War Emperor

Chapter 2758: Mujia

Even if it's only a line, he is very dazzling.

Under the leadership of such terrifying powerhouses, the Mu family has a terrifying background, which is normal.

Lin Han pondered for a while, but nodded. Anyway, he is going to Hezhou now. If the Mu family helps him clear the way, there will be less trouble along the way.

I heard that after arriving in Hezhou, there will be many robbers on the road, so that some people in the marginal areas will be ransacked or lost their lives before they enter Hezhou.

Although he is not afraid of ordinary bandits, it is naturally a good thing to save some trouble.

Besides, there are still 3,000 Prehistoric Stones, and he is very concerned about it.

"Yes, but if something happens, you can't restrict my freedom."

At the moment, Lin Han said lightly.

The girl in purple heard that Lin Han agreed, and she was overjoyed. After hearing the second half of the sentence, she couldn't help but pouted, thinking that she had already agreed to be my bodyguard, but she still had a tough temper.

However, in her heart, she felt a sense of pleasure in pressing Lin Han's head, but she didn't care about these details.

At the moment, only smiled and nodded.


With her hands behind her, she jumped up and down, with the air of a young lady, walking in front, arrogant.


Lin Han asked.

"Go to my Mu family's troops first."

The purple-clothed girl's tone was a little unnatural.

Although she is the young lady of the Mu family, she doesn't go out very much. This time, when the Mu family comes out, she wants to negotiate a deal with the largest sect on the edge of Hezhou, the Zixia Sect.

She finally got this opportunity and couldn't help but want to walk around outside, but she never thought that in the wild forest, the ancient wood wolf forest, and the towering peaks, it was like a huge labyrinth. She hasn't gone far yet. Lost contact with the army.

Now she can only be truly safe if she finds the troops first.

Otherwise, she, a delicate young lady, wandering in this brutal forest, could really die at any time.

"Where to find it?"

Lin Han said.

The girl in purple looked in the southeast direction and said, "I don't know where they are for the time being, but it is certain that they will pass by Luoxia Town in a month's time. As long as we can reach Luoxia Town before that, there will be There is a high chance of encountering them."

Although there is no end to the primitive old forest in the great mountains, there are still some small towns in some special places, which serve as post stations for merchants, travelers and cultivators to supply supplies. Of course, this kind of place is extremely It is rare. If you miss it, there will be no people at all over a long distance, which will make it more difficult to travel in the wild mountains and forests.

In the Mu family's army, there are many people and wild beasts are accompanying them. During the process of going to Luoxia Sect, they will naturally go to Luoxia Town to supply some supplies.

This is the best way for her to find the troops.

Otherwise, she and the troops might lose contact in the vast mountains.

Lin Han nodded. The location of the Luoxia Sect was on the edge of Hezhou. After passing through the Luoxia Sect, you could reach the range of Hezhou. Going with her would be the same as his own path.

In this way, a man and a woman were on the road between the mountains. During this period, Lin Han finally learned that the girl in purple was named "Mu Qingxue", and she was the eighth branch of the Mu family and the seventh. The young lady is also the master of the eighth branch and the most beloved daughter. On weekdays, the wind is the wind and the rain is the rain. It can be said to be extremely noble.

The Mu family has been inherited for countless years. It has a deep heritage and huge energy. Even if it is a branch, it can set off boundless storms and shocks in Hezhou. .

Mu Qingxue is the jewel in his palm, and his status is indeed a little astonishing.

Naturally, Lin Han didn't care about this identity. Along the way, he had seen enemies countless times stronger than his identity and background. He ignored this aspect at all.

Therefore, Mu Qingxue sometimes deliberately made things difficult, but Lin Han liked to ignore it.

This made Mu Qingxue, who had been trying to summon Lin Han for a long time, had itchy teeth.

What kind of person is she, Mu Qingxue, when countless guards saw her, they were very respectful, if it was too late, Lin Han, a guard who had just recruited, had such an attitude towards her, which really made her unhappy, if it wasn't for her not having enough now The energy of her, and the need for Lin Han, a "bodyguard", she would really order the other powerhouses in the Mu family's team to make Lin Han submit to her properly.

For some reason, this young man who seemed a little indifferent to her, she always wanted to see his gaffe.

But she naturally does not have this ability now, only patience.

"Oh, no, Lin Han, my stomach hurts, you quickly bring me some water."

That night, at midnight, Lin Han and Mu Qingxue were resting behind a dead rock overgrown with weeds, and Mu Qingxue was sleeping on the soft grass bed, and suddenly started to hold his stomach, his face showing pain, He kicked his legs and said to Lin Han.

Lin Han was sitting cross-legged on the dry stone, posing in a cultivation posture, breathing in and out, absorbing the essence of the moon, and you could see a trace of milky white energy hanging down from the sky like water waves, following Lin Han's nose and mouth, entering In his body, on the surface of his body, a special Dao rhyme permeates.

It seems that all the monsters in the mountains and forests within a radius of hundreds of miles can feel it. If there is a sense of oppression emanating from Lin Han, he can't help shivering and dare not approach this direction.

This is Lin Han's aura. When he cultivates to a certain level, even if he sits still, there will be an invisible deterrent.

Hearing Mu Qingxue's words, Lin Han slowly opened his eyes, turned his eyes, looked at the pained Mu Qingxue, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth, and a look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, he naturally knew what Mu Qingxue was Jiao and willful personality, constantly looking for trouble for him along the way.

He also felt that Mu Qingxue was looking for an opportunity to call him.

At the moment, shaking his head, he wanted to close his eyes and practice again.

But at this moment, Mu Qingxue's voice of pain became louder, and a little bit of sweat dripped down on her forehead, her pretty face also turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were even special streaks all over her body. The dark purple flames of the flames were transpiring, making Mu Qingxue feel like she wanted to be burnt out in the flames.

When Lin Han saw this scene, his face changed slightly, and he realized that something was wrong.

It's not like Mu Qingxue did it on purpose.

"what's wrong with you?"

Immediately, Lin Han jumped off the boulder, stroked Mu Qingxue's delicate body with his palm, and asked.

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