War Emperor

Chapter 1276: Shock everything

Thousandth 276 chapters shock everything

"Looking for death!" However, Lin Lian Lian smiled indifferently, not only without fear, but a sense of war rose in his eyes.

After breaking through to the fifth layer of the Earth Emperor Realm, his strength has increased too much, so many people shot at him, in his opinion, it happened to be solved at once.


At the moment, he yelled, clenched his fist fiercely, bursting out with divine light, and slammed his fist toward so many disciples, and slammed it.

Now the divine power in Lin Han's body was extremely abundant. With this punch, it was like a roaring ocean of anger, and immediately there was a loud roar of tsunamis.

It can be seen that an incomparably huge fist light emerged, which was tens of thousands of feet in size, connected the sky and the ground, and pushed it straight away.

Lin Han's spirit is like a dragon, with an aura of disdain for the world.

Click! Click!

Next, the magic weapons played by many disciples suddenly shattered like chickens and dogs. And the unstoppable power of fists still rushed away like a torrent.


The screams sounded, and the people who shot were hit by fists and exploded one by one in mid-air. The bones flew horizontally, the flesh and blood splattered, and it was extremely miserable. The sky was like dumplings, and a lot of broken meat fell .


On the outside square, many people took a breath, and their scalp numb.

Lin Han now broke through to the fifth heaven of the Earth Emperor Realm, and his combat power was far more powerful than before.

With such an astonishing punch, many people felt an unstoppable pressure even across the light curtain, and their backs felt a bit chilly.

If you hit them, it will be a disaster for many people in the square.

Shangguan Yan was dumbfounded again, she couldn't believe her eyes.

With so many people shooting together, even if she was invincible, Lin Han actually beat him to death with one punch, at least seven or eight hundred people, this record is truly brilliant.

This is still a figure in the realm of the emperor, can it be displayed?

She is much better than Shangguanyou, all in Lin Han, and she feels a taste of palpitation.

To put it bluntly, this is the strongest imperial master in history, beyond everyone's cognition and imagination.

"Who else is going to grab the imprint of the heavenly path?" Lin Han slaughtered seven or eight hundred people with a fist, standing in the air, his eyes like electricity and sharp eyes, and he swept around and shouted coldly.

Now he is like the rebirth of the invincible God of War under the sky, full of a domineering taste.

Those who didn't make a move, all couldn't help but smashed their spirits, and went back a few steps with a pale face, never daring to mess up again.

Witnessing Lin Han's strength, they knew their insignificance. This guy was a complete freak, far beyond the number of people to compete.

Under Lin Han's gaze, they felt a trembling sensation from the soul, like facing the most terrifying ancient gods and demons, unable to mention it, and a little rebellious.

"It's almost the same!" Lin Han smiled, feeling a little cheerful in his heart!

Although this series of battles made him feel extremely exhausted, it was worth having such a big gain.

According to the disciplined practice method, he wanted to break into the fifth heaven of the earth emperor, but he didn't know how long it would take.

Ji Ke'er and Lin Fenghuang also laughed, feeling that Lin Han was like a person destined to rise, although they followed him and couldn't help much.

But after witnessing that they have become stronger again and again, they are also happy in their hearts.

"Chiji." At this moment, Xiao Lan flew over and wandered around Lin Han, and then pointed her wings in one direction, as if she was telling something.

"What do you mean? You mean, there are things related to you?" Lin Han was startled and asked in confusion.

Xiaolan rarely has such emotions.

"Chiji!" Xiao Lan nodded and answered in the affirmative.

Lin Han opened his broken eyes and looked at the end of the earth. At the end of the earth, he could see that there was a huge canyon standing there like a black volcano. At the entrance of the canyon, endless black air was lingering, rolling up, turbulent and mighty, giving people a very evil and unknown feeling.

"What's that place?" Lin Han couldn't help asking a disciple of his direct line.

In addition to Ji Kerr, Lin Fenghuang, and Xiaolan, he was accompanied by many descendants of the Shangguan Saint Clan.

After all, he came to the war on behalf of his direct descendants.

"Enjoy Young Master Lin Han, that is "Black Cloud Valley", a fierce place in this chessboard world." One of the beautiful and beautiful women looked in that direction, and a look of jealousy appeared in her eyes.

The chessboard world is not just a simple enlargement of the chessboard. It used to be a real world. It was refined into a spiritual world by an expert of their Shangguan Saint Clan, and it retains some unique places.

Black Cloud Valley is one of them!

According to legend, it was an extremely powerful creature. The place where he was buried, he had been dead for many years, and he was still erupting with incomparable evil spirits.

Many geniuses through the ages wanted to enter and find out, all of them died. As time passed, no one dared to enter the Black Cloud Valley and become a fierce place.

"Black Cloud Valley?" Lin Han raised his brows, where he also felt an unknown smell.

However, since Xiaolan let him go, he is naturally obliged.

"Go, go and see!"

At the moment, Lin Han took Xiao Lan and flew in that direction.

Xiaolan chuckled, seemingly excited.

"Lin Han is going to the Black Cloud Valley, won't he?"

Seeing his move, countless people were shocked whether it was in the square inside or outside.

Even some people who have never entered the chessboard world know the terrible Black Cloud Valley. According to legend, an elder from the Shangguan Saint Clan who reached the Emperor Realm died inexplicably when he entered it, and it was not something juniors could get involved.

Lin Han dared to face the difficulties and went to the Black Cloud Valley. This was really daunting.

"Lin Han, Lin Han, you really have a way to heaven. You don’t want to go. Hell has no way to go. Next, I see how you die." At this time, both the earth and profound veins could not bear Lived and laughed excitedly.

Lin Han killed the most outstanding saint son in their branch, this is an unshakable enemy.

It's a pity that because there are members of the elders group, they dare not mess around. Lin Han's current behavior is naturally right in their arms.

If Lin Han died, it would be equivalent to their revenge.

"Patriarch, Lord Lin Han is a bit too reckless." At this time, Chi Lao's expression changed slightly, and he couldn't help but solemnly said to Shangguan Overlord.

It was too dangerous to break into the Black Cloud Valley without authorization. Even though Lin Han had a lot of methods, he felt a little unsafe.

In the unlikely event that something goes wrong there, all previous efforts will be discarded, and their direct line position will not be guaranteed.

So he wanted the patriarch to speak and remind Lin Han.

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