War Emperor

Chapter 2332: Come forward

Unconsciously, he couldn't help closing his eyes slowly, quite saddened by Fan Xiaoxiong's ending.

"Hehe, Lord of the Sword Dynasty, you are such a mighty power. No matter what Gu Yantian is, you can be regarded as the Lord who has helped the universe resist the great destruction. You have contributed to the universe. You hide from the side and watch it coldly. Kill Gu Yantian, don’t you feel ashamed of your heart?” At this moment, a sneer spread, and then a terrifying aura erupted, and with a bang, the hand of the Sword Dynasty Emperor shattered directly. .

In addition, there was a strong bearing, and the Emperor of Sword Dynasty really took a few steps back.

"Who is it?" With such a change, the Emperor of Sword Dynasty couldn't help but his expression changed. He looked at him and was taken aback.

I saw that in front of him silently, there appeared a young man with a long body, black hair shawl, handsome face, with a taste of returning to innocence, with his hands suspended in the starry sky, looking at him with a smile on his face.

Seeing this scene, the emperor of the Sword Dynasty suddenly felt cold in his heart.

How could it be possible for a teenager who looked so young to have such a strong strength.

Although his palm didn't display his full strength, he could also sweep across the universe. How many people could block it?

Lin Han actually did it, which really made him feel like a dream.

When will there be such an extraordinary junior in the universe?

"Yes...you..." Gu Yantian was also taken aback for a while, opened his eyes, and after seeing the young boy's tall and tall figure, suddenly a pair of deep eyes burst out with astonishing brilliance. For this young man, he was naturally very impressed. He still had enemies with Lin Han, but the last time he fought with the Lord of the Great Destruction, he joined forces with Beihuang Piaofeng, Master Huijing, and Guizu Xeon. , They weren't the opponent of the Lord of the Great Destruction, and when they were about to die, it was this young man who appeared strong and obliterated the Lord of the Great Destruction, so that the four of them could survive and save the universe.

The hostility in his opponent Lin Han's heart naturally disappeared, and he even gave birth to a strong look of awe.

With the masters in the universe as their teachers, Lin Han had already entered a half-step taboo that they could not imagine at the time. After entering the prehistoric era, it seemed that there had been a new breakthrough in this way.

He was naturally afraid of Lin Han.

He didn't expect that Lin Han would appear here this time and rescue him.

"Could it be that your Excellency is Lin Han..." The Sword Dynasty Emperor, seeming to understand something, couldn't help frowning, and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Sword Dynasty Sovereign Lord, I am fortunate to meet you." Lin Han smiled faintly, and there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone. Without this consciousness, he is just a selfish person, and he is naturally a bit uncomfortable.

"Heh..." The Sword Dynasty Emperor sneered and didn't care much. He has always been his own way. If everything is important to all beings, he is probably dead long ago, and he will not have what it is today.

Even if Lin Han had a big name in the universe, he didn't have much awe in his heart.

After all, he is already the pinnacle of the immortal ancestor, and coupled with the endless power of belief in the sword realm, even Lin Han's half-step taboo realm, he is not afraid.

Although he could also see that Lin Han seemed to have entered a great era and his strength had increased a lot, but he had already reached this point when he thought about it, and even if he made progress, it would be extremely limited.

Under the extremely strong power of faith, he can still contend.

"Lin Han, your name is so thunderous in the universe today. It's an honor to see you today. It's my honor to speak of it. What do you want." The Emperor of Sword Dynasty smiled indifferently, without too much polite eyes. A little bit cold.

Gu Yantian is undoubtedly a killer.

This guy came into the Sword Realm and wrecked and destroyed many stars in the Sword Realm. This account, he must make the other party pay the price.

Otherwise, wouldn't his reputation in the Sword Realm be completely ruined?

What's more, he also liked the origin of Gu Yantian.

He has a great intuition in his heart, as long as he can swallow the origin of Gu Yantian, he can step into a half-step taboo.

This is a big temptation.

At that time, in the universe, who else can be his enemy?

So when he was speaking, his eyes were extremely hot, and he even had a crazy thought.

If Lin Han's origin is also swallowed...

Maybe, he might directly step into the taboo realm in one fell swoop.

The more I thought about it, the hotter he felt.

"Let go of Gu Yantian, today you draw half of the power of faith within your Sword Realm Dynasty as the price you didn't make at the beginning." Lin Han said indifferently with an indifferent expression.


As soon as these words came out, countless strong people within the sword realm couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The power of faith in the sword realm is as strong as the sea, which has been accumulated for countless years.

For the Sword Dynasty, it was as important as the foundation.

With so many powerful men born in the universe, no one has ever dared to say that they would take away the power of faith like the Sword Dynasty.

The boy's tone was too loud.

If this is the case, Sword Dynasty will inevitably endure a huge and unparalleled blow.

"This guy is Lin Han?" Above the endlessly distant Xiongguan, the gray-clothed old man, from a light mirror, had already seen what was happening near the imperial capital, and seeing Lin Han's slender figure, he suddenly A cold air rushed to the heavenly spirit cover, staggering, almost sitting on the ground.

Oh my god, this is too scary.

Lin Han is now the recognized patron saint in the universe.

Nearly invincible existence.

He had never imagined that a young man who did not look very dazzling would be the one in the legend.

If at that time, Lin Han had expressed his might, he would have already become a mass of ashes.

He couldn't help trembling a little.

Only now did I know how damaging Shi Cai's actions were.

"Hmph, you are too rampant, Lin Han, I really think that with your current reputation in the universe, I will be afraid of you? To tell you the truth, my sword has been passed down in the universe for so many years, and I have never feared any strong. , Don’t force me, otherwise don’t blame me, don’t show mercy."

The Emperor of Sword Dynasty roared, looking at Lin Han's body, the greed in his eyes was particularly strong.

The more so, the more determined he became, and his determination to devour Lin Han's origin.

This is currently the biggest tonic in the universe.

"Stubbornly stubborn, looking for death." Lin Han smiled coldly when he saw the thoughts of the Sword Dynasty Emperor. He hasn't bothered him yet. This **** wants to swallow his own origin.

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