
Dren walks close to her and he pins her to the wall and they both started kissing, I looked at how both of them kissed themselves with so much craving in their behavior, And that is when my eyes met with the heart breaker and my heart beats at what was about to happen now, it was Emily and she has seen dren and the new girl smooching, and then I got tapped from behind me, I turned to see Kelvin and I smiled at him, actually happy that I have finally seen him,

Emily who is coming from the front, is now walking towards where dren and his mate were smooching, she threw her pause at dren but He did not even move or react to the disturbance, he rather continued his kiss, "Oh my God, is this actually happening for real" Kelvin says from behind me and I traced my hand into his hand, "yes, this is the glorious moment" I said to him and he somehow shifted so close to me that I could feel his hot breath pouring on the cold skin of my cheeks,

"What are you doing dren" Emily says to him, but dren did not even turn to say a word, and as at now, am wondering if when my mate kisses me it will be so strong that it can't be broken by anyone, then Emily grabbed dren by his shirt, and the girl holds Emily's neck, raises her up and smashes her to the wooden wall, "ouch" kelvin signs looking down, "don't you touch my mate" she says angrily to Emily as Emily was now on the ground and weak from the hard smash, Dren carries his mate on his arms and he walks close to Emily, "it is over between us" he says and walks away with his mate,

"Oh boy" Kelvin says out, he holds my hand and we both turn to walk away, "Kelvin am sorry" Emily says from behind us and he stopped, "am so sorry for leaving a perfect guy like you for dren, just because I stupidly thought that he would choose me over his mate, I thought that he would make me his Luna when he becomes alpha but I was a fool, cause I believed his promises and left you just because of my selfish ambitions" she says to him and that one hooked me a bit,

He turns back and then he released his hold on me and walked straight to her, "It is okay Emily, don't cry, just know that I and you can never come back together ever again, and I hope for you to find your mate" he says and leans out from her, he walks closer to me, and then, he wraps his arms around my neck and I waved at her and she waved at me as well, "Kelvin my neck is going to break from your heavy arms" I said to him and he reduced his hand weight over my neck, "Kelvin my mate should be on this ship, I can't seem to find him, I don't want to be like you that is Mateless" I said to him and he smiles, "oh you will find him" he assures me and I am finding his statement to be a joke right now,

I released his hold on me and I ran outside of the ship, they was a swimming pool and some badass popular werewolves girls in their bikinis and the boys only in their boxers, a music started to jam and everyone started to dance and pop drinks, it looked so interesting, I looked to see that the ship was now so far from the sight of land,

it seemed like it was only water that existed around us, and that it was already evening now, I got a drink and soon I felt dizzy, I turned and my eyes met that Of Kelvin and I ran into the crowd with the hopes that he won't catch me and stop me from drinking, I turned to my back to see him running towards me and As I turned my head to look at where I was going to use to escape, I hit myself on something soft, I looked to see that it was someone, I slowly raised my head up to look at this person,

And my head seriously did not want to sharply look at this person, it was like I was a sort of actress in a Bollywood movie, I struggled till my head could now see Kelvin, "you are drunk, You should not be drunk" he says to me like he is disappointed, he shake my head and I tried to use my magic to make myself normal again but I could not enchant properly, "I think am so drunk" I said to him and then the next thing That happened was me been carried up in his arms, "hey! Drop me, my mate would not like to see you holding me in this position" I said to Kelvin as he takes me into the ship,

"we are we going to" I said to him looking around, "we are going to the room I reserved for both of us" he says to me and I bent my head, trying to understand if he actually said that or not, "err...am talking about the room I reserved for only you" he says to me, and I gave out a smile, we were now both inside the room and he dropped me on a very soft bed, it is getting late,

"Try and get to your feet, I sincerely can't hold it anymore" he says staring at me, I turned and a sleep set into me, am so sure that I am actually dreaming right now, cause I can see my mate right now, who happens to be a fairy, I knew I needed to wake up so Imagined myself on a tall building and then I jumped off of it and as I was falling down from the building, I jumped up from the bed scared.

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