War Emperor

Chapter 1275: The air of heaven

The first thousand two hundred and seventy-five chapters

Many people also stared wide, watching curiously, wanting to see if Lin Han could break this killing game.

Although this killing game is not particularly powerful among the eighty-one ways, it is not something that people who are not proficient in chess can crack.

Inside the mask, Lin Han looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned, only to see a chessboard appear in front of him, the chess paths on it were fighting each other, revealing a strange and mysterious feeling.

Just looking at it, he couldn't help feeling dizzy.

However, he possesses the Deceptive Eye and strong mental power, which is nothing to him, and he quickly sees the path of the game.

"Hong, what should I do now?" Next, Lin Han frowned and asked.

On the chessboard killing game, he seemed to have become a black, and many whites surrounded him, like stars in the universe, trying to trap him to death. In this case, even if he felt To a sense of helplessness.

After all, he is really not proficient in chess.

If he doesn't try to break the chessboard, he might have a problem.

"It's okay, this kind of chess game is nothing to me." Hong smiled proudly. He has lived for a long time and has met many big people, even in ancient times, there was a person known as the "God of Chess", and he had contact with him.

The chess skills of the chess gods have reached the level of unpredictable ghosts and gods. Once a piece is played, it can be printed on the context of heaven and earth to kill the opponent.

For some special reasons, he has been around the chess **** for hundreds of years, and he also knows the chess skills of the chess god. This kind of chess game is completely ignored by him.

"Under the sunspot, on the left eighth and the upper nine squares." Hong said indifferently.

Lin Han nodded, knowing nothing about chess. He could only follow Hong's guidance. Beside him, there were black stones, and the void seemed to become a chessboard.

Lin Han sucked in his palm, sucking in a black letter the size of a stone mill, and placing it on the node pointed by Hong.


After Heizi was placed there, Lin Han suddenly felt that Baizi's attack on him seemed to become a little disordered, and even the pressure was much reduced.

However, Bai Zi is obviously not a vegetarian. It is as if there is a player with advanced chess skills playing. A Bai Zi is placed on a certain node, which immediately makes his offensive become more stable again, which is compelling. Under the pressure, Lin Han couldn't help but breathe a little, and it felt like a big gain.

"Under the sunspot, under the seven squares on the left."

"Under the sunspot, on the upper three and six squares on the right."

"Five and eight grids below..."

Hong's voice kept ringing, as if the chess **** was reborn, teaching Lin Han.

Although Lin Han said that the pressure is not small, fortunately, along the way, his character has been tempered like iron and can be completely restrained, so his face is solemn, and he continues to follow Hong's instructions.

After playing such a few rounds of chess, Lin Han suddenly felt a sense of openness, like Baizi's offensive, even defeating and playing, gradually becoming a lot weaker.

Even not long after, Lin Han had a feeling of grasping the overall situation and gaining the upper hand.

This surprised Lin Han's heart. An Xinhong is really knowledgeable and talented. He is even so skilled in chess. Otherwise, he would definitely not have such a great ability to crack this game. Now it seems that breaking this killing game seems to be unreasonable. It's not that difficult.

"No? Lin Han is going to crack and kill the game?"

At this time, countless people were in an uproar, with an incredible look.

Originally, in their opinion, even if Lin Han snatched this qualification, he was only asking for hardships and losing his life unintentionally.

No one thought that Lin Han really had the ability to break the game.

"How is this possible?" Shangguan Yan's sneer on her delicate and pretty face also slowly stiffened, and she lost her voice in shock.

She also didn't expect Lin Han to be able to do it. Such a killing, even for herself, might not be possible.

It can be seen that the light shrouded there has become increasingly dimmed, which is exactly the sign of the killing.


In the end, in the shocking eyes of all the people, the killing game finally broke open, the huge mask cracked like an egg, and then a divine light fell from the sky and connected with Lin Han's eyebrows. In an instant, Lin Han's entire portrait became the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao, with a strong and incomparable Heavenly Dao aura, and a transcendent aura throughout his body.

"The air of heaven?"

Many people are envious.

This is the aura of heaven, and after possessing it, you can prepare yourself for breaking into the Emperor Realm.

Ordinary masters of the earth emperor realm, if they get it, they will benefit their own strength greatly.

Lin Han gained a ray of heavenly energy in this way, which made many people very envious.

"Emperor Realm Five Heavens? I broke through!"

Lin Han was also very surprised and lost his voice.

I only felt that after the qi of heaven entered his body, his whole body was filled with an indescribable sense of invigoration, as if reborn and baptized, extremely comfortable.

His realm also reached the fifth heaven of the earth emperor realm in just ten minutes, making him even more happy!

This heavenly Dao Qi is indeed extraordinary, just one, let him break through two small realms.

Now he squeezed his fist at random, and he heard a sound like a landslide and tsunami. It was like a random punch that could break the world, full of a sense of supreme domineering.

"Snatch the Qi of Heaven!"

"The essence of the Qi of Heaven has been absorbed by him, but the mark is still there. If snatched, it can help unlock the final kill of the heaven and earth chessboard."

Many people became short of breath, and finally jealous, rushing towards Lin Han.

The aura of heaven, in addition to increasing strength, after breaking into the emperor realm, it also has a big effect, which is to give birth to the "seal of heaven", which determines the qualifications to finally unlock the final game.

This is the biggest reason many people want to gain the Qi of Heaven.

According to legend, if the final killing is broken, there will be endless good fortune, which countless people dream of.

So seeing Lin Han, he had already obtained a mark of heaven, and many people couldn't bear the greed in their hearts and began to **** them.


At the moment, the many disciples of the Shangguan Saint Clan sacrificed their magic weapons one by one, like a magnificent meteor shower, killing them towards Lin Han.

Among the magic weapons, there is an euphorbia, a spear, an umbrella, a large cauldron, a yellow bell and so on... Each of them shines brightly, and the sun shines brightly, like a treasure. So many people shot at the same time, and the combined power and power are too strong, even if it is much more powerful than the most powerful blow on the official game.

Shangguan Yan smiled coldly, and secretly murmured that Lin Han, this kid, had already caused public anger, and that he would be miserable next. With so many geniuses and shots at the same time, even if she had a green face, she couldn't help feeling a little gloating now.

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