"Speaking of Lai Da, I remember that last time I went to my house to bully my mother while I was away. Yes? Do you remember to eat or fight? I didn't report you to the village head. Did you find something for me? " Mei Qiduo glared at Lai Da fiercely. One or two of them bullied their family. One day they would be good-looking.

The village head looked at Lai DA and Mei Qiduo. It was a big trouble, and he couldn't handle it.

Lai Da is his brother. He knows what kind of virtue he is. But what Mei Qiduo said is right. There are so many people looking at him face to face. Even if he wants to protect himself, it's not easy to do too much.

Simply, he shouts to Dazhuang: "Dazhuang, you say, what did Lai Da do to you?"

Speaking of this, Da Zhuang's mother would come over first and quickly said, "Lai Da came to my house to drink with Da Zhuang. Unexpectedly, she passed by their house and saw Mei Xiaolan doing shameful things with wild men. She scolded a few words, but they just wanted to kill people!"

"Yes, if you want to kill someone after being hit by someone, such a vicious adulterer should go out and beat him to death and sink the pond!" Lai Da first looked puzzled, then reacted and quickly agreed.

Mei Qiduo sneered in her heart. No wonder her mother lived so miserable here. There was no good man except uncle Fu and aunt Fu.

"I don't like what you say. What are they doing? Stone is my cousin! Besides, I haven't had a father since I was a child. My mother really wants a man to find me a stepfather. What's your business? Why should they be called adulterers? "

The words are rough, but the reason is not. Although Mei Qiduo's words are not pleasant, it's true to think about it.

Originally, people just spit on the adulterer in their bones, but Mei Qiduo is right. She has no father. Even if her mother wants to find one, she can't be told by others.

The one who wanted to see Mei's jokes outside the door is now Lai Dahe's and Da Zhuang's.

After all, it's them who are nosy and noisy. Now how do they end up?

Lai Dahe and Da Zhuanggu were choked by these words and couldn't speak. They scratched their heads and didn't know what to say. Lai Da had to turn to the village head for help, but Dazhuang glared at Dazhuang.

It was Mei Qiduo's daughter-in-law who said that there were wild men in her family. If she hadn't yelled, she would not have made such a mess now.

When the village head saw Lai Da's iron hating look, his face was livid, and his anger came up with him.

My brother, who usually causes trouble, always wants to wipe his ass, but this time, it's a joke.

The village head coughed again. Then he looked at Xiang meiqiduo: "there was a misunderstanding. Since it was your cousin, it's OK. Seven flowers quickly take your mother and your cousin home, make such a scene, everyone is tired, scattered

Obviously, this is trying to put this matter in the past.

Mei Qiduo is dissatisfied, but she also knows that she can't expect the village head to be fair to her family. After all, the original owner was killed by his wife before she had a chance to be reborn. The village head worried that she would speak in a disorderly way, so she would stop her talking.

Mei Qiduo looked at his nervous appearance, whether he wanted to look inside the house, and immediately understood what.

It seems that the village head's family has guests today. He should be a big man.

Mei Qiduo thought about it, and then he sat down on the ground and said, "village head, I'm not happy to hear that. It's bullying our orphans and widows. My mother was wronged so plainly? If I hadn't come back in time, my mother and my cousin might have been killed by you. Besides, who knows if you've hurt them by tying them up? What's the loss? Lai Da bullied my mother last time, and the village head didn't give me an explanation. And last time, the village head's wife... "

"Plum seven flowers!" The village head's face turned pale with sweat on his forehead. He interrupted her with a loud cry. Then he forced himself to smile at her calmly and said, "you're right. This rascal is used to bullying the weak. Now that you're here, I'll be the master and ask for justice for your mother. Lai Da is not allowed to go to Mei's house. Anyone who sees him can be dealt with by the villagers. They don't have to report to me. "

"As for the strong, they always bully you. How do you want them to make amends?" The village head asks Mei Qiduo, but he curses her in his heart.

If it wasn't for the important people in his family, how could he let Mei Qiduo, a yellow haired girl, step on her head.

Mei Qiduo had thought about it for a long time. After hearing this, he quickly said, "there is a piece of land between the Zhuang family and my family, which used to be a wasteland without owner. My family has no good land in the village. Can the village head assign that land to our family. My mother and I also want to grow food to eat, otherwise we will always be robbed of food. How can my mother and I live? "

As soon as Da Zhuang's daughter-in-law heard this, she was unhappy immediately.

