
"Keep dreaming, my mate will never be you, I feel sad for you though, I wonder when you will find your mate, maybe that will be when you become an oldie," I said to him and he smiles, "we would see about that," he says, "buzz! Buzz!" the exact voice of Kelvin's step mum sounded from behind us and he released his hold on me and we both stand up, "mum, what are you doing here" he questions her and I stood up waving at her from behind him, "Is this not my alphas house" she says tapping his shoulders and walking past him,

"Bella, it is getting late, come over here" my mum mind link with me and I walked towards our witch part of the mansion, "where are you going to" Kelvin questions me from behind and I used my hand to cover my butt, cause I know that he was surely looking at it, "wait" he says and runs towards me, I stopped and turned back only for him to stand in my front of me and then kiss my forehead, I looked at him confused, "what was that for" I said to him softly After feeling special from his forehead kiss, and acknowledging the fact that his step mum was also there "I would Have kissed your lips but not just yet" he says to me and I blushed so hard that I had to look away,

Then I turned back to look at him, "Am going to find my mate tomorrow and you are going to be so disappointed" I replied to him and he chuckles, "okay, let's see" he says to me as I walked away to go and meet my mum, I had now entered my mums domain and she holds my hand, "Bella, you have to fulfill the prophecy spoken about the next grand witch, you have the aura, go the the grave of the last grand witch and tell her to give you your inheritance, with the blood of the alphas son, I can guarantee your protection from the border werewolves" she says to me and my heart beats in fear, "mum am afraid" I said to her and she holds me to herself,

"Do this Bella, do it so that all witches in the world will bow before you, do it because It is your destiny to be a leader," she says to me and I nodded my head in acceptance, "but then, mum, I would be finding my mate tomorrow, I really don't want to lose my life when am this close to finding him" I said to her and she let's out a smile, "Your mother is a powerful witch dear, and we have the alphas' sons blood which has already given us permission, You must go now and do it" she says to me, as she enchanted into me the words I would say when am at the last grand witch grave.

I walked away from my mum and I looked up at the sky to see the moon shining as bright as ever, "we are going to find our mate tomorrow" I said to my wolf as I sneaked out of the alphas mansion, till I was now in the forest, I was heading to the grave of the last grand witch, soon I had reached there, I looked around and sniffed the air so I could know if any werewolf was close but I discovered that none were present, normally they are always werewolf there because the last grand witch was buried at the border between my alphas pack area and the neighboring pack,

I stood in front of her grave and I enchanted for my inheritance, a storm struck in the sky so loud that I felt rain droplets falling on me, I looked up to see that It was only falling on me, and not everywhere, I looked at her grave and Enchanted using my powers this time and that is when I picked up sounds with my werewolf ears, it was the sounds of angry werewolves approaching me, with their eyes glowing from the dark forest trees, I used my abilities to shield myself as I continued to enchant, "give what is mine, is mine" I said and my right hand glowed,

I stretched my hand towards her grave and a blue light comes out entering me, "You will never leave this place alive" one of the werewolves said to me fighting my shield, "call the Alpha" another one said and they all growled hardly, and then a sound that was shaking the ground and me as well occurred, I knew what was coming, The alpha was coming to destroy me, his strength can break my shield, and from no where a hard hit on my shield, "I am the next grand witch, it is my inheritance" I said to the alpha and he growls in anger, "No one will ever be a grand witch" he says walking closer to me,

I closed my eyes as he jumps up into the air and launches down to kill me, and then a greater shield covered me from his attack, "I am with you Bella" the exact voice of my mother was heard by me and I knew for sure that I was protected "Take me all, so mote it be" I said to the white light and then in a flash the ritual was done, I looked around to see that I was indeed surrounded by werewolves who really want me to be dead because of the powers That I now have, I cracked my neck into order and I gave out a smile as the knowledge of all powers was now in me,

"We can do this, the easy way, or the hard way" I said to them and they all growled in anger including their alpha, "An alpha once killed your kind, and I will be that alpha to take your worthless life" he shouts out in anger and runs towards me including his pack of werewolves, "die" I said at once, enchanting in my mind and starting with the alpha, all of them turned into dust, I used my powers to bury everything and I ran back to my alphas house, As I knew that I wasn't safe anymore.

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