Mei Qiduo has an intuition that the identity of the stone itself must not be simple.

In this case, the reason for his injury will not be simple.

Mei Qi duo frowned. In case of revenge, she brought the stone back. Is it wrong or right?

As a killer in her previous life, Mei Qiduo was a little sensitive to these things. Thinking of her last death, she suddenly misted her eyes and felt very painful.

Once upon a time, it was her favorite person. For him, Mei Qiduo was even willing to give up her bright future. Unexpectedly, he ended his life for the sake of organization.

Thinking about it, Mei Qiduo took some anger, and even looked at the stone in front of him.

Perhaps, men are not good things. For example, Mei Xiaolan must have met such a scum, otherwise he would not have given birth to himself alone in the village.

For example, the self of the previous life

In this case, she had to find a way to send the stone away early, so as not to cause death.

Mei Qiduo understands that although she can fight for her life now, she has no ability to protect herself and others. Therefore, she prefers to stay here and stay away from the disputes in the world.

People like stone are not suitable to stay.


When the stone heard Mei Qiduo's voice, he immediately turned his head and just saw Mei Qiduo looking at himself with a cold face for some reason.

His hand clenched the jade pendant in his hand and walked towards Mei Qiduo: "what?"

Stone lost memory, usually do not like to talk, but in the face of Mei Qiduo, but will still take the initiative to say a few words.

Looking at the stone, seriously looking at himself, fresh and handsome face, with different from the day's tenderness, Mei Qiduo's heart can't help bumping.

Although we know that the person in front of us is a trouble, Mei Qiduo's soul is an experienced woman in the 21st century after all. In front of such a natural handsome man, she can't help but feel flustered and blush.

Mei Qiduo stepped back a little flustered, opened the distance between herself and him, and hurriedly opened her eyes. She just saw half a jade pendant in the stone's hand and stretched out her hand: "when you were unconscious, this jade pendant was on you. It should be a symbol of your identity. I've seen your injury. It's almost healed. As long as you don't do any big action, there will be no problem. Or you can go to the city tomorrow and see if anyone can recognize you? "

Stone listened to her finish, just blinked, for a long time did not say a word, just eyes, already faint with let Mei seven flower some can't resist the pressure.

"What, what?" Mei Qiduo stuttered a little. When she looked up at the stone again, she thought it was shocking.

Accustomed to the dull stone in front of him, Mei Qi duo could not help but be frightened to see him like this.

"You want me to go?" After a long time, the cold voice suddenly rang out in my ears.

Mei Qiduo was relieved. The silent stone was really frightening. Even now she saw his face with obvious unhappiness and his tone was not so pleasant, she still felt like an amnesty.

Secretly looked at the stone, in order not to offend this kind of people who do not know why the identity is obviously extraordinary, Mei Qiduo quickly explained: "no, no, I think, your identity is certainly not general, there may be relatives at home worried. Don't you want to know who you are? "

"You said I was a stone." The stone knew that she was a little scared, and slowly restrained her breath. However, thinking of Mei Qiduo's words just now, he was really uncomfortable.

Although he is amnesia, but he is not stupid, meiqiduo that careful thinking, he saw from her face really.

Think of today's things, it seems that this little girl is too troublesome.

In fact, today, even if Mei Qiduo can't come back, he won't let Mei Xiaolan have an accident. However, his way of solving things may not be liked by everyone.

The stone lowered his head and looked at the jade pendant in his hand. He took a step forward and just stood in front of Mei Qiduo. He stretched out his hand and hung his jade pendant around meI Qiduo's neck.

"You, what are you doing?" Mei Qiduo stuttered again. She didn't know why. As soon as the stone came near her, she couldn't help being nervous.

When the stone returned, she found that the jade pendant had been hanging around her neck.

Mei Qiduo touched the jade pendant and swallowed her saliva. The quality of this jade pendant is excellent. It must be a good thing. At the beginning, she only came close to the stone when she saw it. Unexpectedly, she came to the jade pendant.

However, she had a doubt in her heart. What was the stone doing?

Inexplicably, a few words of love Keepsake appeared in Mei Qiduo's mind.

Aware of the thoughts in her mind, she blushed again.

Stone looked at her eyes flowing color changes, feel in front of this yellow skinny little girl, seems to be abnormal special.

"Put this away, my family. I'll find it myself." Stone said, and reached out to touch the Jade Pendant: "although I don't remember, but I feel this must be very important to me, you put away, don't let others see."

Mei Qiduo listened, subconsciously nodded and hid the jade pendant in her clothes.

However, after finishing this action, she felt that it seemed that something was wrong. Why do you want to collect his things?

