"Why, the village head's family is such a kind of upbringing. If you don't know, I'll go to the government and ask, what's the crime of trespassing on people's houses? I also want to watch others take a bath. I don't know if the village head can afford to lose this person! " Mei Qi duo's eyebrows were all twisted together. Her face was ugly.

This Lai Yu she can remember, at the beginning is her key, her mother beat herself to death, oneself didn't go to her revenge is good, unexpectedly still dare to come to make trouble again.

Although Lai Yuping is arrogant, he has been in front of the village head for a long time. He also knows that some things are not easy to get out.

What's more, Mei Qiduo now is not the little wretch who used to be bullied by others.

Lai Yu curled her mouth and looked disdainful. She stretched out her hand and straightened her emerald green dress. She just stood at the door and didn't rush in.

In fact, Lai Yu is not bad. She has thick eyebrows and big eyes. If you look at her carefully, she still has some flavor. She is a little famous beauty in the village. It's just a little more ferocious than the delicate facial features, which destroys the beauty.

She looked at Mei Qiduo who was sitting in the bath bucket with only one face. She was yellow and skinny. She was a little proud in her heart: "I just came to help my father send a message to you. The mayor will come to the village tomorrow. Don't run around and bump into people. Today's affairs have been as you wish. Don't make any trouble. "

"Then go back and tell the village head that nothing will happen to me as long as others don't provoke me. But if you want someone who doesn't have eyes to make trouble, don't blame me. He still goes to beat those who are bad for my family. If the village is peaceful, your family will be peaceful, won't it? " Meiqiduo not soft not hard top back, threatening words she heard more, but really can threaten her people, not born.

Lai Yu's face was not good-looking, but she was afraid that Mei Qiduo would go to her house to make trouble, so she turned around and left. After all, before going out, his father warned her not to provoke Mei Qiduo these days, so as not to collide with the guests. Otherwise, she can't talk so well today. She must take off the skin of meiqiduo.

When Lai Yu left, Mei Xiaolan followed, carefully bolted the door and went back to the house.

See still sitting in the bucket of plum seven flowers, face rare a trace of anger, just stare, quietly back to the room.

Mei Qi duo couldn't help sighing. It was feudal in ancient times. Let the mother hit her daughter naked with a man in the bath bucket, did not directly rush up to hit, has been her mother love her.

Mei Qiduo couldn't help it. She stretched out her hand and patted the stone. The stone lifted her head from the water, and her face turned red relative to her four eyes.

In the water, the stone can't help clenching his fists. It seems that he is carrying a rabbit in his heart and jumping all the time. His eyes are even more frightening.

Mei Qiduo is sixteen years old, but she is sallow and thin. She has not only no body development, but also no facial features. However, just now in the water, he thought that she was by his side and was still naked. His body actually reacted and wanted to hold her in his arms.

Including now, looking at her innocent face and looking at herself, her eyes are bright and crystal. A pair of thin lips with a touch of pink make him feel that it must taste good.

In particular, stone found himself, can't help but want to look down, to see her underwater body, what a scene!

This idea suddenly exploded in his head, stone immediately stood up, step out of the bath bucket, far away to hide in the yard.

I'm really afraid of my own impulse, so I did something to Mei Qiduo that I shouldn't do.

Stone heart understand, Mei Qiduo at present, out of that pair of eyes looking at God, almost no desirable place, that in the end is what so easily aroused his interest?

Mei Qiduo inexplicably watched him leave in a panic, splashing huge water in the bucket, didn't think much, just felt that he was suffocated in the water.

However, the stone has already closed the door to go out, and she naturally has to hurry out and get dressed, otherwise Mei Xiaolan in the room will die.

Mei Qiduo puts on her clothes and goes into the room. Mei Xiaolan is sitting in front of the oil lamp at the table, sewing her clothes needle by needle.

Mei Qiduo looked at the cloth and knew that Mei Xiaolan was making clothes for herself. She felt warm in her heart and said with a smile: "mother!"

When Mei Xiaolan got the cloth, the first thing she did was to make clothes for her. Her love for her was obvious. Mei Qiduo, who had never experienced the love of children in her last life, was deeply moved.

Mei Xiaolan just looked up at her and didn't know what she was thinking. Without saying a word, she lowered her head again.

Look at that, but it's very sad.

Mei Qi duo couldn't bear to hold her hand: "Niang, are you angry with me? I was taking a bath when someone broke in. You have seen the shape of the stone. If you let others see it, you may cause any trouble. I have no choice but to let him hide in the water. "

Mei Xiaolan listened and her long eyelashes trembled. She carefully pinned the needle to one side of the purse. Then she looked up and carefully looked at Mei Qiduo for a long time.

