War Emperor

Chapter 2759: fire spell

laugh! However, the moment he touched Mu Qingxue's delicate body with his palm, the temperature of the mysterious purple flame on Mu Qingxue's delicate body was extremely high, causing Lin Han's palm to feel a burning pain. Take it back quickly.

Realizing this, Lin Han was even more surprised.

With his current physical strength, what other flames could have such an impact on him.

Obviously, the flames on Mu Qingxue's body were extraordinary.

"It's not good, my fire spell is on again, **** it."

While Mu Qingxue was suffering, she also had a sense of reason. After hearing Lin Han's words, she still closed her eyes, her face was in pain, the sweat on her forehead kept falling like rain, her lips were tight. He sipped, and a very restrained voice came out.

"Fire spell?"

Lin Han was stunned, a little dazed.

"It's incredible, this fire spell is innate, and Mu Qingxue's background must be unusual."

At this time, Hong's voice also sounded.

Being able to be called "incredible" by him shows the special nature of the Muqingxue Fire Charm.

Lin Han naturally didn't have time to ask these questions now. If he delayed, Mu Qingxue would most likely be burned to death by the flames.

Immediately, his eyes flashed as if he was thinking of something, and a bright light appeared in the bottom of his eyes. I saw that he took out an ice stone made of cold ice from the ghost king ring. It was about the size of a human head, and the whole body was as white as jade, transpiring. The misty mist, accompanied by a faint glow, has a mysterious taste.

With the appearance of this white jade, the temperature around it began to drop sharply, and frost even formed on some vegetation.

Anyone with extraordinary knowledge will be surprised to see this white jade, which is the essence of ice for thousands of years.

As the name implies, only some cold ice, which has been formed in the flood for tens of millions of years, will be born.

This is also a treasure in the prehistoric times and is very rare.

If someone who cultivates ice-attribute exercises, if they get it, they can greatly increase their own skills in a short period of time.

In Hezhou, a piece of ice crystal stone of this level can be sold for a very high price, enough for many strong people to compete.

Lin Han looked at the ice crystal stone of thousands of years, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. He didn't stay in the prehistoric times for a long time, and naturally he didn't look for this ice crystal stone. This is the collection of the Sect Master of the Ghost King Sect.

Originally, he still had some regrets, and this ice crystal stone had no effect on him.

Right now, it seems to be of great use.

The flames on Mu Qingxue's body were extraordinary, and ordinary water or ice-attribute exercises could not be extinguished at all.

This is a good item to try.

At that moment, Lin Han pursed his lips, and there was a solemn look in his eyes. The power of ice contained in these thousands of years of ice crystals has reached an extremely terrifying level, even when he was mobilizing the power in it. Be extra careful, if you are a little careless, these ice properties enter your body, and it is very likely that it will cause a lot of trauma to his body.

Otherwise, he hasn't rescued Mu Qingxue yet, and if he has a problem first, then the gain will outweigh the loss.

hum! Thinking of this, Lin Han's heart moved, the profound art in his body was running, and a light blue mask appeared on his skin, like some kind of the strongest enchantment in the world, guarding his body and not being affected by external forces. Erosion, and then, Lin Han let his palm slowly touch the ice crystal stone.

Before, he took out the ice crystal stone, which was wrapped with divine power and taken out from the air.

Now that his skin is really in contact with the ice crystal stone, even with this layer of protection, Lin Han still feels the slightest traces of cold air that enter his body, allowing the strange meridians and eight internal organs in his body, It was a bit cold, like a gloomy wind had blown, making him want to shiver.

Fortunately, with the protection of the enchantment, this kind of damage has already seen the weakest, and to Lin Han, it is nothing.

It can also be seen from this that if there is no enchantment, how strong the freezing and killing power of the ice crystal stone is, even Lin Han's body is likely to have problems.

hum! Lin Han didn't think too much. Under the operation of the profound art in his body, the solid ice crystal finally melted slowly, turning into strands of white mist that wrapped around the surface of Lin Han's palm. This is the ice crystal. The essence of the stone changed from solid to liquid.

The twists and turns are like the Milky Way, which is slightly magnificent.

That cold air is stronger.

Lin Han couldn't hold on.

Fortunately, his mind is extraordinary, so there is no problem.

boom! Then, Lin Han shrouded Mu Qingxue's body with the incomparably powerful force of ice, and the cold air, like the next heavy rain, slowly weakened the flames on Mu Qingxue's body. .

During this process, even the cold air on Lin Han's palm disappeared.

Lin Han was immediately taken aback. This cold air was already so powerful that it was only evenly matched against the flames.

In this way, after about three hours, the purple flame on Mu Qingxue's body completely dissipated with the help of the energy of the ice crystal stone of thousands of years.

Mu Qingxue is no different from usual now.

Just a little weaker.

Lin Han seemed to have thought of something, put his palm on Mu Qingxue's lower abdomen, and his mind entered Mu Qingxue's body along the palm of his hand.

Just after entering the body, Lin Han suddenly changed color, only to see that in Mu Qingxue's lower abdomen dantian, there is a terrifying spell mark, suspended there, extremely cumbersome, one by one, one by one, like a drawing in a heavenly palace, Lin Han The first time I saw it, I felt a little dizzy.

It seems that this curse seal is arranged by some kind of terrifying existence.

There was also a faint imperial prestige permeating out, which made Lin Han feel a little shivering.

"Diwei, this curse mark, how can there be Diwei?"

Lin Han had a strange look on his face, Great Emperor, those are the existences that shook the past and the present. Only those people appeared in the history of the Great Desolation. Each of them is the protagonist of the era. Below, the Great Emperor is now too far away from the world and has long been invisible.

The curse mark on Mu Qingxue's lower abdomen actually had Emperor Might, which naturally surprised him.

Could it be that this curse seal was created by the Great Emperor?

"Something like the breath of the Heavenly Fire Emperor."

At this time, Hong carefully sensed the rhythm above the spell, and pondered.

Emperor Tianhuo, during the period of preaching the Tao and the Lich Tribulation, was very special at a historical node. At that time, the Wu clan and the demon clan were the hegemons of the heaven and the earth, and they dominated the prehistoric heaven and earth, and ruled all races.

The collision between the demon clan and the witch clan greatly damaged their vitality, which ushered in a new era for Honghuang.

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