War Emperor

Chapter 2331: Sword Dynasty Emperor's ambition

He had the chance to win, and he was happy.

"Emperor of the Sword Dynasty, you Wang Ba Lao, you can absorb the power of your own Sword Realm's faith. Why send someone to make trouble in my Devil Realm, and let a large number of people from my Devil Realm join your Sword Dynasty. Do you dare to grab my territory, I Of course I have to fight with you." Gu Yantian said angrily, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

I was a little surprised, the emperor of this sword dynasty was really powerful. Originally, he thought that with his strength, in this universe's eighteen realms, it can be vertical and horizontal.

Never thought of encountering iron plates this time.

His realm is only the initial peak of the fairy ancestor realm, and the emperor of the Sword Dynasty is about to enter a taboo realm.

This is so powerful and perverted.

At the same time, he was also a little annoyed in his heart. Since this Wang Ba Lao is so powerful, the Lord of the Great Destruction destroyed all living beings last time, but he shrank there and did not take action. If it were not for Lin Han to appear later and defeat the Lord of the Great Destruction, it can be imagined, He and Beihuang Piaofeng are all likely to fall under the Lord of Great Destruction.

As the patriarch of the Primordial Demon Clan, he felt that his heart was cruel enough, but he did not expect that the emperor of the Sword Dynasty was even more cruel than him.

Watching the sentient beings in the universe, they were killed so many by the Lord of Great Destruction at that time, they were indifferent.

In addition, the sword dynasty included, the matter of his people in the devil world, even if the sword dynasty emperor, no matter how strong he is, he will not succumb.

"Hehe, your Demon Realm is in chaos under the rule of the Demon Race. Naturally, it is better to join my Sword Dynasty. In my opinion, from now on, your Demon Realm will be merged into my Sword Dynasty. Help me break into the forbidden realm. Thank you for it." The Emperor of Sword Dynasty smiled and exclaimed.

His ambition has always been great. After so many years, he feels that he can rule the universe.

Collecting more and more realms, let them believe in themselves, the power of faith will become stronger and stronger.

At that time, let alone a half-step taboo, even if it is a real taboo, or even a stronger step, he will have the confidence to step into it.

After so many years of reproduction of the Sword Dynasty, their research on the power of faith has reached an unimaginable level.

"You dreamed that even if I die today, you will have two teeth broken." Gu Yantian gritted his teeth fiercely and shouted.

Never thought that the Sword Dynasty Emperor was so bold that he even dared to covet ink in the Devil Realm.

And he also noticed that the Sword Dynasty Emperor might be really unprepared to let him go today.

After all, in the fairy ancestor realm, everyone's original power is very majestic. If the Sword Dynasty Emperor swallows him, it may make the other party go further, and it is really possible to enter a taboo realm.

He was naturally angry.

He was the dignified Gu Yantian, and he was actually forced to this step.

Since you can't go back, you will fight to the end.

At this point, his body shook, and the billowing black mist, like wolf smoke, swept out vigorously in his body, causing the entire sword realm to fall into darkness within the boundless starry sky.

Gu Yantian, like a **** and demon who came out from the very ancient times, has the arrogance of swallowing the stars.

"I don't know how to promote, now you are seriously injured, and you are not my opponent. You are stubbornly resisting." The Sword Dynasty Emperor's mouth raised a sneer.


Then, without verbosity, a big earth-yellow hand was directly put out, and it shrouded towards Gu Yantian.

The terrifying aura swept across the Sword Realm, causing the Sword Realm's endless starry sky to appear thick black cracks, as if to blow up the entire starry sky, this is truly world-renowned and unparalleled.

Under this kind of aura, normal people will not even have the mentality of resistance. It is estimated that they will immediately prostrate themselves and surrender.

This is the strength of the emperor of the Sword Dynasty, the emperor's spirit, and the sky is really terrifying.

"Break it for me!" Gu Yantian roared, burning potential, and a terrifying magic fire rose up all over his body, like a black divine sun blazing. The big hand shattered, and then the Sword Dynasty Emperor gave a heavy blow.

Unfortunately, the reality is cruel.

Among the big earth-yellow hands of the Emperor of the Sword Dynasty, the spirit of the immortal ancestor is too strong, like a majestic sea, like a stormy sea.

Just like this, Gu Yantian couldn't break through his defenses. Under the pressure of that momentum, cracks appeared in his body, like a broken egg, showing signs of disintegration, rolling black. The blood, flowing down, is in the void, like the next black blood rain waterfall.

"Good job, the emperor is mighty!"

"Long live the emperor."

"Haha, is this the fairy ancestor of the Demon Realm, but if so, I dare to come over to fight the emperor and look for death."

In the vast sword territory, countless strong men could not help cheering upon seeing this scene.

In their minds, the immortal ancestor is the supreme, radiant existence.

Never thought that Xianzu would lose.

However, the enshrined emperor directly defeated Gu Yantian with a crushing method, and had to obliterate it.

The belief in the Sword Dynasty Emperor in their hearts has risen.

Some people's faces flushed slightly because of excitement.

Hearing those ridicules, Gu Yantian was undoubtedly angry and ashamed. He was a world-renowned demon ancestor. He was defeated in the hands of Beihuang Piaofeng more than ten years ago, and then he was defeated by the Lord of Destruction. Now even the Lord of Sword Dynasty can kill him.

The anger in his heart was extremely strong.

The invincible ancestor, this is a great shame.

For a moment, his eyes turned scarlet, staring at the Sword Dynasty Emperor, gritted his teeth and roared: "I won't make you feel better if I die, I blew myself up!"


After speaking, his whole body swelled in a big circle, and the horrible fluctuations, like billions of rounds of the sun about to explode, made the entire sword realm begin to tremble crazily.

The face of the Emperor of Sword Dynasty changed drastically, and then he was also angry in his eyes, and said coldly: "I see you looking for death!"

Of course he would not allow it, and Gu Yantian blew himself up, otherwise he would suffer a lot of injuries.

Moreover, the fluctuations produced by the self-detonation are likely to cause the entire Sword Realm to fall into a huge disaster.

I don't know how many stars will be broken into powder. That is the cornerstone of his gathering power of faith. Naturally, Gu Yantian can't be destroyed like this.

Under the anger in his heart, his big hand suddenly speeded up a lot, his five fingers closed, and Gu Yantian was instantly imprisoned in it, and the five thick fingers were still squeezing, trying to push Gu Yantian, like It's just like a little chicken cub, just grabbed to death.

Seeing that he even blew himself up, he was restrained for life, Gu Yantian was shocked and bitter, and he couldn't think of the gap between himself and the Sword Dynasty Emperor.

It seems that today, his life is over.

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