War Emperor

Chapter 2750: rush back

This shocked everyone too much.

Even the primordial spirit was wiped clean.

The incarnation of Zhenyuan Daxian, standing in the air, is no different from a god.

Zhenyuan Daxian glanced at the sky, and could vaguely perceive that there were six groups of holy energy there, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that these people shot him, and there were people among the Six Saints who instructed him.

Now this incarnation of him, in front of all the strong, beheaded all the quasi-sages.

This feeling is no less than hitting the face of the Six Saints from the side.

He was also a little happy in his heart.

"Hehe, congratulations, fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, you can even survive this calamity. Maybe, there is still hope in the future, and you will become a different kind of Taoist."

At this time, there was a woman's laughter from the sky, very soft, like the sound of heaven, which made people intoxicated, and there was a sense of tenderness.

With the appearance of this sentence, a lot of lotus flowers appeared on the sky, surrounded by various visions, sacred and splendid.

Many people froze in their hearts, of course they heard it, I am afraid this is the saint Nuwa.

"Saint Nuwa?"

Lin Han was also taken aback. Among the Six Saints, Saint Nuwa is the Virgin of the Human Race, and has an extremely important position for the entire Human Race.

In the past, he had received the favor of the sage Nuwa, and Shangguan Xiyun was also a descendant of Nuwa. Now that he saw the sage Nuwa, he naturally felt a sense of closeness.

"Be careful, this is not the real Nuwa saint!"

At this time, Hong's voice sounded, saying.

"Not the real Nuwa saint?"

A dazed look appeared on Lin Han's face, could it be that there was something tricky about it.

"Sage Nuwa is the Virgin of the Human Race. The human race has a low status in the prehistoric times and is known as the blood of all races. Only in some special areas with a large number of human beings can they barely have some self-protection power. Over the long years, Saint Nuwa has He has done a lot of things to protect the human race, and maybe he has been targeted, in short, the aura of the saint Nuwa in the sky is not real."

Hong's voice was a little heavy.

Those who can see these tricks, maybe there are very few in the whole flood.

After all, at the level of a saint, even if there is a so-called fake aura, the average powerhouse will definitely not be able to distinguish it.

Lin Han couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart. If this is true, then the secret is too great.

That level is too lofty, and he is probably far from reaching him now.

The incarnation of Zhenyuan Daxian heard the voice of Saint Nuwa, and his eyes became deeper. It seemed that he could see the beautiful and holy figure in the distant sky. After a long while, the corner of his mouth showed a trace. He sneered: "Sage Nuwa has won the award, the old Taoist is old, and it is not easy to want to become a different Taoist. I just hope that the six saints and Taoist friends will not target them at will."

He bit the words "Saint Nuwa" very hard, and there was a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

Saint Nuwa smiled sweetly and did not answer.

"Okay, the matter here is over, let's spread it out. After two thousand years, we will compete again at the Hezhou Bijian Conference."

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the sky again, boundless, with a great majesty.

Around that hazy figure, there are a lot of green energy circulating, showing that it is one of the three clear.

Among the Six Sages, the Three Purities have the same root and the same origin.

Anyone who comes out and speaks at will has a great deterrent effect.

The other saints didn't speak, they took their breath away one by one and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Although, among them, there are some who have some cause and effect with Lin Han, but in their identities, they will not personally end up doing anything to Lin Han.

The status of saints in the Great Desolation is too lofty, and there are restrictions on the rules of heaven.

Compromising with Lin Han, whether in terms of fame or in principle, is not worthy of them.

As the breath of the six saints dissipated, the terrifying coercion that shrouded the world slowly passed away.

Countless sentient beings breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like a giant mountain in their hearts that was moved away and almost collapsed.

When the saint came, the sense of prestige was too strong, as if these people could take a breath at will, they could destroy the world and cause everyone to die tragically.

Of course they were afraid.

Lin Han also laughed lightly, it seemed that this catastrophe was indeed resolved.

It can cause six saints to appear together. Such a grand event in the Great Desolation has not occurred for many years.

"Let's go!"

The energy of Zhenyuan Daxian's incarnation has almost been consumed, and the light on his body is a little dim. After casually adjusting his breath, he waved to Lin Han. A soft wind wrapped Lin Han, and he flew away from here. .

Lin Han turned back and waved at Miao'er to say goodbye.

There was a little mist in Miao'er's pretty eyes, and she also waved at Lin Han, her lips pursed a little bit, and said, "You must come to the sword discussion conference, and I will also participate. We will see you at the sword discussion conference."

Lin Han nodded with a smile.

Participating in the Sage Disciple Contest for Hegemony, being able to stand out in it, can change the low status of the human race in the great wilderness. As a human race, it is naturally his duty.

There is also the opportunity for sanctification.

This is too attractive to all the cultivators in the entire Great Wasteland.

Even if there is only a 1% chance, it can make countless people compete for the **** of the head.

Lin Han wanted to make a name for himself in the wild, which was naturally what he had to pursue.

In the past half a month or so, Lin Han and Zhenyuan Daxian returned to the Wuzhuang Temple again. From a distance, the Wuzhuang Temple was hidden among the mountains and mountains. , like a fairyland.

Wuzhuangguan, antique, is an extremely ancient building, it seems to be located in the long river for countless years, it is always immortal, and there are mottled marks on the wall.

The ginseng fruit tree, with lush branches and leaves, tall and sturdy, grows in the Wuzhuang Temple, shining with endless rays of light, as if thousands of gods and Buddhas are chanting in the tree body, bursts of mysterious Taoist sounds, diffuse and open. , makes people fascinated, and wants to be immersed in it, as if they can get the Tao.

Lin Han and Zhenyuan Daxian pushed open the door, came to the small courtyard, and sat down in front of a low table.

Then, with a wave of the palm of the hand, on the ginseng fruit tree, two snow-white as jade, shaped like a baby's fruit, fell down.

Zhenyuan Daxian incarnated, took one by himself, gave the other one to Lin Han, and said with a smile: "My body is still at the critical moment of enlightenment, and I can't get out of the customs, so this incarnation should be preserved as much as possible. preserved."

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