The Rockman's attack was becoming increasingly weak, and it was not just the Holy Cross who were constantly being consumed.

According to statistics, at least three to five thousand Rockman troops were killed, and the casualties were not small at all.

According to intelligence, the army under Viscount Derek suffered at least 20% casualties. If the army trapped and killed in the Birch Castle is counted, the proportion would be even greater.

Archduke Fernandez was also much more haggard, but he was training with hundreds of thousands of people, and his progress was also very fast.

Let him lead an army of 10,000 people alone, it can be said that he can capture it easily.

Even now, the military dispatch of the entire Holy Cross Kingdom is becoming more and more organized.

Archduke Fernandez is also becoming more and more confident. Although he has learned a lot of lessons, they have become the nourishment for his growth.

The other routes are also very smooth, generally going back and forth, occupying the majority of people, half of the land in the Holy Mile Province has returned to the hands of the Holy Cross Kingdom.

However, for the farmers living on this land, the days when the Holy Cross Kingdom fought back are even more difficult.

It rained a few more times, and the already imperfect city of Augusta was finally torn apart by human lives.

Archduke Fernandez walked into the unfinished city. Judging from the buildings that had already been built, Viscount Derek had great ambitions.

"Haha, when we take over the Saint Mitre Province, I will use this city as my main city."

Archduke Fernandez laughed happily. What if you, Viscount Derek, are a war genius? This world still relies on strength.

Geniuses must also bow down.

Now, he has forgotten his strong desire to recruit the other party.

Soon, something that made him even happier came.

A large amount of supplies were left in Augusta City, and there were even dozens of sets of heavy armor that had not been transported away.

Rockman left in a hurry and did not even take such important supplies.

"Your Excellency the Duke, I think something is strange. Rockman should have been prepared long ago. How could he forget this batch of heavy armor?" Some generals felt uneasy.

Any artificial layout will reveal flaws, the only difference is how much.

The army of the Holy Cross Kingdom advanced slowly. The other side should have anticipated the fall of Augusta City. How could they forget such important equipment?

This seemed to be an act of deliberately confusing the enemy.

Archduke Fernandez disagreed. He felt that this was Rockman's mistake in a hurry.

With such a huge disadvantage in the war, it would be strange if there were no mistakes.

But on the surface, he was willing to follow the advice.

"You make sense. Let's increase the strength of our scouts and send more people. Any conspiracy will always have clues.

As long as we don't make mistakes, we will win."

He became more and more convinced of his own ideas.

The result was of course that nothing was found, but the territory of Viscount Derek was well built.

It happened to be a rare sunny day.

Archduke Fernandez took advantage of the interval between the rainy season and went out for inspection with the nobles of the former Saint Mile Province.

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