Just because the land is ownerless, the big family takes it as their own territory. This year, they are planning to plant vegetables. The soil is loose, so they plan to plant it.

"Village head, it's not good. It's near my house, which is my land..."

"Joke, your land, do you have the title deed? When will it be your turn to be the head of the village? " Mei Qiduo looked at her with a cold smile and said sarcasm.

The village head is also unhappy. Although he knows that Mei Qiduo is provoking him, he himself is a person who is eager for face. At present, some people don't pay attention to him, so he naturally can't accept it.

I saw the village chief humming, and staring at the big woman: "who is this piece of land belonging to?" has the final say been made?

Dazhuang see village head not happy, quickly pull a Dazhuang Niang, don't let her talkative.

Then, the village head set his eyes on Mei Qiduo.

"You have been in our village for more than ten years, after all, you and your mother's registered residence have fallen to us, and you have not given them a piece of land. Today I'll make the decision. That piece of land belongs to your family. "

The village head looked at Mei Qiduo several times. The little girl was not so powerful before. Although there was nothing unreasonable about her wanting land, it was the first time that she could get land so easily that he could not get any benefits.

"Since the village head has agreed, let's write the title deed to our family. In addition, since my mother and I have registered here, I remember that each head has a quota of half an acre of land. My mother and I couldn't do farm work before. But now, my cousin comes to help us. We plan to take the land back and grow our own food. " Mei qiduodun looked around at the people who had bullied their family, with a warning on her face: "in order to avoid future trouble, please give us the land lease together with the village head."

When the village head heard this, his mouth was crooked. Mei Qiduo really dared to speak.

However, with so many people watching, especially the one sitting behind, he could not refuse such a reasonable reason.

Without saying a word, the village head took a pen and paper from the side. After thinking about it, he gave the land to the Mei family, signed it and sealed it with the village head's seal.

With this, it is equivalent to having the use qualification of this land. Mei Qiduo happily took that piece of paper. As long as he went to the Yamen another day to stamp it and register it, no one would want to take it away.

Carefully put the paper in her arms, Mei Qiduo just supported Mei Xiaolan and walked out of the village head's house with the stone.

Aunt Fu and uncle Fu are waiting for her outside. Knowing that she has not only saved Mei Xiaolan, but also returned to her own land, they give Mei Qiduo a thumbs up and praise.

"I knew it was right to find this child. She must have a way." Aunt Fu nodded triumphantly and supported Mei Xiaolan to go home with them.

Mei Xiaolan is still worried. She reaches for Mei Qiduo's wrist with a little fear: "son, how do you know we should have a place? I've offended the village head today. We'll have a hard time in the future. "

The smile on Mei Qiduo's face was frozen, and her face was full of disapproval.

To tell the truth, sometimes she hates Mei Xiaolan's cowardly character, but she can also understand that ancient women received different ideological education. What's more, Mei Xiaolan, a weak woman with weak hands and a weaker daughter, can't live a stable life here if she doesn't give in everywhere

Mei Qiduo sighed at the bottom of her heart, feeling a little pitiful and helpless: "Mom, this is what aunt Fu told me today. It should have been given to our family. Now the village head has to give it to us in front of so many people. In the future, as long as we don't provoke them, they dare not do anything to us. Besides, he is guilty. His wife almost killed me last time, which is to compensate our family. "

Aunt Fu nodded: "yes, don't blame the girl. You are too weak to be bullied by them. It will have to be changed later. "

Mei Xiaolan is also an independent, see they all say so, also no longer speak, had to follow home in panic.

In order to appreciate aunt Fu's information, Mei Qiduo wants to keep uncle Fu and aunt Fu for dinner. But they didn't want to waste their meal because they didn't want to stay.

Mei Xiaolan was frightened. After dinner at night, she had an early rest.

Mei Qiduo washed the dishes and came to the yard. Then she saw stone standing alone in the yard. I feel the jade pendant with my head down. I don't know what I'm thinking.

Mei Qiduo leans on the doorframe and looks at him. It's very late now. After dinner, the stone has cleaned the dirty marks on his face, revealing the face that can turn all living beings upside down.

I don't know if it's because of the injury or because of him. His face looks pale, but when he thinks about it seriously, his eyes unconsciously feel sharp. Just standing there, there is an irresistible kingly demeanor.

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