War Emperor

Chapter 2749: kill all

There, the fierce **** Ming Snake and others are still fighting against the incarnation of Zhenyuan Daxian. Although Zhenyuan Daxian's incarnation is strong enough, it will be a matter of time to defeat them, but there is a certain price to pay.

He doesn't have anything to help right now, so he naturally wants to help one or two.

boom! After speaking, Lin Han's mind was moved, and the Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace turned into a streamer and flew towards Zhenyuan Daxian. When Zhenyuan Daxian saw this, he also smiled lightly. With the help of Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace, he solved these people. , even more so.

hum! I saw that after the Honghuang Casting Sword Furnace was suspended on top of Zhenyuan Daxian's head, a dazzling divine light broke out in Zhenyuan Daxian's eyes, and the whole person seemed to have some kind of huge support, a kind of horizontal push three thousand worlds. , against the majesty of the Nine Heavens.

This kind of bearing makes the saints look sideways.

The rays of light from the flood-casting sword furnace are also extremely dazzling, as if they can illuminate eternity and break immortality.

This kind of momentum is much stronger than in Lin Han's hands.

Lin Han couldn't help but be stunned. Daxian Zhenyuan was just an incarnation, and he was able to cast a sword furnace into a sword furnace. Compared with him, he was really different.

boom! The next moment, Daxian Zhenyuan pinched out a seal in his hand, pointed it like a sword, and pointed towards the front. There was a bright yellow light on the Honghuang Sword Casting Furnace, piercing the void, and moving towards the fierce **** Ming Snake, the Sect Master of the Angel Palace, and the corpse. The hall master and others were killed.

That light is very slender, and it has no incomparably fierce momentum, but it just hits like this, and the faces of the fierce **** Ming Snake and others have changed greatly, it feels like something extremely dangerous is about to happen to them, so that they shudder. Shivering, the hairs all over the body stood up for the first time.


There was almost no hesitation, they were sweating profusely, thinking in their hearts, although their combat power is first-class in this land, their vitality is also extremely tenacious, it is very difficult to want to die, but here For a moment, above the dark yellow light, they smelled an aura of death, which made them tremble.

This feeling has not been felt in them for at least hundreds of thousands of years.

After all, they have reached the quasi-holy 9th rank and become a real powerhouse in this land. There are very few things that can threaten them.

Now they are terrified.

But just when they gritted their teeth, mobilized the divine power in their bodies, and wanted to expand their movements to dodge, that light came to them with lightning speed, and pierced through them. One after another terrifying blood holes, all of which are only the size of a thumb, run from the chest to the back. Such blood holes are not considered injuries at all for people of their level, and they can be recovered in a single thought.

But what shocked everyone was that after the blood hole appeared, it seemed to have a terrifying aura of corrosion, and it kept getting bigger and bigger. , it becomes the size of the mouth of a bowl, and the internal organs and blood vessels can be seen inside, and the picture is breathtaking.

Moreover, this blood hole is still spreading, and it has a great effect, eroding their whole body, and making them completely dead.

"Hey, what kind of blood hole is this?"

Aware of this scene, many people can't help but take a deep breath. This is too scary. Even the powerful vitality of the quasi-holy nine-turn seems to have no effect.

If the blood hole really devoured them all, I am afraid that no matter how hard the lives of these powerful people are, they will be planted this time.

"It's that ray of light that contains too much destructive power!"

Some powerhouses couldn't help but flicker in their eyes and muttered to themselves.

Fortunately, the incarnation of Zhenyuan Daxian is not the real master of the sword-casting furnace. It was the first time to activate this furnace, and it was a little strange. Otherwise, if that ray of light pierced through their heavenly spirit cover, I am afraid that their Yuan Dynasty would be lost. The gods will be eroded cleanly in the first place, and they will die on the spot.

This is indeed astonishing, even the powerful vitality of the quasi-sacred ninth rank is like a weed, and it is not worth mentioning.

Just now, that ray of light really made them feel some lingering fears.

"Not good" aware of the spreading blood hole, Fierce God Ming Snake and others all changed their faces, and they also realized the seriousness of the consequences, and the pain was too strong, like countless steel needles, in them Their bodies kept spreading, causing every inch of nerves in their bodies to experience huge torture, making their faces slightly distorted.

At the moment, their teeth were clenched fiercely, and even the slightest trace of blood appeared, and their faces were hideous, urging the incomparable mana in their bodies to stop this blood hole.

But it didn't have any effect, and their cultivation base was also rapidly depleting at a very terrifying speed.

30,000 years, 50,000 years, 100,000 years and 300,000 years were just a short moment, and they were consumed millions of years of cultivation.

This made them angry and angry. For a million years of cultivation, it seemed to them that they had consumed about 20% of their skill, and it really hurt their flesh.

Fortunately, under this terrifying prevention, the spread of the blood hole finally stopped slowly, and did not continue to spread.

This made them breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that the incarnation of Zhenyuan Daxian, although it can motivate the sword-forging furnace in Honghuang, is not the real owner of the sword-forging in Honghuang. Died on the spot.


However, after losing millions of years of Taoism, the fierce **** Ming Snake and others are undoubtedly completely plunged into rage. They know that only one of them and Zhenyuan Daxian's incarnation can leave here alive, and now they have no way out. The threat to them from the sword furnace is too great.

At the moment, their whole bodies were on fire, like fireballs, attacking and killing Zhenyuan Daxian violently.

Now they have to make a future for themselves.

But it was of no use at all. Under the powerful mana of Zhenyuan Daxian, the flood cast a sword furnace with immeasurable power, and once again stirred endless divine light, piercing towards them.

There is only one right now, this time, there are hundreds of them.

Densely packed, like meteors.

The fierce **** Ming Snake and the others immediately let out shrill screams, and their bodies were turned into ashes under the slaughter of those divine light holes.

There is peace between heaven and earth! The fierce **** Ming Snake, the master of the temple of angels, the master of the temple of corpses, the first ancestor of the eldest grandson, these superpowers who moved this earth, in the minds of all living beings in the past, they were like gods high above, and they could only look up.

Now they are all dead.

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