
I was feeling dizzy but my strength was increasing, "help me" I said as soon as I reached the alphas mansion, because, at this point in time, my eyes could only see blur appearances of things around me, a hand wrapped itself around me, raising me up, and fear gripped me as I thought I was in an enemies hand, but I could recognize the scent, It was that of Kelvin, "take me to my mum" I said to him, "don't worry, am going straight to your mum, what happened" he questions me and I kept silent in return,

He dropped me on a bed and I can see my mum pointing for him to leave the room, he walks close to me and he holds my hand, the fact that he acts with so much care like am his mate makes me feel loved, then he walks out of the room and my min disappears with me, and all I can see are witches in a big circle and my mum pushes me into it, and then they all started enchanting and I felt so much pain that I tried to use my powers to stop my mum, but could not,

I could not stand the pain anymore, I knelt down and I felt the urge to sleep, my right eye closed, and so I tried to keep it open, but then my left eye closed as well and I fell down with my eyes not opening, I think am probably sleeping right now, cause I even feel comfortable, "beep!" the sound of my alarm clock and I jumped up from what seemed to be my bed, it was already morning, and I was surprised, my mum walks into my room with a cup on her hand and she smiles at me,

"Here is a traditional tea I made for you, Happy birthday Bella" she says to me and I realized my success, "mum an going to find my mate today and am already the grand witch" I said to her and she covers my mouth with her hand, "don't ever tell anyone about who you are, do you understand!?" she says looking at me sternly, and I nodded removing her hands that were now stopping me from taking the nice tasting tea she had just given to me,

"You must live a good life, I want you to be the one that makes the world to know that grand witches are good and not bad, make them know the value of you been The leader of all witches, let this be your legacy" she says to me and I can already imagine pride hairs on her head, like a lion kinda thing, "okay mum I will, It Is time, I find my mate now" I said to her running downstairs just to see the alpha, I greeted him and then turned to walk away from him but then he calls my name from behind me and I turned to look at him,

"I just wanted to say that I wish you luck ahead, happy birthday, I hope you find your mate today, Follow her, she will get you prepared, all the boys are now currently where the ship is and They are all waiting for you to celebrate your deal day with them all" he says to me and then answers his phone call, I walked together with Angela and I had so many questions to ask her, "where is kelvin" I said to her and she smiles, "why do you ask" she replies to me and I found it to be like a game, "No, seriously, I just want to know" I said to her and she looks straight, "Kelvin and the other male werewolves are all waiting for you and the female elders at the ship" she says to me,

"But It is so early, did everyone wake up in the night?" I questioned her and she smiles again, the funny thing is that, I am loving the way she smiles before she answers me, "you see my dear, the last grand Luna of all Luna's died this same day, and so the alpha has decided to make it to not be a sad day anymore but a day that we would celebrate you and other werewolves born this day as well" she says to me and I felt special at her words, "our alpha is indeed wise" I replied her, "now, it is time to get you dressed up" she says to me, as we were now in a room and in her hands was a lacy white top and silky gown that had some designs on it,

Soon I was now dressed up, with my face recently make up by her, I looked at the mirror and I imagined my mate looking at me and saying these words, "you look flawless" and then I chuckled, the horn of car and Angela held my right hand walking out of the house, I looked at the end of the convoy of cars to see my mum and The alpha entering the range rover, "are they coming with us" I questioned Kelvin's step mum and she nods a no sign, "something very bad happened to the alpha of our neighboring pack and our alpha is going over there to give his support to them" she says to me and I understood that our pack was now taking over their pack now, cause all werewolves will always need an alpha,

I entered the high lander that was in front of me, together with Angela, they were other young girls like me too, who were entering the cars that were parked as well, "why are those girls wearing the same color of clothes that am wearing" I said to Angela as I was now inside the car, "well you see, those girls are also going to be finding their mates today too" she says to me at once, soon we had reached the ship, All the girls and I were now entering the ship and all the boys were all staring at us, actually I can't believe that All these girls were born the same day with me, it almost seems to be magical, the ship started moving and I could see how we were getting distanced from the land area, "I can't wait to find my mate" one of the girls said looking at me and I could already see how interesting she is,

"Me too, I pray mine is cute" I replied her and she replies to me with "of course" and then her eyes dilated, "I can perceive him" she says to me and so much excitement filled my body, "let us go and catch him" I said to her as I followed her from behind, then she stopped at the men's restroom, "oh my God! Haha! Your mate is inside the restroom you can't enter" I laughed, but then the door opens like a war is about to happen and I can see Dren standing ever strong and walking towards her, "you are my mate" he says to her and I can almost cry at what my eyes can see now.

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