The stone may be uncomfortable, but it didn't reply. It just lay there and seemed to fall asleep again.

Mei Qiduo reached out and touched the cloth on his forehead. It had already become warm. He took it down and dipped it in water, and then put it on him again.

However, in my heart, I can't forget the murderous look of the stone just now.

As a killer in her previous life, Mei Qiduo is very sensitive to this kind of breath. She can feel that stone is not only not an ordinary person, but also experiences a lot. There is a kind of long-standing general's momentum.

The identity of stone is not a killer or a general, is it?

Hey, I don't know why he appeared here.

Mei Qiduo thought about it and changed the stone for a wet cloth many times. He didn't get rid of his fever until dawn.

Mei Qiduo picked up her things and went back to bed.

She had planned to go up the mountain today, but she didn't sleep all night. She felt that she needed more rest.

When Mei Xiaolan gets up, Mei Qiduo just sleeps in a daze and tells her about the stone. Then she can rest assured to sleep.

Mei Xiaolan went to the kitchen, but saw the stone actually got up early, just listless sitting in the yard.

She is also a soft hearted, think of meiqiduo said his injury is serious, then asked the stone to hold the quilt to the room to play the floor to rest.

The stone itself was uncomfortable and didn't try to be strong. In particular, he felt inexplicable peace of mind when he saw that meiqiduo was still sleeping in bed.

Although he was sleepy last night, he also knew that Mei Qiduo had taken care of himself all night, and now he could sleep on the ground. Looking at Mei Qiduo's quiet appearance after sleeping, he also felt very relieved.

Stone thinks that although Mei Qiduo's mother is a village woman, she looks really good. If Mei Qiduo grows well in the future, no matter how bad she is, she will be the same as her mother, right? Maybe it will be a little beauty in the future.

The village is in such a mess that I don't know how many men will miss it. In the future, he will have to look after Mei Qiduo.

With this thought, the stone fell asleep.

Considering that they didn't have a good rest, Mei Xiaolan sewed clothes in the yard all morning, and didn't wake them up until lunch was ready.

After such a rest, the spirit of stone and Mei Qiduo is much better.

Mei Xiaolan, according to Mei Qiduo's advice, stewed the pigeons with herbs she didn't know, steamed the steamed bread with white flour and lost a plate of potatoes.

Although Mei Xiaolan was distressed to have such a good meal, she felt that for the sake of stone's early recovery, her daughter could also have some good food. If she was no longer so thin, then everything was worth it.

When the stone is ready, he will leave. Even if he doesn't leave, he can help seven flowers to do things, and the children don't have to work so hard.

Mei Qiduo was happy to see that Mei Xiaolan had steamed white flour steamed bread, and finally she could eat something she liked.

Before, she had never thought that she would one day feed with those hard to swallow coarse noodles.

Although she sometimes suffered a lot in order to complete the task, it was not long after all. That's why she couldn't help buying white flour.

But afraid that Mei Xiaolan had an idea, she didn't mean to ask her to do it. Today, I just said that I need to eat something good to heal my wounds. I didn't expect that Mei Xiaolan would do what she likes. Naturally, she couldn't be happy.

For the first time.

After dinner, Mei Xiaolan goes to make clothes. Mei Qiduo changes stone's medicine and urges him to rest in the house.

However, it's already afternoon and it's not suitable to go up the mountain, so Mei Qiduo plans to go and have a look in the field at the door and think about turning the ground out early.

Only when our family grows food, will this day be better.

Mei Qiduo went out to have a look at the land. She had already turned over half of it because she was prepared to grow vegetables by a strong man before, but the half near her door was still a wasteland full of weeds.

If you want to grow something, it's still a big project.

Although Mei Qiduo doesn't know how to grow vegetables and grains, she still knows how to turn the ground first.

Mei Qiduo went home to look for it. She didn't see the hoe, but she had a sickle.

Usually Mei Xiaolan doesn't grow food herself, but she also goes to the mountains to look for some wild vegetables, and then helps other people's families to collect food together in the harvest season every year, in exchange for some food to support Mei Qiduo.

So, she bought the sickle to help.

Mei Qiduo thought about it. Since there is no hoe, she will cut the grass first. It's hard to get a hoe for such a long piece of waste grass. When the grass is cut, go to Aunt Fu's house to borrow a hoe.

Mei Qiduo has strong action power. He can do it as soon as he says he wants. He squats in the ground and begins to mow.

Just as she was sweating, I didn't want to hear some broken mouths talking ill of her family.

In fact, Mei Qiduo doesn't like eavesdropping, but when she hears her name, she can't help but prick her ears.

Listen to the footsteps, there should be at least two or three people. And one of them is Lai Yu, who came to her house yesterday to make a lot of trouble, and now speaks ill of her family.

"Let me tell you something, Miss Yu, Mei Qiduo's mother, did not know where she had seduced the man. She came to our village with a big stomach. At last, Mei Qiduo was born. But neither of them is a good thing, so if you see them, you have to walk around

To walk around the Mei family, the village head told Lai Yu, but Lai Yu was very angry with Mei Qiduo. She couldn't help scolding: "that little bitch came to my house to steal food. If it wasn't for my parents' kindness, she would have been killed."

At present, Miss Yu is the daughter of the county master.

Although the daughter of the county Lord is not a young lady of a large family, the wife of the county Lord is a rich businessman with good conditions. It is said that her brother has also become an official, so the county Lord and his family follow suit.

The village head is accompanying the county master to inspect the village, so Lai Yu is arranged to accompany Miss Yu.

In fact, she doesn't like Miss Yu. Miss Yu's quiet appearance is clearly not better than her own. It's just because her mother's family is in a good condition, and she has the style of Miss Qian Jin. She was not ashamed, but the head of the village told her that after all, the village was not as good as the town. No matter how small the county magistrate was, he grew up. She stays with Miss Yu well. If Miss Yu likes her, treats her as a friend and helps her in the future, maybe her life will change.

After all, the people in contact with Miss Yu's family are not those reckless men in the village.

If it wasn't for this, Lai would like to play in the mountains by herself, and she wouldn't want to accompany Miss Jiao around at home.

Mei Qiduo doesn't want to make trouble. She probably knows that Miss Yu is an important guest at the village head's house yesterday. But hearing her scolding Mei Xiaolan and herself, she couldn't swallow it and stood up: "Lai Yu, don't you worry about being bitten off because your tongue is so long?"

"What do you mean?" The village head is also determined to cultivate Lai Yu, so Lai Yu is also a little smart. When he hears that Mei Qiduo is scolding her, he doesn't want to be outdone: "my mouth is on me. I can say what I want, and you can still control whether I can speak?"

"Of course, I don't care what you say, but I know that you should be careful of getting revenge if you don't talk." Mei Qiduo took up the sickle in her hand and made a gesture of cutting her tongue.

Angry Lai Yu jumps.

Meiqiduo doesn't want to take care of her. It's not enough for her to have an appetizer. She really doesn't bother to teach Laiyu a lesson.

He glared at Lai Yu and looked at her.

The person who can make the village head's family attach so much importance to it doesn't know who it is.

But at this point, it's amazing.

This is Miss Yu. Isn't that Miss Yu who was angry in the clothing shop in the city before Mei Qiduo?

Beside her was the stupid girl who was kicked by Mei Qiduo.

See plum seven flower, that wench pour is one eye recognized, quickly attach in autumn Jie's ear whisper: "Miss, is that small beggar in the city."

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