"Seven flowers, Niang feels, you wake up this time, seem to have changed a person, become more powerful than Niang. My mother is very happy, but she is also worried. " Mei Xiaolan actually has a lot to say to Mei Qiduo, but she doesn't know how to say it.

In fact, she can understand what meiqiduo said, but she cares more about her daughter's innocence. I don't want my daughter to be like me in the future. She did not know whether it was wrong or right for seven to pick up the stone.

However, since Mei Qiduo woke up this time, her family's conditions have improved a lot, and she doesn't have to worry about her own Cao, but at the bottom of her heart, she is always worried. Responsible, also won't let that Lai Dawei seize the opportunity to bully himself again and again.

Mei Qiduo is a little flustered. After all, this body is Mei Xiaolan's closest relative. She has changed so much. Will she see something?

Although the immortal's statement can deceive others, it can't deceive Mei Xiaolan's feeling after all.

Should I confess or what?

Mei Qiduo is a little nervous and confused. She can't help but pick up the corner of the table with her fingers.

This action really made Mei Xiaolan feel distressed.

Although Mei Qiduo was not sensible before, she didn't feel wronged. She would silently pick the corner of the table and say nothing.

I've made my daughter live so hard. Why should I make her unhappy because of these little things?

No matter whether it's good or bad in the future, nothing happened after all. I'm worried that I can't make the child uncomfortable.

What's more, stone and Mei Qiduo, if stone can't remember, it's not impossible to marry Mei Qiduo and live with her for a lifetime in the future.

If you think about what left, anyway, they did not really happen, others will not know.

Mei Xiaolan comforted herself and held Mei Qiduo in her arms, with a trace of crying: "son, it's all my mother. I'm sorry for you. Mother is not angry with you. Don't feel bad. Go to bed early. "

As Mei Qiduo grows up day by day, Mei Xiaolan's guilt for her grows deeper. Especially now, I have to rely on my daughter to make a living.

Mei Qiduo doesn't know that her unconscious action has touched Mei Xiaolan. She just sees that she is very sad and has to comfort herself. She also feels sad. At the same time, he secretly made up his mind to let Mei Xiaolan live a good life in the future.

The mother and daughter cuddled up to each other for a long time. Mei Qiduo advised Mei Xiaolan to go to sleep. Then, she turned out the herbs and went to the kitchen.

By this time, it was very late. The clothes of the stone were wet, hanging on the edge of the stove with branches, and baking slowly. The stone himself, however, took off his clothes and only wore a pair of trousers lying on the quilt on the ground.

I don't know if he fell asleep. Mei Qiduo came out and didn't respond.

However, it was the first time for Mei Qiduo to see the stone undressed. She was well-balanced in sleeve length, tight and firm in arms and waist, with perfect radian. She was obviously in excellent shape.

However, on the back, the wound has not been good, but a little white. The inflammation that has improved has relapsed.

Stone injury can't see the water, before in the water for a while, Mei Qiduo is worried, so will get up in the middle of the night.


Mei Qiduo squatted beside her and shouted low.

But the stone didn't seem to hear anything and didn't respond at all.

Mei Qiduo suddenly realized something. She supported herself with her hands and put it on the inside side. She fell down and looked at the stone's face. As expected, she had an abnormal blush.

She reached out and touched the stone's forehead. It was hot.

Mei Qiduo bit her lower lip unconsciously.

The most taboo injury is fever and inflammation. The symptoms of stone are obviously both.

In this way, all the previous drugs will be in vain. Blame Lai Yu who doesn't have eyes.

Mei Qiduo was a little worried, but he didn't stop. She quickly smashed the herbs and reapplied the stone. Then she went to the stove to touch the stone's clothes, which had been dried, and quickly took them down and put them on.

Then he found a cloth to wipe his face, dipped it in water and put it on the stone.

The two eyebrows of the stone are tightly tightened. It seems that they feel cold. Suddenly they open their eyes with a cold murderous air. One hand just caught Mei Qiduo's wrist.

See is plum seven, the murderous spirit on the stone body slowly dissipates, sharp vision also softens down. He dozed his eyes, loosened her, and said hoarsely, "I'm fine."

Mei Qiduo rolled her eyes. Is there something wrong? Can she not know? What do you want to do in front of her?

She directly sat cross legged beside the stone, "if you have nothing to do, go to bed as soon as possible. If you have a good rest, you can get better earlier."

Mei Qiduo tries to make her voice fierce, but the voice of the original owner is weak. She speaks in a low voice. She doesn't feel fierce. On the contrary, she makes people only care.

When she heard this, she turned her eyes to herself again and said nothing.

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