War Emperor

Chapter 2333: humiliation


At the moment, Lin Han was not polite and slapped directly towards the Sword Dynasty Emperor.

This guy felt that he was good, so he let the other party know how weak it was.

"Okay, you forced me." The Sword Dynasty Emperor laughed angrily. Originally, he didn't want to get too stiff with Lin Han, and now he can't blame him.

"Break it for me!" Right now, he roared, his body burst out with divine light, and he fisted Lin Han's big hand and violently bombarded it, and the terrible divine light was pouring out like a river.

The entire universe starry sky is crazy and mighty.

"What a strong blow." Gu Yantian couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that the Sword Dynasty Emperor Shicai still had reservations when fighting against him. The other party deserves to be a super existence that dominates the endless territory of the Sword Realm.

In this punch, there is still a strong power of faith, this is the most terrifying place.


However, in the next moment, a scene that made the Sword Dynasty Emperor appear pale. When this fist met Lin Han's palm, it instantly looked like a boulder falling into the stormy sea. The horrible and violent power was about to be twisted into powder. .

And a monstrous power poured in, causing the Emperor of Sword Dynasty to spout a mouthful of blood again, his face turned pale, and his body backed a few steps.

"How is this possible, your palm strength is so strong?" The Sword Dynasty Emperor was completely astonished, clutching his aching chest, with a face of disbelief. Originally, he thought that with his strength, he used his strength to display the sword of the Sword Dynasty. The power of belief within it should not be a problem to deal with the general half-step taboo strong, and the result is like a basin of cold water poured on his head, making him cold all over.

It turned out that the gap between him and Lin Han was still so big.

"With your strength, you dare to yell at me, it's really dying." Lin Han smiled coldly, with thick black hair rising in the sky, like a **** who can illuminate eternal years.

This kind of demeanor is unparalleled and powerful.

The so-called Sword Dynasty emperor, Xianzu Xieqiang, half-step emergency, are all ants in front of him.

Even the endless avenues of the universe were trembling, as if they were all surrendering to Lin Han.

"You are not a strong half-step taboo, you are... a real taboo?" The Emperor of Sword Dynasty stared at Lin Han, finally understood what changed his face and exclaimed in exclamation.

"The real taboo?" Gu Yantian also numbed his scalp.

The realm of taboo, this is the realm of all beings in the universe, which is beyond expectation.

Even though they have reached the realm of the immortal ancestor, they feel that the 1st realm is too difficult, and it is almost impossible to step through.

Lin Han did it, and this made his admiration for Lin Han reach a new peak in an instant.

What is awesome, this is the real awesome.

"Yes, even if you use the power of faith, in front of me, you will surrender like an ant, otherwise you will die." Lin Han said coldly and indifferently.

Let an immortal ancestor peak, display the power of faith, can resist the half-step taboo existence and surrender, it is estimated that looking at the universe, only Lin Han has this courage.

Countless strong people in the sword realm all felt violent, and their legs trembled.

This is the invincible emperor in their minds. He was treated this way. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that one day, the emperor would be reduced to this point.

"Asshole, Lin Han, you are too arrogant." The Sword Dynasty Emperor, his face flushed, gritted his teeth and said, even if Lin Han is better than him, he shouldn't be so contemptuous.

To reach his step, the scholar can be killed but not insulted.

"It seems that you haven't realized the status quo yet, I will help you." Lin Han sneered at the corner of his mouth, and he didn't have to be polite at all when dealing with people like the Sword Dynasty Emperor.

"Kneel down!"

At that moment, Lin Han shouted loudly, like the sound of the sky, and the endless thunder **** blasted in the sky.


The emperor of the Sword Dynasty immediately spouted a big mouth of blood, his back seemed to be held down by the will of the vast universe, and he knelt down directly toward Lin Han with his knees bent.

And this scene undoubtedly caused an uproar in the Sword Realm.

Countless people were so horrified that they couldn't help themselves, and their goose bumps all fell on the ground.

The powerful golden lord of the wilds would actually kneel in front of Lin Han in public.


The Sword Dynasty Emperor was also extremely angry. He hissed up to the sky and his eyes were red. This was too shameful to him, and he was also shocked in his heart. He did not expect that Lin Han's strength would be so abnormal. It was just a voice. Can't bear it.

Is this Lin Han, who is in the limelight today, is really shocking.

He was so cold in his heart that he realized that he was going to finish.

"Haha, good job, this Sword Dynasty Emperor is selfish, that's what it should be." Gu Yantian couldn't help laughing, his expression exhilarated, and he could not get used to the arrogant and domineering face of the Sword Dynasty Emperor for a long time. It was to hold him down hard.

At the same time, I admired Lin Han very much.

In the universe, people with destiny are indeed too powerful.

If it hadn't been for Lin Han's appearance, he would definitely die today.

He was grateful and smiled bitterly at the same time. Who could have imagined that a teenager who had been born so late for so many years could have such horrible results.

It's like a dream.

"Sword Dynasty Emperor, what else do you want to say?" Lin Han smiled lightly and looked at the Sword Dynasty Emperor with contempt.

The Sword Dynasty Emperor clenched his fists, his teeth were about to bleed, and he roared: "I'm not convinced, Lin Han, even if I die today, you will have to pay the price."

Right now, after speaking, a dazzling light burst out from his whole body, wanting to explode, and rushed towards Lin Han.

This is amazing, the peerless figure at the pinnacle of the dignified ancestor was actually forced to this step.

But Lin Han obviously wouldn't let him do as he wished. With a flick of his finger, a magnificent breath exploded, causing the emperor of Sword Dynasty to explode, instantly compressed back.

It seemed that there was an invisible big hand, clenching his whole body, making him unable to move.

The Sword Dynasty Emperor was shocked that Lin Han was already so strong that he didn't even have the ability to explode in front of the opponent.

"It's over, is my sword dynasty going to collapse today?"

Countless masters of the Sword Dynasty couldn't help but smile wryly.

Today I really provoked a fiendish star, Lin Han's strength made them desperate.

Shangguan Xiyun and Jiao'er watched quietly. The former was very much in agreement with Lin Han's actions, and she was not pleased with the character of the emperor of the Sword Dynasty.

Jiao'er clapped her hands in applause with a smile on the corners of her mouth.

"The Emperor of the Sword Dynasty, in view of your selfishness, you did not come forward when the Lord of the Great Destruction destroyed the universe, which caused the tragic death of endless beings. Today, Lin Han, I will grant you death in the name of the first **** of the universe." Lin Han looked on. Said coldly.

Thinking of the deaths of so many people at that time, his heart was filled with anger.

If someone like the Emperor of the Sword Dynasty comes forward, how can the Lord of Destruction be successful.

With the opponent's strength, they can block the Lord of Destruction.

He is negotiating cause and effect for all beings in the universe.

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