However, she didn't know how to react to the things she had collected, so she had to look at the stone again.

Stone reached out and touched her head, then turned around and sat down on a small stool at the door. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Mei Qiduo also felt speechless. After standing in the same place and looking at him for a while, she silently turned back to her room and lay down next to Mei Xiaolan.

Calm down, plum seven flower this just discover, own body take a thick sour smell.

Today, she walked a little far and sweated a lot. In addition, because she didn't have any clothes, she had been wearing this clothes for several days. Mei Qiduo felt a little unbearable.

She turned over and pulled aside the cabinet. She saw that the cloth she had bought had been cut, but the construction had not started yet.

She looked down again, and she had an old dress.

Meiqiduo takes out her clothes and is ready to take a bath.

When he came out, he saw that the stone had not yet gone to bed. He found a stool to put his clothes away. He added water to the pot and set the fire in the stove on fire.

When boiling water, Mei Qiduo sometimes looks at the fire in a daze, sometimes looks at the back of the stone sitting outside, and sometimes draws back her eyes and touches the jade pendant on her chest.

She didn't know what she was thinking. Who was the stone? I wonder why the jade pendant is given to me? Do you want to send the stone away?

"What are you doing?"

The confused thoughts in her head were suddenly interrupted. Mei Qiduo, who was staring at the stove in a daze, looked up flustered and saw that the stone was holding the pot cover in one hand and adding a ladle of water to the dusty pot in the other.

"I'll boil some water and take a bath." Mei Qiduo stood up and pinched the corner of her clothes.

Nervous, but also inexplicable nervous.


After hearing this, the stone turned and went out. He came in with a bath bucket and poured water. Then he closed the door and went out.

This kind of action, let Mei Qiduo heart is warm.

If only stone had no complicated identity.

However, Mei Qiduo is also strange. She has nothing in her family, and she is even poorer. But Mei Xiaolan actually likes to take a bath in a tub. Obviously, Mei Xiaolan's life in the past should not be bad. At least, she doesn't think she is an ordinary village girl.

There is a stone guarding at the door. Mei Qiduo doesn't worry. She takes off her clothes and goes into the bath bucket.

However, fortunately, Mei Xiaolan's habit has given her a chance to take a comfortable bath. She knew that it would be nice to have a wooden basin and a ladle of hot water in someone else's house.

Mei Qiduo was washing when he heard a thump.

In addition to uncle and aunt Fu, no one will come to Mei's house, let alone come so late. So who's knocking at the door?

Mei Qiduo stood up and just wanted to get dressed. Unexpectedly, with a bang, the stone came in directly.

Mei Qi duo blushed and sat back to sleep. Her ears were red and purple.

I didn't expect to be seen by all the stones. However, he was drunk when he saw his dry and flat figure. Mei Qiduo doesn't feel shy, but more dissatisfied with her figure.

The stone also froze, pale face, also played a suspicious blush.

He just saw that someone was coming. He was worried. He didn't expect that Mei Qiduo was standing in the room.

However, before they were embarrassed, they heard that the people outside had begun to kick the door.

Mei Qi duo face a flustered, a pull stone sleeve, "hurry to come in!"

Mei Qiduo knew that no matter who came here, if she saw the stone now, it would definitely cause chaos.

Stone himself knows this, regardless of the dilemma, raised his legs into the bucket, was meiqiduo into the water.

At the same time, the door of Mei's family was knocked open. Such a big movement naturally awakened Mei Xiaolan who was resting.

Mei Xiaolan came out in a hurry and saw Mei Qiduo sitting in the water anxiously. In the yard, Lai Yu, the daughter of the village head, came in.

Seeing Mei Xiaolan and Mei Qiduo, they twisted their faces and cursed fiercely: "I thought people were dead. No one answered for a long time. Then they came in through the door. Why, are you both deaf? "

"I was just sleeping. Why did you come here at this hour?" Mei Xiaolan opens her mouth and answers. She turns around and looks at Mei Qiduo, who is still sitting naked in the bucket. Her face is even more embarrassed.

Standing by the bucket, she naturally saw Mei Qiduo's hands pressing on the water. Under the water, there were stone clothes floating in the water.

Although she doesn't know what's going on, she also knows that this scene can't let Lai Yu see. She quickly goes out of the door, blocks Mei Qiduo and hides the door.

"Seven flowers in my family are taking a bath. It's not convenient now."

"A yellow haired girl, what's there to hide?" Lai Yu's face was full of disdain. She went to Mei Xiaolan and wanted to push the door.

Mei Xiaolan reaches out to stop her in a hurry, but she doesn't think that Lai Yu is also a shrewd. She doesn't go in, but she kicks the door open.

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